I went cold, my brain spacing out in shock. But nothing could be compared to the traumatic look on Alonso’s face. It crushed my heart to bits. Despite not discussing it with me, I knew how much this thing meant to him. I knew how he battled to end it all and brought normalcy to this household while fighting to be a good King to our people. It was evident in his eyes while he cuddled me at night, even while he seduced me with his body parts. His eyes were often remote. If only I could tell him that adverse to all he had known since childhood, that sometimes, it’s okay to show weakness. Especially, with loved ones.
So this moment of relapse on his side wasn’t new to me, I solely comprehended. I plopped down beside him and took his head and crushed to my shoulders. I hugged him tightly, relishing in his warmth as well. “It’s going to be alright, I promise.”
“I’m tired,” he whispered in a hoarse voice.
“I know,” I said, “you are doing everything possible to bring this to an end. Let’s just give it time. She might think she has won but we will catch her, it’s certain.” I severely hope so.
“Her father is here, how can we do that? He won’t agree to take her away in her condition.” He ripped away to meet my eyes with his weary ones.
I took his hands instead. “That can be handled as well. You can…” I faltered, someone is trying to link me. “Excuse me,” I muttered to him and turned away to concentrate. It was Nadia.
“Hey …”
“Yeah? What?”
“Where are you?”
“I’m in the room, what’s the problem?”
“Is the King there?”
“Yeah, talk, Nadia. What’s it?”
“Someone just entered her room, now.”
“Who? Paisley?” I sat up sharply.
“Of course, who else?” she said haughtily.
“Oh, Gad… Okay!” I squeaked in joy, excitement bobbing inside me at the news. That girl is insane! She is not even ashamed that her father is around yet she harbors another man in her room? “Wait, I thought she just returned from the hospital?” I flipped around to face Alonso who touched my shoulder. His eyes held questions, that I signaled him to hold on.
“She has been back since noon as her maid said,” Nadia narrated quickly.
“Oh, okay. You know what? Where are you?”
“I was climbing up to meet you when I decided to pass her hall, that was when I saw someone enter and she closed the door before I got a glimpse of the person.”
“Are you sure she didn’t see you?” That occurred to me.
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Fine, then. Look, can you do me a favor?” I bit down my nails in deep thought, then changed my mind and shook my head. “You know what? Just forget about it.”
She exhaled loudly. “You want me to go to her room, right?”
“Yeah, but, don’t bother. I don’t want to put you into any trouble with her. I mean, even though you go, she might not open the door to you or allow you in, so no need.”
“Yeah, that’s true… I think have an idea.”
“What?” My ears perked up.
“I will lurk around one of the pillars in the corridor and see what is going on. If I perceive any movement, I will let you know.”
I scratched my head, her idea sounding very smart. Perhaps I can go and monitor with her. “Okay, later.” I cut off the link and flicked my eyes up to Alonso. “Nadia said she saw someone enter Paisley’s room.”
“It could be her father.” He bobbed his shoulders, splaying his left hand.
I huffed in exasperation in realization. “That’s true,” I mumbled, scratching the side of my face.
Alonso stood from the mattress. “I will go down to check on her father, if he is in his room I will let you know.” He made his way out of the room.
“Fine. I will quickly take my bath and prepare for dinner and then check up on Nadia. If anything, you let me know.”
He nodded at the door and banged the door after him. I sat on the bed with my face on my palm in despair. I almost thought we had nailed this thing. Why does this have to happen? I have to speak with Mrs. Dolly urgently but it would be by tomorrow. I can’t feel my legs or any part of my body for today.
I stayed in the shower for too long, carried in deep introspection that when I eventually left the showers, I rapidly freshened up and left my room towards the hall of Paisley to meet Nadia, and nearly collided with Alonso who grabbed me around the waist and hauled me back to steady me.
“He is in his room.” His stony eyes dug into me, his body rigid with fury. “I am going to her room, now!”
“What!” I grabbed his forearm. “That would be too risky. What if-” But that’s the truth, yes, we can wait and pick the camera, still, catching her red-handed in the act would make it more thrilling, right? Plus, it would save me a lot of stress sneaking into her room again.
I smiled. “I think you are right. We should catch her red-handed so that this entire charade would end in a beat!” I bobbed my head in agreement, my face portraying my potent resolution.
“Let’s go,” he accented and dragged me on.
As we drew close to Paisley’s room, two steps to reach her entrance, the door flung open and Alfred walked out, bringing us to an abrupt halt, with me in shock of course. And if I read clearly, Alonso’s facial expression looked like the grim reaper now. I was confused. What is he doing in Paisley’s room?
“Alfred?” I squeaked in wonder.
