That evening, Alonso left and Nadia and Mary came back in to prod me to no end with questions most of which bordered on my soundness. I was growing irritated with how they ran about, making it look as though I am an invalid. According to them, the King said I wasn’t meant to touch a pin. I knew it was a lie cuz I was with Alonso throughout but I didn’t tell them instead I endured the duration of their stay.
They stayed with me for a long time, and eventually, to my recourse, they left; Mary went back to Lance’s quarters, and Nadia, who stayed longer than Mary, had to leave when she received a link from the chief Omega to allow me to rest. Apparently, Alonso had ordered it.
I had my dinner in my room, took my bath with a drug I was given, and went back to sleep. I didn’t want to think of everything going on and so I numb my mind from them. Tomorrow I believe I will be stronger and then I will need answers. A lot of them.
Rising the next morning, all thanks to Nadia who came to bring me breakfast to eat, and then she prepared my bath. I went to bathe after which I sat down to watch her aid in my hairdo. She rattled on and on about the events that happened in my unconsciousness. Most of them ended up on how Alonso was restless and very concerned about me. According to her, he wouldn’t eat properly and hardly slept a wink. I only breathed fine when she said everyone was so enamored with how caring he was to his best friend’s mate in his absence and praised him for being the best man anyone could have as a friend.
“So what are you going to do this morning after breakfast?” She finished with my hair.
I eyed it with satisfaction and stood up. Since I’m still a tad bit fragile from whatever they said happened to me, I wouldn’t be going for my training or to work. But I need to urgently speak to Alonso after breakfast. There is a lot I need to know. I can’t just become a whisperer like that. Something must be behind it. My father wasn’t a whisperer neither was my mother. So I need to know. “I don’t know for now. I just want to be outside my room. It’s suddenly too confining. Maybe a little bit of the fresh air would help,” I said as I smiled at her.
“Okay, just be very careful. From the rumor I heard, it was the Vampires that attacked and they said they took you. If not for the help of the King, you would be missing by now. I don’t think going anywhere near the forest currently would be the right idea.” She matted her hands in front of her with a resolute face. I was so concentrated on her with my mind replaying what she just said.
Vampires? Vampires took me?
Alonso didn’t tell me precisely the people that took me. He only said they were bad people. What would Vampires want with me? I waddled to the bed to sit down in thought, tapping my hand mindlessly by the side of the bed.
“Are you okay?” her awry voice filtered to me.
“Yeah, I think I would need to be alone, Nadia, please. Just for some time.” I peered at her pleadingly to understand.
She seemed to contemplate, before nodding slowly, and after a single look around the room, made her way out. Nadia is one detailed person when it comes to cleaning. She never leaves a trace of dirt anywhere or anything out of place. That’s why Mary thinks she cleans up better than her.
When the door gradually locked behind her. I went to lock it and came back to stand at the window to peep outside at the rising sunset. I wish seeing it would bring back some memories of what happened to me. Yet, nothing struck a chord. I was plain dry.
“Why would Vampires take me?” I racked my head for answers and none came. That means all this while, they had been the ones stalking me. They had been following me about. They came into the palace and no one saw them!
Growing up, I heard a lot about Vampires. They are our kind’s worst enemies after the humans. They have so many enhanced abilities that to an extent are more heightened than ours. They could easily penetrate barrier particulars if the Vampire is an Oldie. These are Vampires that have lasted for so many years. They might have lived up to 800 years and so have garnered so much power in their lifetime. They also entered places that you least expect them to wreak great havoc.
How could I have stepped on the toes of a Vampire? I thought I was the best of myself. I have never been engaged in any brawl with anyone except for Alonso or maybe my sister. But she is dead and Alonso is out of the question.
I was going nuts with diverse thoughts and still not making any progress. I looked back at my room, goosebumps rapidly crawling up my skin. I no longer feel safe here. It’s already infiltrated. If they had failed to do whatever they wanted to do with me the first time, that means they might come back. Who knows? They might have been the ones to wipe my memory of what transpired!
This is the time I need Alfred because he is about the only person I know who talks about the Vampires, meaning he might know their mode of operation. Where the hell is he?!
I flipped off a strand of hair that fell to my face and walked to the door. I need to ask Alonso some things. I know by now they would be done with breakfast
Reaching the lobby, I went straight to his study to wait for him. I knocked first and entered and to my shock, he was sitting down there swirling a glass of a brown substance in his hand. One of those sour drinks.
“What are you doing out of bed, Danika? I sai-”
“I have told you to stop drowning yourself in this stuff! They only add to your problems than solve any of them!”
His eyes twitched, then he dumped the glass on the table loudly and stood up. He is so lean, unkempt unlike his cultivated self, and looked very disturbed. What could be eating him up this way? Is it my problem? The Vampires?
“I need you to remain inside your room, Danika. Let me take care of this,” he reeled, tilting his head to his side.
“If I do, will you stop drinking? Hell! You don’t look good yourself! What is going on?!” I asked and went close. He met me halfway and grabbed my hands taking me to the couch to push me gently on it.
“I’m okay,” he answered.
“Fine! I am fine too. I want to know everything! Why did they take me? Who are they? Why are Vampires after me?”
His eyebrow crooked to the top of his head, with a dark scowl. “Who told you?” There was a menace in that tone so I ignored it. There is no way I am giving away the name of my friend to him.
“That doesn’t answer my questions. I want in on everything. You have a lot going on already. Let me help you!” I shoved off his hands and took his in mine.
“You can’t do anything, Danika. I don’t want you—”
“Killing anyone?” I blurted out and saw the rapid shift in the movement of his eye. That is exactly why. Tears stung my eyes. My mate now thinks I’m a monster too and I deserve it.
“I swear I don’t think you are a monster, Danika. But I don’t want you doing anything that you will regret tomorrow. It’s obvious you handle killing delicately and so I have decided you don’t need to kill anyone for any reason at all. Let me handle it!”
My heart melted at his thoughtfulness. When did I land myself this Alonso, cuz the former Alonso is a beast and wouldn’t have cared one bit about me. Albeit, I won’t let him bear the burden alone. I know by now Theresa would be tormenting his life after what occurred. “I know, Alonso. I understand you don’t want me to kill and I fear too. But this is my cross I can’t let you bear it alone. I want to hear everything, at least why they would want to take me.”
He huffed loudly and sat up away from me. There was a stretched silence before he spoke up. “I was told it’s because of your power. That night they also said something like they were taking you to the Vampire King.”
“Taking me to the Vampire King? Why?” I shuttled closer, becoming more panicked.
“For only one reason. When a Vampire King seeks to take a female with that amount of powers, it only means something.”
His words are becoming more ominous. A Vampire king wants a female like me. For what? Are my powers so important that I now attract other creatures?
“Why?” I braved it.
“For marriage!”
My heart dropped.