Book:Pregnant After Rejected By Alpha Published:2024-7-16

Gabriella’s POV
Pain surged through my body. My daughter’s strength seemed doubled when this eerie presence took over her. Nick extended his help to lift me up and he inquired about my well-being, “Are you okay?” I steadied myself and struggled to find a solution, “I’m fine. Make our daughter stop, please.” Though I was attempting to regain my composure, my body felt incredibly weak. I was grappling with the choice of a spell that could potentially break this possession, but my energy was drained.
“Estella, you must end this now,” Nick implored, trying to reach our daughter. However, the voice emanating from within her replied to him, sending shivers down my spine. “It’s too late. Your daughter is sound asleep, and I am the one in control. She’s immensely powerful, you know. I intend to harness her power until I triumph.”
As a mother, should I fear my child? I couldn’t reconcile this malevolent force with the gentle Estella I knew. Could she really be capable of hurting us? Her actions and demeanor, though, were nothing short of alarming. It seemed like she was preparing to launch an attack against Nick.
Fear gripped me tightly, and various scenarios played out in my mind. All indications pointed toward Nick being endangered by our daughter. I cried out, urging him to retreat from her as quickly as possible. Yet, he responded with unwavering resolve, “It’s okay, my love. I won’t be afraid of my own daughter. I can handle this.”
Tears streamed down my face as I watched Nick’s bravery, and I wiped them away hastily. His courage gave me hope. He addressed Estella once more, speaking from his heart, “Estella, if you can hear me, I know you can overcome this. You are your father’s daughter.” At that moment, I dared to believe that things could be resolved positively.
But then, in an instant, everything shifted. Estella pushed Nick forcefully, causing him to collide with the wall and fall to the ground. The voice within her echoed again, asserting, “Cease, wolf. I won’t let you take her back.” The panic and urgency intensified. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing my husband.
I hurried to Nick’s side, tears blurring my vision, and pleaded, “Don’t come any closer. I’ll find a way to devise a spell to expel this entity from our daughter.” Nick grasped my trembling hands, urging me to pause, “You need to stop, my love. You’re weakened, and you require time to recover. Let me handle this. I promise to bring Estella back to us.” I resisted his plea; I couldn’t let him shoulder this burden alone. Losing him was not an option I’d entertain.
“Please, trust me. Let me take care of this. I can handle it,” Nick implored once more. I was indignant, adamant that this wasn’t just a pack issue. The situation was much graver; a spell was needed to dislodge the entity within our daughter.
“You’re too frail to cast a spell. You’ve already spat blood, indicating the demon within Estella struck you severely. If you attempt another spell, something dreadful might befall you. I can’t take that risk.” Nick rushed to our daughter’s side, calling out her name. I couldn’t deny the truth; my body was taxed beyond my limits.
“Estella!!!” Nick’s voice resounded through the room. To my immense relief, my daughter responded, her voice weak but distinct, “Daddy, mummy.” I rushed to them, enveloping her in a hug. Despite her frailty, I felt an overwhelming surge of hope. She was her father’s daughter after all, embodying his strength and resilience. “My dear daughter, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you sooner.”
I felt immense relief at the current situation we had managed to put Estella to sleep. However, the fear of leaving my daughter’s side again gnawed at me. What if the possession recurs and we’re unable to intervene in time? A whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind, each more distressing than the last. Nick’s voice managed to offer some solace amidst the chaos, as he reassured me, “She’s fine now.”
Yet, I couldn’t shake off my unease. Remembering how sinister our daughter had become just moments ago, I couldn’t help but voice my concerns, “I don’t think so. Look at how malevolent our daughter turned for a brief period. I was helpless in helping her. Perhaps we should consider seeking Margaret’s assistance. We might require her help.” My suggestion was met with Nick’s strong dissent.
“There’s no way I’ll allow her to do anything harmful to our daughter. She was possessed by a demon, and only witches would possess such power,” he countered. I knew his history with witches was fraught with negative experiences, yet I believed Margaret was different. She had vigilantly watched over me and my daughter without any harm. I needed Nick to understand that.
“I understand your reservations, but I know Margaret well. Perhaps a witch did this to our daughter, but we need a powerful witch to undo whatever has been inflicted upon her.” I tried to convince him, hoping he’d see the necessity.
“Your disdain for them, mostly due to past events, is well-known, but believe me, this might be the only way to restore our daughter’s well-being. We must explore every avenue to ensure her recovery,” I persisted, seeking to make him comprehend the gravity of the situation. Finally, a flicker of understanding appeared in his eyes.
“Alright, fine. Let’s spend the night in our daughter’s room, keeping a watchful eye over her. When morning comes, you can inform Margaret, and I’ll stay here to care for our child.” Nick’s reluctance was evident, but he seemed to be coming around to my point of view. I wholeheartedly agreed with his proposal.
As the night wore on, exhaustion overtook me. The intense emotions and stress had taken their toll, and I drifted into slumber. My dreams took me to happier times with Nick and our daughter, basking in the warmth of their love and enjoying a life of peace and happiness.