Chapter 144

Book:Hybrid's Redemption Published:2024-7-14

Call me a lewd whore or silly weirdo, but the next one hour, he spent it punishing me greatly -if I’m allowed to hardly call it that-considering I had moaned throughout and begged for more.
By the time we were both spent and sprawled on the bed, our chests still heaving from passionate exhaustion, I could proudly say I couldn’t remember any oddity from earlier that evening. The only thing my fight mind could keep then was the presence of the spent man beside me, whose arm came about my waist and in one yank, had me against his chest, and of course, the sparkling gold band shrouded around my wedding finger- the sweetest of it all.
Some minutes later, I don’t know who slept off first but the next time I opened my eyes, morning light poured in through the draperies which during the marshaling out of his punishment and my fete of it the night before, we had left open.
I yawned and stretched and slowly made to leave the bed, solely to be gravely notified of the strong arm draped over my waist tightly. I tried rising once more, but judging from how stiff and unyielding my act was, it showed his hold on me was powerful.
I cursed under my breath and sagged back on his hard warmth- which I would have taken pleasure in, if not that as it seems, I am already late for my morning training which means I would also be going to work late afterward.
Counting to ten to gather enough resilience, I smoothly twisted around under his arm until I was facing up, then I grabbed his huge arm and gradually started removing it from my body so as not to wake him.
“You, my mate is very coy,” his groggy voice came out, startling my act to an abrupt halt. I sucked in sharp air and pushed him away since he appears to be awake.
I sat up with the coverlet, leaving his glistening torso to my watering mouth which I averted my gaze quickly from, so as not to change my mind and beg him to take me once more. Just as I feared, every time we are together between this perimeter, the only thing I think about is him inside me, and judging from the fact that he doesn’t decline any opportunity to ravish me, I can beat my chest, that same applies to him. “I am late for my training.”
“So it seems. Well then, we will go together.” He sat up.
I pivoted about to meet his foggy gaze. “That’s not necessary. I thought you are supposed to be having some pack meeting or what have you…?” I stood from the bed, letting go of the covers. When I turned, his foggy eyes were now steamy, his mouth falling half open as he gulped me in. Oh, Gad! Not now.
He blinked hard as his Adam’s apple moved, and met my red face. “Well my dear mate, unless you are not interested in going for your training this morning, then I will go with you,” he managed to say with an air of finality.
I huffed in a childlike momentum and walked in the direction of the bathroom to do my morning business. Not only is he becoming too protective, but he was also equally becoming overbearing.
Fast forward till later, we arrived at the training ground, and instead of going to train with those from the infirmary, he dragged me to the private session reserved only for him when he comes to the training ground.
I pursed my lips. “You know you are going to distract me, Alonso,” I muttered.
He spared me a side glance as he stretched his very much distractive biceps by the side. “Far be it within me to do that. You can do your thing over there, ” he pointed to the left side, “while I do mine here.”
“That’s the issue. I have to have a partner.”
“Very well. Come over here.”
“I will be distracted… okay, why don’t I go and practice with the rest, and later I will join you? We are in the middle of a dire situation and I need to be physically prepared.” I noticed his countenance fall.
“No. Come here. Tell me what you want to learn. I am the most powerful wolf as far as this realm is concerned. Tell me what you want to learn and I will teach you. Why do you think I’m here?”
He was right but still… I huffed in resignation. I didn’t want to argue with him so I told him my necessities and we went to work. He was indeed a good combat partner and even when I tried to use my power on him, he was very swift to counter it that I found myself flying halfway across the yard until at the speed of light, instead of the ground, I found myself crashing into his rocky chest. Sometimes I forget he has the vampire’s abilities.
“You have to increase your speed. The vampires are known for that and many werewolves too. You are a Hybrid and possess the powers of two creatures, use it,” he instructed, and slowly dropped me.
My body was heaving heavily. “You can’t possibly compare your speed to mine. If it were someone else I would have tackled them down,” I defended, refusing to let him see how dejected I am that he was right. I have to train my speed, that’s very true.
His lips pulled to a wide grin. “I like that you can now challenge me physically. But don’t forget that I knew the rules before the plan for your conception was made…” My chest singled like a knife was pierced and twisted. How dare he make me look like a kid?
“Oaf!” I said in my breath, my body shaking with sore pants from suffering a kick from him, and my hands bunched in front of me as I leaned forward, ready to go at him. He only stood there, casually waiting as if he knew my efforts were in vain. It boiled my blood. He behaved so much like his arrogant asshole of a brother. Oh, I forgot, they are twins and to a large extent share common attributes.
“C’mon, Munchkin, come at me. Stop acting like a fucken ninny!” he riled me. Even though I knew he was saying it to infuriate me into action, it still got me, I won’t lie. “I thought you said you have learned a lot? Were you just gloating?” His forehead creased in mockery. “By the way, I heard that.”
“Like I fucken care,” I hissed, clearly pissed.
He chuckled and said, “Ninny.” He made to walk away and I saw that as a clear water to dive in. The sooner I was ricocheting through the air to lunge at him, like a fly, he caught me, and the next minute I was spinning through the air, then the next thing, I was flat on the ground gently, with him coming on top of me. “And that is a great lesson, never to allow your emotions take over your common sense in battle. The enemy can always take advantage of the moment to sneak into your mind and know your next course of action.” He beamed, and my body tingled. May I never have such a bewitching enemy in my life.
“Get away from me,” I said feebly, wishing he doesn’t. His face came closer, closer, closer and my eyes shot instinctively. He was evidently seducing me and like a fool, I fell in anticipation. How could I not? Within this proximity, I am nothing but weak mud to him.
“Are you ready for your second lesson, mate?” he whispered in my ear, snapping me out of my delusional reverie. I was out and bolting up from his arm the next, with my cheeks the color of tomatoes.
Getting to work later that morning, the thought of our training was what occupied by mind throughout. Not for once did it cross my mind that forty-eight hours ago, my room was besieged by the same vampires who had sworn to marry me off to their King. No, it was all him.
And my day, well, I can practically say it wasn’t my own. Somehow, a sparkling ring on the finger of a pup supervisor wasn’t so obscure. Everyone wanted to see it as well as drop their sentiment of good tidings as well as offer me their high anticipation to when I will finally wear the crown. And the highlight of my day, was when my friends came over to the infirmary. They made things worst.
They held my hand in the cafeteria and were all mushy over it as though the previous night, they haven’t been there when it took place. Even Roland couldn’t stop congratulating me and at that moment I felt bad that I was flaunting my ring in front of them, forgetting that they were still trying to carve out how to make theirs work. Not to mention my dear Nadia who hasn’t found her mate yet. I believe everything works out in the end. I am a living testimony.
Roland cleared his throat, having comical look on. “So I met with my friend who was a tech-savvy from the physician’s college, and I told him everything. Well, I kept you and the King anonymous. Then, guess what?”
“What?” we echoed, apparently of twin curiosity.
“He told me something that would bring to an end this mystery of Paisley’s lover once and for all.”
“Really? What’s that?” My eyes dilated inquisitively, unable to wait for him to finish. Something to give me the answers I need? Hmmm!
“Well, it’s what we have had all along but didn’t actually think about it in all these turnarounds.” He circled his finger in the air while he rose and bounced his shoulders.
We stared on quizzically, very patient for him to land.