I jumped back from my mirror, realization dawning on me that I have been lost, staring into my reflection for far too long.
“Yeah, sorry, I drifted off,” I told Nadia with an apologetic smile, recalling she had asked me if I liked the way she packed my hair. “Yeah, it’s lovely. As always,” I added it for effect.
She giggled. “Thanks… So do you mind sharing? You have been acting odd since yesterday. If you weren’t going on this outing with Paisley I would say perhaps yesterday didn’t go as planned.”
“That’s the thing. I couldn’t do it! Yes, we kissed and she touched me but I cried wolf!”
“You did? Why then did she call for the outing? What exactly transpired?”
“I lied to her.” I turned to face her fully. “You see, after she started touching me I couldn’t stand her. If it were someone else maybe it might have been fun but seeing her touching me in my most private places, I lost it. I just couldn’t, and had to fib that I wanted to use the bathroom…” I faltered, bursting into tears as the event of last night came rushing back.
I went on, “When I came back, I feigned shock and lied to her that I just discovered it’s my time of the month and poof! She started sayin, g ‘eww! eww!’ and like that, I apologized and took to my heels.”
By the time I was done, Nadia was bent over in laughter. “I can’t believe you can pull that off…” She held my hand and tugged, hitting her chest to calm down.
I couldn’t either. But luckily I did and this morning at breakfast she told me to the chagrin of everyone including Theresa (I saw the glint of perplexity in her eyes as she looked from Paisley to me, hence she hissed and went back to her meal), that she wanted us to go out this evening for shopping after work.
I nearly declined, but a fast track to my play mode got my head bouncing, of course, with a new fake smile I have designed for her.
Now here we are.
I had to leave work earlier to the library, and informed my friends ASAP of the latest. Roland who was happy last night didn’t work out, wished me well and wished he could bring me home but would come to pick me after work and help place the microphone chip and recorder that would record everything she says, and then Mary couldn’t come because her mom fell sick and she had to rush home to take care of her. I would call her later to find out how she is faring.
“Anyways, it’s time to play again.” I tilted my head to the side, starting to like this game too much.
“Time to play!” Nadia reiterated and brought forth my high heels. She had selected this bright sunset yellow short flare gown. It had a big rope at the center which she used to form a rose and two fluffy hands. Then with the help of the electric stretcher, she had managed to produce a curly bunch out of my hair, and a chunk of it slanted from one part of my face to another.
That was why I was originally carried away. With the way, I’m looking now, if any member of this family catches me, particularly a certain someone, there is no way I’m making it out of here, combined with the thought of spending another moment with Paisley. It makes my stomach twist.
“I pray this thing works fine, Nadia, I can’t stand that girl.” I wore my heels, picked my small red purse to complement my hair, and walked towards the door.
She opened the door and looked around, and motioned for me to come forward. When we got to the second to last rungs, we heard the voice of Alfred talking to his mother as they came into the lobby from outside. I went white, and my hands shook in anxiety.
“Relax, I think they are not coming up,” Nadia whispered.
Thankfully, she was right about them because they disappeared east of the lobby. If they had come up, I would have removed my shoes and taken off back to the room.
Eventually, when we succeeded and reached outside, Roland’s ash Honda truck was just driving in. The doors flung in and Nadia quickly pecked me and left. When I rapidly climbed in, I gave him the address Paisley said I should meet her as he took off. That was when I exhaled audibly and loosened up.
“You seemed tense,” he confirmed.
“You have no idea.”
“Okay, here.” He stopped the car along the road and brought out the equipment which he attached to my clothes in a way it was concealed, then he collected my phone and searched for something. In two seconds, he asked me to say something.
“Big head,” I uttered and we busted out laughing.
“Of all the things to say,” he retorted cheekily and showed me my phone. What we were saying was recording. He paused it and touched the play button and everything came back exactly as we said it. I looked at him with pride. He is such a tech guy and I didn’t know. Well, he is a good doctor and one with vast knowledge so I’m not surprised.
“Thanks, Roland.”
“For what?” He started the car and proceeded.
