Chapter 75

Book:Hybrid's Redemption Published:2024-7-14

That particular statement won’t leave my head the entire day even an hour later when I left the hospital for home.
Alfred looked totally different from the person I knew. It worried me. Ever since I met him, he was fond of saying strange things and was full of certain cryptic behaviors. I didn’t think about it before because I thought maybe it’s as a result of him being a Hybrid, coupled with the fact that Alonso said he reads minds.
Nevertheless, I can’t say he is a bad guy because I haven’t seen him do any harmful act except the usual bickering with his brother which to me was something relatable, even if it’s not supposed to be so.
“Ms. Danika, good afternoon,” Luther, the chauffeur, greeted me when I came out of the facility. I smiled at him, quite getting used to him dropping and picking me off. He wasn’t a man of many words just like his master, nor did he smile apart from his traditional greetings anytime he saw me.
I just liked his amber eyes and black matted hair which is always slicked back. Also, I liked the way he stood in front of the car with his arms crossed in front of him, face off the ground looking very serious in his smart black-clad suit.
“How was your day, Luther?” I asked when I got in. He hummed a reply and took off.
The rest of the drive was spent in silence, with me still knee-deep in concern over Alfred. Why it worried me so much was that I was so sure he would be the one I could confide in today about my new problems. He was an open-minded person and the only one I was certain would give me answers. Then he turns on me and became enraged by my question like a petulant pup asked to hand over his play toy.
I exhaled and pinched the bridge of my nose to contain myself, looking outside the moving Wagon. Perhaps, I was overthinking this thing. Alfred is a good guy and has never given me any reason to doubt his behavior except when he tried to kiss me which he promised never to try again, and aside from the abnormal comments he makes sometimes.
I have to stop allowing this things bother me. I think this new trouble with knowing my other self was making me start have doubts and trust issues. I was starting to see things that were not there and becoming very skeptical of people, and it intensified since the day the strange person broke into my room.
“Ms. Danika?” I blinked severely, looking up at Luther.
“We are home,” he said, and I flushed white, my eyes setting out the window to realize that true to his words we have gotten home. I had been so drowned in my thoughts not to have noticed.
“Thanks.” I smiled at him and climbed down from the door that had slid open, walking down the foyer, my reflection digressing to what he said. He said we have gotten home. It makes me think if truly here was my home or my temporary place of settlement. The first time the King saved me from my people I was elated that finally, I was going away to a better place, my mate’s pack which is supposed to be my home.
But since getting here I wasn’t so sure anymore. As much as I try to look at this place with an eye of acceptance-that it is it for me, yet, I can’t help but fear for my life. Right now, I was the most confused person walking the earth and that was because I didn’t know my true place. Yes, the King might be cuddling up to me, looking as though he can’t survive without me, still that doesn’t mean he wants me.
At the end of the day, Paisley would wear the crown, while I stand by the side and suffer. And no one would console me, no one would hold my hand in comfort and it would all be my fault. I am accepting this madness, this obscenity, all for what? To have a place to call home. A place where I won’t be bashed at, kicked, and cursed at. That was all I wanted and all I’m getting, but at what expense? My mate, the man I’m starting to love no matter how much I try to deny it!
I climbed the stairs in poor spirit, one after the other. I wish I could twist around the fate of my life. I wish I can make things better. That is all I wish for. But Alonso doesn’t t want to be by my side. He doesn’t want to truly accept me the way I have accepted him and it irks me that I am the only one bearing the burden. I want to talk to someone else who understands, someone who would tell me what to do. Someone like Lancelot.
I have to try to get his contact. I have to speak to him, that is the only way this tension can be resolved. With the way I was feeling these days I don’t think I can do this. I might give up and spew everything to someone if proper measures were not taken.
I entered my room and quietly shut the door, running my eyes around the new room I was getting familiar with every day. There was not much difference between this and my former room, they both act as my confinement, my space, and the only place I can hide away to cry when I wanted without anyone nosing about. The way I feel like doing now.
The more I held back the more it pulled at me to let go. The very people I wanted to talk to, the people who could help me with my problems are the very ones who make the problem harder to solve.
I hissed and trudged to the window to push off the curtains, letting in bright light into the room. I stood to watch the dancing tree branches outside for a while, then I went forward to unlatch the window, a massive breeze blowing into the room and clashing with my face. I certainly liked it.
Being so engrossed in enjoying the scene before me, my bag dropped to the ground with a low thud and I leaned outside the window. I closed my eyes, letting the breeze caress my face, a full-blown smile stretching on my visage. This was a new discovery for me, and one I might take advantage of henceforth.
“Life is good with nature!” I blurted to myself, accompanied by more smiles. “But I’ve got to shower!” I surged and peeled off the hinges of the window to whip around.
I flinched back in astonishment with what I saw there. Laying on top of the bed in an undisplaced impeccable arrangement was a red gown, a silver shoe, and a bouquet of red roses on top of it. Very carefully, I ambled closer to take a good look and saw a transparent box of jewelry hidden behind the bouquet.
I took the bouquet first and smelt it. Nice. Then I noticed by the side of the flower was attached a card. I opened it to read and it said,
‘Wear the dress and Luther would bring you to a location.’
I dropped it back on the bed with the flower and picked up the gown to sample it. Who would have sent this? Alfred? Maybe he is remorseful for how he treated me back there. It certainly would be him. Arsehole!
I smiled and ran to the bathroom to quickly shower. Surely, I know this was not reasonable and might get me into trouble, but it won’t stop me from going. I was suffocated staying indoors anyway and would need to undulate outside. This was my only chance. Plus, I get to reconcile with Alfred who is fast becoming my bestie.
When I came out, I went to lock my door to prepare myself. I wouldn’t want Nadia to see me, and then go through the headache of lying to her once more. I have lies to make up for, I wouldn’t want to add more to the equation. I will have to wear a black cloak when leaving so that I don’t attract attention with the red color.
While I lotioned myself and applied my makeup, my eyes skidded to the elegant gown on the bed, my thought being that it was weird that Alfred got that for me. Does he also have the same red fetish like his brother?
Some minutes down the line I was done and ready to leave. I used one of the three cloaks I had in my closet, to cover myself and silently left the room to walk down the hall with my head held down. I made sure every part of me was covered including my red hair.
When I reached outside, true to the words in the card, Luther pulled in front of the foyer and the doors to a black Chevrolet slid open for me to enter. Chevrolet? This is Alonso’s car. Or, has Alfred gotten a similar car?
I shook off the thought. Whatever! Anyone can own a Chevrolet. And this is a palace, the drivers can drive any of the cars. I reached down to fling off the flat I wore to conceal my steps and replaced it with the silver stiletto. I was more than excited about this. I have never been on a real date. This would be my first.
Alfred should better make it worth it.