Chapter 124

Book:Hybrid's Redemption Published:2024-7-14

“What! You don’t mean that…” Mrs. Dolly veered when we told her.
We exchanged looks, me becoming panicked because I had been worried from the onset she wouldn’t accept.
Roland cleared his throat. “Mrs. Dolly, all we are saying is that you need to help us find out if the child she carries belongs to the king…” He inched closer with an intent look on his face. “Danika deserves this chance and you know it. You said so yourself. All we are doing is helping her. The King at least deserves to know the truth.”
“I know, Roland. Believe me, I want to help, but…” She paused, a certain look crawling up her face. It’s a look I have never seen on her face before-a look of apprehension mixed with uncertainty. Why?
“But what?” I had to quickly ask.
She looked at me, her lashes drooled in concern. “The palace is a no-go area to me. Theresa and I are like two rivers that can never meet.”
“Why?” I quizzed further, surging forward on the desk with my eyes open.
She exhaled and peered down her hands. “It’s a long story, my dear. But the onus of it all is that, a long time ago I was strictly banned from coming to the palace. That is mostly why I was shocked the first time you came here. It’s a surprise they haven’t told you about it, particularly the young man that came to pick you some time ago.”
“Alfred?” His name was out faster than I considered. She saw him? I knew it!
“Nothing goes past my notice.” She grinned. “However, to show I am willing to go any extent to help you, if you can monitor when Theresa isn’t around and let me know, then I can see what I can achieve. But before then, you have to talk with the King. Though, I don’t have much problems with him, still, she’s his son.” This sounds strange. Mrs. Dolly is a very nice person, what could possibly make her and the Queen to be at loggerheads? Well, that would be a question for another day.
I sat up to think. Which days does Theresa leave the house? Not that I will know. I’m not always at home to know when she leaves and where she goes. That means I would have to ask Alonso tonight, or Alfred. He is closer to her and knows where she goes and how long she takes. I have to see him this evening. I met her penetrating gaze. “No problem, I will give you an answer by tomorrow, I promise.”
“Okay. It’s settled then… don’t worry, everything will be fine. I know eventually, the dark dust would settle. There are so many things that would unfold, Danika, you need to be ready.”
I searched her eyes, her words bringing back my mom’s warning from my dream. I wish I could see her again and ask her if she were in my shoes what she would have possibly done. I took a deep breath, sighed, and smiled. “I will try.” I looked around at my friends, noticing Mary and Nadia who had been quiet all this while, nursing fussed looks on their faces as they took me in. “Let’s give Mrs. Dolly her space,” I encouraged, and stood.
Mrs. Dolly chuckled. “I really don’t mind, though. You pups bring light into this place.”
Roland stayed with her to talk about whatever it is they are always talking about.
“So what’s the next plan?” Mary took my hand in hers and squeezed tightly. I gave them a tight-lipped smile. Truthfully, I’m scared. Anything that has to do with earning more of Theresa’s ire, I’m working hard to avoid it and definitely would not want to involve Alonso. He has been through a lot with her. I don’t want to contribute to it until we have sorted out this present dilemma.
“I will see how it goes. I would speak to Alfred once I get home and then in the night I would look for Alonso and talk to him.” He hasn’t come to my room for the past four days. I wonder why.
Later when Roland came out, we bade our goodbye to Mrs. Dolly and made our way home. Every day I go to the library, I discover something significant about my powers that has helped me evolve. I have also seen the techniques that help to control it, especially when I’m in a lost course with no alternative. It’s getting better every day. All I need now is practice and more practice.
“So, see you tomorrow?” I more like asked Roland when I got down from his car at home.
“Yeah, have a lovely night and be careful around that dude,” he warned and I gawked cheekily at him, hence dragging Nadia with me to give him and Mary some time to bid proper goodbyes.
“Why are you encouraging them to often be together?” Nadia whined.
“Because they are mates! Wait till you meet yours hopefully during the full moon festival when males from different packs would come to honor the king, then you will understand.” I fervently hope so too on her behalf. She deserves a mate.
“And you, our Queen…” she added, chortling.
I blushed. “Now you are taunting me.”
“You know that’s true. The goddess would never allow our efforts to go to waste.” I looked at her affectionately, taking courage from her words. “By the way, I hope Roland acts fast and claims Mary before the festival because it’s almost here, lest another male overtakes him.”
“That’s not happening. I know he will do right by her soon…” We entered the lobby and I gave her my bag to take upstairs for me, only retrieving my phone.
“Let me look for Alfred, I will join you soon,” I hushed her and she nodded and scampered upstairs.
I tried linking him and he linked at once, to my recourse. “Hey, where are you?” I asked him straight up.
“I’m driving into the house now, any problem?”
“Not at all, just wanted to spend a little time with you today,” I dubbed partially, even though somehow I have missed him.
Soon, a black jaguar plowed to the front of the house, while I watched through the transparent glass doors. I went outside to meet him and reclined at the side of the sleek car.
“So how is my Sweetface doing? You dumped me, right?” he queried with a slight tilt to his head and his smirk I’ve grown used to.
I rolled my eyes at him. “Indeed. Didn’t we see the day before yesterday?”
“That’s far.” He pouted and casually took my hand. I would have protested, but I had something to achieve so I sat up and tugged him along, “Let’s stroll.”