“For everything. You helping me with this means a lot to me. You could spill the beans on me or even exonerate yourself after I lied to you. But you are here.”
“Well, the last time I checked, that’s what friends do for themselves and I am starting to think I’m one.”
I giggled heartedly. “Of course you are!”
“Besides, it’s not like I had any choice. Mary would have dragged me by the ears in,” he ventured as we entered the busy side of the city.
“When are you going to tell her?”
His forehead furrowed. “Tell her what?”
“That you are in love with her, it’s written all over your face. Why don’t you bring an end to your sufferings and just accept her? Though that would mean my friend going away, but it means my friends doing the right thing.” I eyed him as I spoke.
“I’m trying, Danika. But my parents are tough people. I’m working my way around telling them, okay? Believe me, no one wants this more than I do.”
I huffed out. “Okay, I understand.”
He gave me a brief glance and smiled. Mary is so lucky to have him and I’m very happy for her, I can’t wait for them to finally unite.
When he rounded in front of the boutique, he gave me a high thumbs up and watched me until I went in, before driving off.
“Here you are, baby!” Paisley rushed forth when I came into the giant building.
“Hey.” I chuckled forcefully, already starting to perspire hotly when images of what we nearly did last night flitted through my head.
“Come this way, I already picked out things I would want you to check out!” Her hand clamped on my wrist, then paused, her eyes skidding about me. “Mehn, Danika you look… gorgeous! Look at that hot dress! You have no idea how much it makes me-”
“Thanks!” I interrupted, not giving her time to finish. “You too!” I skimmed my eyes about her body-hug jumpsuit and blue hat.
“You think so?” She twirled around with her pesky wide smile. My jaws were starting to hurt from faking my smile so I nodded promptly and pulled her along.
“I’m glad we are on the same page now, Danika. I feel like we would become fast besties, you know. Look at you and me, Alonso won’t know what came for him.”
“Yeah, he used me, didn’t he? This is my payback!” I forced out my grin all over the place.
“You are smart, Danika. You are a clever girl and I’m glad you are my friend. At least you had the sense not to want him after the way he treated you. I will make sure you are rewarded for allowing me to teach him a good lesson after this union is formed, trust me.” She mildly pushed me into a corner and pecked me sharply.
I went stiff, the fake smile not leaving my face. “Yes! I mean, of course. Lessons! Let’s do this!” I drew away with my head held high and walked off, with her sashaying after me. When I turned, she was licking her tongue like some deranged dog.
I smiled and added an arch to my walking style. You won’t see what hit you, Paisley. Lessons indeed!
After shopping and touring half of the park until I was at the point of fainting, we finally came home. Dropping out of the car, Alonso was also alighting from his black Chevrolet, and with a single fierce dart at me, stormed off into the mansion.
I impulsively shared a look with Paisley and we burst out laughing.
“He is envious of our friendship. He didn’t expect it,” she whispered, coming to my side..
“Mmm…” I hummed, fanned myself with my hand, ensued by a fake yawn, and looked at her. “See you later at dinner, I’m exhausted.”
“See you, darling. I have to go see what is biting that big Daddy…” she slurred sassily as we went in. My guts kept twisting like a knife was in there, yet, I have to endure all this rubbish from her to get what I want.
The moment I reached my door, I caught the whiff of my mate’s scent and knew he was inside. As I entered, before I would close the door, my back was smashed against it, his lips colliding on mine roughly.
“How many men leered at you today, Munchkin?” he asked hoarsely, tracing his lips to my neck to sniff me as his other hand found the door and locked it.
“Am I expected to be counting them?” I teased him.
“Is there no other way around this than traipsing around the pack with that hootsnipe?” he asked me and I shook my head, moaning when his hand started rubbing slow circles on my nipples.
“Just take me, please,” I beg, ripping his shirt off him. I need his handprint embellished on every part of me to replace that of that weasel on me.
“At your service, Ma’am!” he purred and in a sweep, I found my front against the wall, my hands up, and my ass tilted up. The rest was pure heaven.