Theresa stood up abruptly from her seat, apprehensive awe registered on her face from her initial nonchalance, and without a word-not even her traditional system of dabbing her lips refinedly before leaving-dashed out of the dining room, without another word.
Lance was next to stand up, followed by Alonso.
“That impertinent bastard!” Alonso snarled under his breath, and veered off, stopped halfway as though recollecting something, came back to me, and said, “I will see you later, okay?” I nodded, hence he kissed my temple and left.
I was transfixed in my position, every urge to eat, vanishing off. Where could Alfred have gone to now? I don’t know the entire history of him leaving the house at his liberty without informing anyone-not even his precious mother, but one thing was sure, it seems he has never left like this before. With everything?
How could he be that inconsiderate? If he couldn’t tell his brother due to their discord, what of his mother? He left the other time and even when he returned, till date, he never told anyone where he went to, except a brief statement of going to see his friends. That was basically one of the things that stirred our differences. And now this?
“Is he always gone like this?” I recovered from my drift to look at Lance’s mate whose forehead was furrowed in concern. She bucked her shoulders quizzically when I didn’t reply immediately. “I only ask because they seem not to have cared until she said he left with everything,” she finished.
I sighed, picking up my glass of water to sip. “I’m as new to this as you. Though he had disappeared once in the past, he didn’t live with stuff. Just disappeared and then… materialized.” I rolled my eyes downward as I dropped the glass of liquid on the table. “Though, something tells me this time would be different. I don’t know why…”
There was a stretched silence.
She stood from her seat and ambled toward me, her face morphed into worry lines, with her hands packing her exquisite summer flannel blue gown that matched her eyes. “Danika…” she started, “I’m sorry for the way I treated you initially, I hope I have not ruined our chance at friendship? I-I was sort of jealous with the way my mate talks about you all the time and all that…” She withdrew the next seat close to me and sat down while I took her in, mesmerized by her openness.
I gave her a tight smile and said, “It’s okay… I understand.” That was all I could convey. I don’t understand why Lance would talk about me to his mate. What was he expecting?
“He has high regard for you…” she started once more, “the first time, I found myself wondering what manner of woman you are that he would talk about you with so much passion in his eyes… but now I know,” She gleamed whether falsely or genuinely, I didn’t know.
“I am like every other woman…” I trailed off, just finding out I didn’t know her name.
“Rebecca,” she provided and I nodded with an appreciative smile.
I nodded and proceeded, “It’s just that we were very close in my lowiest moment. I am only distant from him now because of you and of course, my mate.” I looked away to my plate still containing my neglected food.
“He told me everything that happened.”
“Yeah.” I looked to my hands and saw hers reach out to take mine.
“It’s alright now…” she assured me, “I am at peace knowing you have someone to look at you look at the same way he looks at you…”
I snapped my eyes to her unbelievably. “Don’t say that,” I chided her, “you are his mate now, and saying that would do nothing but make me feel more guilty.” I huffed and retrieved my hand to instinctively touch my belly. “Lance is a very nice man and you are lucky to have him by your side… he taught me to stand up for myself and fight. Our past will remain etched somewhere in my memory, but I love my mate so much and I know someday, Lance would learn to let go of the past too,” I looked at her and continued, “and that’s where you come in. You have to make him do that.”
She nodded, looking as though close to tears. “You are everything they say…”
“Who says?” I beamed, playing with the hem of my dress
“The pack members.” She took the empty glass on the table and an Omega rushed to pour in the bloody liquid for her. “They said you are a light in the infirmary and everyone who has encountered you is often lost in your beauty and kindness.” I chuckled and waved off her comment.
“Please don’t join them. That had been my downfall, I must tell you. But thanks.”
“Even though you are very powerful, yet, so… humble,” She sounded like it was impossible.
“As I said earlier, I have been through a lot in my life which I can’t go into right now, but all I have to say is, to me, it pays to be kind.” I tipped my glass of water at her in mock cheers and drank whilst she giggled freely. I like her.
We chatted about other things, all the while my mind still drifting to Alfred. He might be an ass, yet, he was my friend and I hope where ever he is, he is safe. This period is very delicate with the vampires on loose, looking for means of penetrating Alonso’s resolve. I pray they don’t catch him. For his own good. Theresa would never remain the same.