“Okay, now you are acting weird. Why suddenly want to stroll instead of let’s go to the forest and run. I thought that’s what this is about,” he whined.
“Well, because I went to the forest four days ago and my wolf isn’t in the mood to run but stroll today. Did I answer your question or do you have more?”
“Where are you coming from?” I narrowed my eyes at him, reaching out with my free hand to brush my hair behind my right ear.
“The usual. Training.”
“You now train during the day? Don’t you have friends you hang out with?” I have never seen him with any before.
“I do, they are just not from this pack. Unlike your mate, I have a stable social life.” I growled at him, choosing to ignore him. Alonso is busy thinking of how to make this Kingdom thrive, the least thing he needs is to engage in some social exchange. I can’t even imagine it… at least that’s what I think, and the answer I know he would give me if I ask.
“So what’s up with your mom? Doesn’t she go out? I have never seen her go out. No friends?”
He tilted his head to the side as intently appraised me. “You have never asked for Mom before. Why now? Working to be on her good side?”
I shrugged, lost for words.
“Well, mom goes out all the time. You don’t see her because you ain’t around all the time.” Exactly what I thought.
“Where could the Queen possibly go to?” I pushed with a slight chuckle of ignorance.
His gaze turned awry. “You are very funny. She has numerous friends whom she hangs out with every Wednesdays and Saturday, plus, she attends the council of women elders meeting every Friday and other things that come up during the week. She’s a busy woman. Why do you think she is bent on getting my brother a Luna Queen to relieve her of the stress?”
“Oh,” I worded. That’s interesting. I didn’t know all this. And just like that I have what I want on top of being intrigued with fun facts about being a Luna Queen. It appears it wasn’t about crossing legs and eating tarts and tea while ordering Omegas around.
“Gobsmacked,” I chipped and we both chuckled.
“Thanks for telling me, Alfred. I didn’t know all these before now.”
“Well, you learn every day. So if you are thinking of becoming the Queen of this kingdom, you have to be ready. It’s not all paradise and shine,” he rattled on, rounded up on me with his hands folded to his chest, “Have you been disturbed in your room lately, you know by the-”
“Vampires?” I cut him off, wondering why he is suddenly asking.
“Well, I guess they are on break, to resume when I’m least expecting.” I licked my chapped lips, the air becoming too dense for me. I wrapped my arms around myself to ward off chills.
“Indeed they are,” he said in a distant eerie voice. “Come on, let’s get you inside, it’s getting colder out here.”
We hurried inside, at the same time that my phone went off. I looked at it and cussed out in alarm as I recollect I had a date this night.
“I have to go, Alfred. See you in the morning.” I patted his chest and took off upstairs, very conscious of his intense gaze at my backside. Lecherous lout!
“I will be ready in… ten minutes, I promise!” I blared over the phone the minute I picked up, not allowing Alonso say a word out. He hummed a reply and ended the call.
When I ran in, Nadia was standing in front of the items sprayed on the bed, her eyes dulled in admiration which extended when I came in. “They are so beautiful. He sent them?”
I nodded. “I need to get ready in ten minutes, Naddy, and you have to help me.” I rushed into the bathroom.
“A date?” she squealed when I told her as I came out from the bathroom. “And you forgot? Shit, we have to do you ‘speedy preparation’!” She pushed me into the chair and started with my hair.
By the time I was done, I was literally looking angelic all thanks to my sweet friend. “Thanks, Naddy, this is so amazing,” I quipped as the door snapped open and Mary walked in, looking about in astonishment.
When Nadia told her what was going on as I ran to pick my bag, she was all lovey-dovey all over the place. “Girl, you look like a Princess.”
“Wish me luck, guys. I have a lot to achieve tonight. Alfred was a success, let’s hope Alonso would be too.”
“That’s piece of cake, girl. Go grab it!” She made the silly air grab gesture with her hands as I oozed of eagerness and ambled to the door with them. “I have to make sure that witch doesn’t see me leave,” I told them.
However, luck doesn’t seem to be on my side. Just as we made it to the foot of the stairs, she was coming out from the living room, her body a feast for our eyes as a result of her scanty clothing. Her eyes lit up. “Where are you going looking this fabulous, babe?” she cooed, coming to pat my cheek smugly. I blanched out, in lack of what to say. There is no way I’m telling her I’m going to see a man I have blatantly told her I’ve given up to her.
Mary and Nadia who often freeze in her presence were plastered to the wall, not raising their voice nor making any move to help me. I rolled my eyes within. What are they so scared of?
“What is going on here?” Alonso suddenly appeared from the hall leading to his study.
“Oh, sweet, I was coming to see you… you know what Danika, have fun, see you later.” She waved at me and wiggled to Alonso, dragging him off. He looked back and gave me a significant look.
I looked at my friends who had recovered and busted out laughing, running outside with them on my heels.
“See you two cowards later…” I teased as their faces turned pink in shame.
“That’s not fair!” Mary called as I entered the car and Luther zoomed off. I recovered from my initial shock and surprise and exhaled, wondering how Alonso came to be there. I thought he was already waiting for me in the restaurant?
I hope he doesn’t change his mind about the outing. I have to get this thing over with tonight once and for all, and move on to the next plan.