“Baby, is she going to be alright?” Paisley stalked me for the umpteenth time. I was on the brink of my losing temper with her for her unwarranted pestering.
Ever since bringing Danika home last night, I have been going through a lot. I’m still trying to rebound from knowing she has transformed and I didn’t know. She told me, yet, I didn’t believe her. Before that, Lancelot had told me and I called him bluff! It’s all my fault this is transpiring. My mother is right! I’m not worth being a King.
I grunted, pushing away everything on my desk in aggression. I should have saved her. I should have been there for her. I can’t relate to what happened to me yesterday.
“Paisley, leave me the fuck alone! She would be fine! You know what? I think you need to go home to your father until all this is over!”
“Excuse me?!”
“Exactly my point! You need to leave because you are part of the reason I’m going crazy!”
“How is it my fault?! I’m not one of the Vampires?”
“How am I sure you didn’t connive with them to do this?” I advanced at her, towering over to intimidate her, something I know wouldn’t have worked on Danika.
With a loud cry, she pushed at my chest and I stepped two feet away. “You are insane! I will never hurt Danika for anything in the world!”
“Why? Because for the first time in my life I’m seeing a disgraceful woman like you having feelings for another woman?” I cocked my brow with a smirk at her, when I saw how stunned she looked at me. She thought I didn’t know, but I did. That is why I haven’t been bothered one bit all this time Danika complained about her finding out. I saw how she looked at Danika when the latter was unaware. I knew that eyes were far from jealous of her. It was an eye filled with hunger, just the way someone looks at someone they wanted to devour intimately.
The other day while she was bathing, I came in to talk to her and heard her masturbating with Danika’s name purring from her lips. I had left out of repulsion and anger.
I wanted to confront her, then I decided not, my thought being on how many people I will have to confront to try to stop from falling for Danika. I guess that is her nature; tempting people sexually. Did it hurt me? Yes, it fucken did. But I took courage from the fact that she was mine and as long as I lived, no one, absolutely no one would be near her.
“How did you know?” she mewled out, staggering back a few steps.
I snickered coldly, my mind clouded with darkness. “I know a lot, my love. Unless what I don’t care about.”
“I swear we didn’t do anything! I-I only told her but she didn’t let us do anything. So technically I’m innocent!”
“You should be happy you didn’t touch her, Paisley, or I swear to the goddess I would have buried you alive!”
She flinched back from me, her eyes dilating at the intensity of my voice. “Why? Because you like her too?”
I blanched inside, but outside I maintained a poker look. “No, because she’s my best friend’s mate and I would do anything to protect her from vultures like you, and lest you forget yourself and go wagging your tongue anyhow, I still remain your Alpha King!” I balled my fist in the air, striving so hard to rein in my power.
She nodded and looked down at her hand that has been holding a glass of brandy I poured her since she came in to render me mad with her questions. “What happens now? To us? I mean since you know how I feel toward her-even if it’s not going to be possible to do anything with her, does it affect our union?”
That was the main issue. A lot happened in one night that I don’t know the present stage of my life and the best conclusions to make. If there, one thing I am certain of right now is the hell my mother would rain on me when she gets back from where she went to this morning.
During breakfast, when everyone had woken up from the spell the Vampires had cast on them when they came in last night, mother had not said a word, adverse to what I expected. I was ready for it because she is the one person that sniffs out the presence of another creature no matter what state you keep her. That was part of the reason why when the Vampires raided us centuries ago, they had kidnapped her and kept her in a drum of wolfbane, which had nearly rendered her useless by the time she managed to make it out, but she couldn’t come in on time to save him.
So at breakfast, I was waiting for her to attack me and call me all manner of names including claiming it was the absence of her favorite son, whose absence I have refused to let myself think about, that had brought about the invasion.
What I know very much was that something fishy was going on in my Kingdom, specifically this pack. Someone in this pack is doing something they are not supposed to do. I have fortified the border with the best fortification possible and still, they were able to pass through, which means they have internal help. Now, I have to find out who, before what happened to my father, happens to me.
It starts with finding my brother wherever he might have gone to and making him do his damn job! If he is not going to be efficient, I will banish him and know I have him less to worry about.
I sipped from my glass and slowly met the eyes of Paisley, “I don’t know, Paisley. You and I can agree that this is not the right time to be talking about marriage when the pack is on fire.”
“That is why they are attacking. They know you don’t have a Luna Queen which automatically means they can easily bring you down!”
“No. One. Would. Bring. Me. down!” I rattled, pointing my glass at her in fury.
“I didn’t say so. It’s just pure logic to know your Luna Queen by your side would give you an edge when you are alone! My father can help you. He can—-”
“You know what, Paisley? Just get out of my study. I need to think without you trying to pester me to death. Just leave…” I indicated the door, pinning my glare at her with a warning for her not to dispute me.
She dropped the glass loudly on the table, raised her hand in the air in resignation, and walked out, muttering something I didn’t give a fuck about hearing. Once the door was slammed on her face, I went back to the window to look out.
Danika had passed out since last night, so I had to get someone to look at her. Since my birth, I have never seen anything that powerful in any wolf. She was beyond control and if she was in the midst of many people she would have killed them all.
Whatever spirit she possessed, was a pure bloodhound. One of these ancestral powers that are thought to be extinct. Only the worst could bring them out! They are often dormant until they feel threatened and that would only be when their bearer is helpless.
I should have believed her when she said she has transformed. That is why they’re after her. They must have found out she was connected to me and wanted to use her to get to me. Vampires! Sneaky sons of bitches!
Dropping the cup, I left the study and went up to her room.
When I entered, it was still as I left it, with Mary, her former maid, and friends still holding her hand and crying while Nadia, her present nanny, and friend, ran about the place doing nothing. I think it’s her way of keeping herself busy from looking at Danika. They must love her so much. She has in these few months managed to capture the heart of so many people around her, including the hospital she works at. They had come this morning and were very dejected to see her, even more so when they couldn’t do anything to help her.
“Excuse me,” I told them and instantly they scurried out of the room.
I went close to the bed, taking a look at her cherubic face that was devoid of life, it shone with the bright evening light streaming in through the window, and her lips curved to the side as if in a smile.
It reminds me of when she had touched me and called me, ‘mine’. We are meant for each other but I have been so stupid that I didn’t see it. I keep evading it all for what? To uphold the family tradition of marrying someone who would aid in straightening the family’s prestige. For some damn alliance! That is what my father would have done, and what I’m sure he would want me to do. That was why he chose me. He saw himself in me, even if I had failed him the first time I found Hilda and acted with my heart rather than my head.
This woman laying here is mine in every word of it and has shown it to me. I heard her last night yelling for my name to help her. The Vampires had come to the study to attack me first, and as much as I tried against them, they had bound me with tons of Wolfbane and silver binds, to hold me down, because they knew it wouldn’t kill me. I was too powerful for that portion of Wolfbane and silver. Then they went to her, telling me they were here for their King’s bride. My bride, their King’s bride?
I had struggled and fought, and her voice spurred me on until finally, I broke the barrier and stormed into the night to save my woman. Then, I was there on time to see another version of her that I never knew existed.
I will do everything in my power to bring her back and when I do, I will never let her go again!