My eyes widened at his proclamation. “You can’t go with me, Roland!”
“Why not?”
“Because I have to be discreet!” I displayed my hands. I had spoken to Alonso about the gadget yesterday and he was more than happy to help. He said today when I come back, he would pretend to want to speak to Paisley, thereby deceiving her out of the room. That would give me enough room to go in and plant the camera. I don’t need Roland with me for that.
Roland sighed and came into my office. “We have to go together, Danika. If I tell you the procedures you might not get it, so…” He went to my desk and picked up my bag, “Let’s go now and do it. I have already taken an excuse from Dr. Salem.”
I am worried. I wouldn’t want this to flop. Today is Friday. Everyone would be at home and is likely to see us come in. There is no way Roland would drive into the compound and they won’t see him. Alfred, the Queen, anyone! “I think I would do this by myself, Row. Trust me I’m a fast learner,” I implored with my eyes for his understanding.
“What are you afraid of?”
“They are all around in the mansion!”
“Then, tell your mate to send Luther to come and pick us. That way they won’t see me sneak in through the garage when you go in through the front door.” He was dead serious. He has all this figured out. He placed his hands inside his frock’s pocket as he tipped on his toes, his chin on the floor, as he appraised me through hooded eyes.
“Fine…” I bit my lower lips, digging into my pocket to produce my gadget.
“What are you doing?” he asked, looking befuddled.
I showed him my phone and mouthed, “Calling him.”
“Why the phone when you can link him?” He arched his brow.
“Oh, yeah…” I sniggered. “It skips my mind most times. He nodded, whether he believed or not. But that’s the truth. I hardly recall linking with Alonso except on that day Mrs. Dolly came to the house. It was only with Alfred I was consistent and then Nadia. Oh, Alfred really broke my heart of friendship.
“Hey,” I said when Alonso’s alluring voice came through, “we are about to come now, Roland and I to the house to install the stuff.”
“Why is he coming with you? Should I be worried?” I rolled my eyes.
“No! I told you Roland has a mate, stop talking like that.” I burped my shoulders at Roland when he cocked his brows inquisitively.
“Oh, okay… fine, I will take Paisley to the… room-”
“No! Not the room! Why will you stay with her in private, knowing how much she wants that?” Jealousy rang in my voice.
“Slow down, Munchkin.” He broke down laughing. “I’m just kidding. I will take her out of the palace to the beach. By the way, you know I can’t do anything with her.”
“I know…” I exhaled. “I have been feeling a little bit too intense these days.”
“Yeah, just calm down, it’s the circumstance now that is warranting it. Remember after this we are going on a vacation, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I responded as I flipped within in joy. “Hey, you know, we can’t come in Roland’s car so that no one would see us. Can you send Luther to pick us up, please?”
“Yeah, I will. He will be there in… Five!”
“Oh, thanks!”
When the link broke, I looked at Roland and saw amusement in his eyes. “What?”
“Nothing. Just that you two are so sweet…” He stalled as if he had more to say, then continued. “You know when you first came here-”
“You crushed on me,” I finished, then smirked at the end.
“You knew…?” His cheek reddened.
A rise and fall of my shoulders, ensued by folding my arms under my breast. “Theo told me.”
He rolled his eyes and chopped in his lips. “That little devil!”
I broke down in mirth. “To be frank, he helped construct my behavior towards everyone in this place. He told me who was crushing on me and who looked at me with jealousy and loathe.”
“Yeah, he is very smart. Runs in the family…”
“I guess so. I mean, a grandchild of Mrs. Dolly should be smart, yeah?”
“Exactly…” Another awkward stall, then, “Hey, Danika, I know she didn’t mention it yesterday, but… since we are in the middle of burning bridges, I have to tell you something…”
“As far as it’s not a crush confession.” I gave him an impish smile.
“You wish,” he muttered as his face muddled. “Mrs. Dolly is not just a mere librarian who I like reading with. She is also my granny, which is the major reason I was accepted here at the infirmary. Because I am in a way related to the royal house.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I should have told you,” he added with pursed lips.
“You should! I have often wondered how come you two relationship are so close, why would you even hide that?” Oh, Gad.
“I don’t know… I guess I just wanted you to see me as me.”
I nodded, understanding him somehow. “That means Theo is your cousin?”
He nodded. “That is why we share the same eye color. The blue eye color is known to be the royal signature.”
“Now everything is piecing together. I can’t wait for this to be over so that the palace doors will be open to welcome more relatives. It appears the Lockhart’s lineage is massive.” I chuckled, nodding slowly. This s so refreshing.
“Yeah, so you see, I am doing what is right for my granddad.”
I bumped his shoulders in mischief and we twisted to the door when someone knocked and the door opened to Sonia. She smiled and told me Luther was waiting outside.
“Let’s go…” I grabbed my bag from him.
When we got home, everywhere was deserted. I entered through the main door, while Roland waited outside the door situated inside the garage. As I entered the house, I went to the door to open it for him from the lobby.
I peered through the halls to make sure no one is coming or going and then waved him on. We entered the lobby and made our way to the stairs, when at the exact same time, at high-speed, someone was jogging down the steps in a haste.
“Shit!” I pivoted with so much force and grabbed Roland’s hand, and pushed him into the living room. When I turned about, Alfred was standing at the rungs, his penetrating eyes digging into me, chilling my bone marrows.
The bastard saw!