The door swung open and Nadia waddled in, her hands in front of her and her head bowed abruptly when she saw Rebecca.
“Nadia!” I stood abruptly and went to meet her halfway. “What is the problem?”
“Nothing,” she said hesitantly, bowing slightly to the Beta’s mate. “The King said I should make sure you don’t wander off by yourself.” Her eyes flicked to Rebecca skeptically before coming back to me. There was something odd in the gesture, plus, I had the notion that she probably wanted to tell me something but was holding back due to Rebecca.
I pivoted to Rebecca with a twisted smile. “I will be going for a walk with my friend now, I hope you can stay alone, or do you want to come?”
She stood from her chair and nodded cheerfully, “I will if you don’t mind. I mean, I can’t stay here by myself…” She motions around the room.
“Fine,” I took Nadia’s hand and we all left the room. “So what’s the deal?”
“I saw her leaving…” she said in a hushed tone.
“Paisley,” she wavered and sighed. “I felt so bad for her even though I resent her.”
“I didn’t tell her to leave, I promise.”
“I know… and it’s for the best. There is no need for her to be here, anyway. It would only infuriate the King the more or make things complicated.”
“Yeah. I’m only worried about Roland.”
“What about him?” She twitched her lips to the side.
“He doesn’t know what he is getting into…” I puffed out dense air mostly from worry. “I don’t know, Naddy. I feel like things might not work for them.”
She shrugged. “That is not our burden to bear. He made his choice.” She shook her head with a full-blown smile and said, “You worry too much.”
“He is still our friend… like that douchebag Alfred. I wonder where he is now…” I said thoughtfully as we alighted to the front of the mansion, then beamed up as a thought occurred to me. “Maybe we can visit Mrs. Dolly.” Nadia shook her head with her finger lifted to counter me. “I have missed her! Plus I need air! I am pregnant!” I persisted, pouting.
“The King would skin me alive. He pointedly made it clear that I should make sure you are safe…”
“Exactly…” I splayed my hands and flared around to face Rebecca with a tinge of remorse at how we ignored her, engrossed in ourselves. “Hey, Rebecca, would you like to see the packs’ library?”
Her face lit up. “Absolutely!”
I shone my pearly white at Nadia. “You see? We have to show her the library! Remember I told Mrs. Dolly I will bring a crowd to the library? So, we start with the Beta’s wife.” I saw conflict dance in her expression which I ignored, waving Luther forward.
“You will get me into trouble, Luna!” she bit out.
I faced her, my smile toning down a bit. “What did you call me?”
Her shoulder rose and fell. “Luna. Or would you rather like Luna Queen?”
“Oh, get out!” I chuckled aloud. “That’s for the pack members, not you guys, my friends.” The car stopped in front of us and the doors unlocked.
“I can’t wait until this weekend when the King finally declares you the Luna Queen before the entire pack!” Nadia reeled inside the Chevrolet. I wrapped my arm around me and exhaled, feeling the season chill catching up with me. The season of the full moon comes with cold and during this period, the infirmary is going to witness high pup births. It’s going to be an amazing experience. I can’t wait for it.
“I can’t wait too, Nadia. Though not to become the Luna Queen, to be officially declared his mate before everyone. You don’t know how much this means to me,” I told her demurely, flashing a grin at Rebecca who returned the gesture. When she wasn’t frowning, she was a great beauty.
“You deserve it.” Nadia nickered.
I relaxed back and closed my eye, then Mary flitted through my mind and I jerked up from the leather seat to face Nadia. “Where is Mary?”
“I left her sleeping in the Beta’s quarters before coming to the mansion,” she expressed feebly.
“I noticed she has been moody since today, any problem?” Rebecca asked, and we sobered up. We can’t tell anyone this secret about Roland and Paisley. So lying was the best option.
“Yeah, she is fine, I think she is stressed,” I told her and decided to use this opportunity to ask her. “Hey, would you mind if I took Mary from your quarters to work with me in the mansion? You know, we have been working together for some time now and I am really used to having them around. Please…” I made puppy eyes at her.
She grinned widely. “Of course not.”
“Yes!” I flailed my arms. “You are the best.”
The car stopped in front of the library and we exited, only to see Roland coming out with Paisley and of course, Mrs. Dolly, and my nose flared.
What the hell are they doing here? Does Mrs. Dolly know about them?