My preparation for training this morning was rushed because I couldn’t wait to see Alfred. I grabbed my water bottle and ran to the door, almost colliding with Mary who was on her way in. I was shocked to see her because she had never come to my room before.
“Where are you going?” she asked me, sounding a little unease.
“Training… I’m almost late. Are you okay?”
She looked at her hands which seemed to be trembling. “I have something I want to tell you.”
My heart lurched in my chest. Even though I had somewhere to be, I couldn’t leave Mary looking so despaired, so with a single look at my watch, I ignored the five minutes that Alfred gave me and faced her. “Tell me what’s the problem? Come!” I nudged her inside, going after her.
After hesitating for a while she finally budged, “I think I have found my mate.”
“Your mate? That’s a good thing!” I blurted, twirling on my feet. “I thought you would be happy…” My face fell when I noticed she didn’t look like she was excited.
“That’s the problem. I am supposed to be happy, but-” she broke down and began wailing. I was astounded and crushed her to me. Only one thing makes someone cry when they find their mate and I hope that is not what happened. For now, I will be the shoulder she needs until she’s willing to share. “I’m so sorry, Mary. You are such a good person and I believe whatever it is can be sorted out.” I brushed my hand through her hair in comfort, trying to quell her sob.
“That’s the onus of the matter. This problem cannot be solved because he rejected me!” she ripped out of my body to say, “He-he didn’t even want to come close to me because I am an Omega! My heart is so broken, Ms. Danika. What am I going to do?”
Tears gathered in my eyes at our twin fate. Rejection is something I might never know how to advise her on. I haven’t even been able to handle mine. How can I handle another? “I’m so sorry, Mary.” I sobbed with her, falling on the bed with her.
“I feel so worthless and just want to die!” I shook my head, recalling how I feel most times when I think of my rejection. We are not so different from each other. The only difference is that I have Hybrid blood unlike her. She was so sweet to suffer any of that.
“It’s going to be okay, Mary. He doesn’t deserve you if he doesn’t see the sweetness in you,” I said, massaging her temple against me. “Do you want to tell me about the person?” I asked in hopes that telling me might help heal her a little.
“It’s Roland!”
“Roland?” I racked my head for any Roland I know.
“Roland that works in the infirmary,” she elaborated.
I cupped my mouth in shock, sudden irritation rising on my body for my colleague at work for such wickedness. “Dr. Roland Miles?”
Her head bounced vigorously.
Roland was such a calm person and someone I don’t think can hurt another fellow due to how collected and charming he was. He was always checking up on me, if I’m doing okay or if I need anything each time he drives out. Theo once told me he overheard him telling someone that he had a crush on me, but he has never made any passes at me. Maybe he had said those words to Mary at his weakest. I will try to talk to him and see what I can do.
“It’s okay, Mary. Dr. Roland is a nice guy and someone I can boldly say won’t hurt a fly. Maybe he was under stress or… something.”
“I don’t know, Ms. Danika. I’m just heartbroken and don’t know what I’m going to do from now on. I’m going to die a poor wretched Omega. My mother would have a heart attack if I told her.” She sniffed and I reached out to my bed stand to bring my napkin which I gave her to blow her nose. For the first time since I knew her, the bubbly Mary looked a mess. What love can’t do…
“It’s okay… You know what? You are going to put on your armor of strength now. I will go for my training now and when I go to work today, I will see what I can do, okay?” She searched my eyes for honesty and when I nodded she hugged me.
“Thanks very much, M-”
“Just call me Danika, Mary. I already told you a thousand times. We are friends!” I eyed her and stood. “You can stay here and rest. Don’t worry, nobody will trouble you.” I checked my watch once more and began striding to the door. “I will ask Nadia to come keep you company. That one, she’s a chatterbox and would have you laughing in no time. Bye!” I waved at her and bounced the door shut.
When I reached downstairs I linked Nadia to meet with Mary in the room as well as go with something for her in case she needed to eat. After that, I dashed outside to an enraged Alfred who threw me a disapproved glow as his car door slid open and I joined him.
“I said five minutes, Danika!” he yelled at me.
“I know! I wasI was busy doing ladies’ stuff!” I eyed him, hence averting my eyes outside so he doesn’t see through my lie.
He chuckled. “You were trying to look pretty for me?”
I twisted around to glare at him. Is he well? “Indeed!” I snarled at him through tight lips, deciding to go straight to the point. “Can we train privately today, Alfred?” I scratched the nape of my neck in fear of him turning me down. He hates training without the others for reasons beyond me.
“Why? Do you want to rape me? Because I would be wil-”
“Alfred! Stop saying nonsense! I just want both of us to train because I have something I want to discuss with you!” I flapped my hands about, almost smacking his face.
His mischievous smirk fell off his face before he looked at me seriously. “Are you okay? What’s the problem?”
I exhaled, pouting my lips to match his serious look. “I got another shocker last night.”
“What shocker?” He pulled into the parking lot of the training ground and we alighted and started striding to the private ground.
“You know the last time someone was in my room that made me relocate to another room?”
“Yesterday, I came back from-from somewhere. I went somewhere with my friend, Mary. Then when I returned, I saw a withered rose on my bed with red lingerie!” While I lied through my teeth about who I went out with, there was this glint I saw filter through Alfred’s face like he knew I was lying. But that is not possible because… it’s just his face, he didn’t know.
We reached the ground and went into position. “So what happened after?” he asked me, fixated on my posture.
“I went to tell the King and he… I don’t know what he did because I was with Paisley downstairs.” I didn’t even ask Alonso what he did with the items when he came in last night. It’s so disgusting how I often lose myself whenever I’m in his presence. It’s just like magic, everything becomes insignificant.
Alfred threw me the first punch and my wolf power engulfed me, dodging as fast as the wind. He smiled. “I think you should be more careful, then. Though I’m wondering how anyone would come into the palace without fear, and climb to your room without anyone seeing them…” He threw me another punch, which my mind worked rapidly to catch, was a guise. I held his hand and when he reached with his other hand, I delivered a kick to his crotch which had him bending over with an Ouch!
I palmed my mouth. “Oops! Did that hurt? I’m sorry!” I went to tap him.
Even though inside me I was dancing at my smooth tackling moves. I have learned all his tricks. I need new challenges now.
“That was good, Danika. I’m super proud of you! Many wolves are yet to catch up on my tricks and here you are already kicking my ass. If only the culprit knows what a badass you are!” He stood and patted my shoulder.
I looked down at my hand which had a little tear on it, with tiny blood stalking it. “I just want to live freely without anyone coming behind me. Though, I think I have a suspect!”
He whips about with so much force I marveled if his head would still stay on his neck. “Who?” he sounded very anxious.
One of his eyes was half-closed and his brow on top of his head was furrowed. “Why?”
“I don’t know. It’s just that the other day while I was going downstairs, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I heard her accusing the King of taking a liking to me. Maybe she thinks I’m her rival and wants to scare me away!” Gad! I’m becoming so good at lying and twisting words!
“Hmmm… That’s strange…” His left arm went to his chest with the other relaxed on top of it, touching his beards in thoughts.
“I think I have a plan on how to catch her… the rat!” I broke through his thoughts with a smile.
“The rat?”
“Yeah! Paisley the rat or whoever it is that is doing this!”
“Shoot away!”