He twisted about to stare at us, his face maintaining a blank expression, quickly metamorphosing into a smirk. “Here comes our favorite couples…” He closed the door and leaned against it, folding his arms on his wide chest. I fastened my hands to Alonso’s before he does anything stupid. “Isn’t this a sight for sore eyes?” he forged on, referring to us.
“What are you doing here, Alfred?” Alonso asked in a hard tone.
“Excuse me, brother, but I do not owe you any explanation to wherever I chose to be at any time of my day. So why the question, huh?” His brow danced impishly. Then he halted, his finger suspending in the air in comprehension, his smirk stretching into an irking full-blown smile. “Oh, I see why the question.”
“What’s it to you, Alfred?” Alonso tugged on his hand on mine to let go, but I held tightly, not desiring any avoidable fracas.
“You think I am here to claim your territory?” He chuckled passively and lifted his hands to wave off. “Don’t worry, bro. This is all yours.” He nodded inside Paisley’s door. “I only came to tell her congratulations on becoming the new Queen of this Kingdom!” My guts twisted.
“So, it’s my turn to ask you, what’s it going to be now, brother? It’s not possible that you are considering marrying two women at once, is it?” He drew close and leaned into Alonso, “I can help you take care of Dani-”
“Don’t you dare, Alfred!” Alonso sparked and tugged furiously at his hand which I held on fast.
“Don’t listen to him, Ally. He is just trying to cause trouble,” I implored him, eyeing Alfred deathly.
“Oh, I’m definitely not, trust me, Sweetface. I will be of great gratitude to him if he would let me help him take care of you,” the fool said.
“Oh, just shut up and go, Alfred!” I erupted, already starting to spot a migraine from listening to him blab. It’s already too much, to discover we have come here in vain. I can never start to explain my level of disappointment. Of course, Alfred would want to gloat over our misery!
“Let’s go, Ally.” I dragged his bulky frame forth, albeit his strength overpowered mine as his feet remained rooted to his position and he lifted his index finger to stab his brother’s chest.
“Someday you shall meet your Waterloo with me, I promise you,” he sneered at Alfred, before I eventually managed to drag him away.
“You know him, don’t let him get to you,” I veered when we were out of the bastard’s earshot.
“I don’t know, Danika…” He scrubbed his face down to his mouth in frustration. “I seriously need a drink.”
“Not now, Danika, please.” He stopped me with his right hand up and marched off. My spirit broke beyond repair. I feel like the weight of the world was resting on my shoulders. Now, I don’t even know how to ask him if the wedding would be holding next week. If Paisley’s father is here, there is no way we can get married without sending him away with his daughter or at least come to an agreeable understanding with him.
“Hello, Sweetface, trouble in the calm waters?”
I flipped back with full force to Alfred, gave him a death glare, and without waiting to hear whatever gibberish he had to say, stormed back to Paisley’s room. I have to talk to her.
“It’s always a pleasure talking to you…” His stupid voice rang behind me.
I knocked loudly. There was no response. I knocked once more and after some time, I heard footfalls come toward the doorway before the oak swung open to her maid whose eyes widened at seeing me.
She bowed her head. “G-good evening, Ms. Danika.”
“Is she in?” I requested, my spirit and body afloat in rage. I am not in the mood for nice pleasantries.
“N-no!” she stammered. I could see through her lie.
If only eyes could kill, that maid would have dropped dead then from the way I glowered at her. In a flash, I nudged her aside and darted in. “So who is the person in here?” I pivoted to ask her when I saw Paisley sprawled under her duvet, the covers covering her to the chin. She doesn’t look good at all. “Out!” I raised my voice at the maid for the first time since I came into the mansion, despite knowing it must be Paisley that had put her up to it.
“That’s my maid you are talking to, Danika!” Paisley sat up from the bed as fast as the wind.
I snickered, still giving the maid the bird’s eye until she got the message and flew out. “I forgot that you can actually talk…” I stuttered in my step-in.
“What do you want?” she asked darkly.
I stopped and took a deep breath in to compose myself. I didn’t come here for trouble. I might be furious with her for doing this to me and my mate, but I want us to talk like civilized adults. I took another step closer. “Paisley, whatever it is I have done to you,” I dropped to my knees in front of her, “please forgive me, Alonso and I, please.”
“What’s the meaning of this?” she cried out, and that was when I saw through her composure. It appears she has been crying before I came in. Her voice was cracked and her often blithe face was muddy with red-rimmed eyes.
“Paisley, I swear I will help you, but only if you will tell me who the father is. I will talk to Alonso and he will make the father marry you, I swear!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about!” Her eyes twitched in phony. Whatever had her shaken, must be really strong. For the first time, she has lost her orderly sham.
“We already know the truth.”