Chapter 47

Book:Hybrid's Redemption Published:2024-7-14

That was from Alonso, by now he was cradling my head in his large hands and pumping his huge-sized dick into my mouth. I was choking, at the same time enjoying every bit of it. I wanted to please him and I was happy I was doing just that.
I rolled my hands around his fat balls and gave it a light tug-the action eliciting more groans from the almighty oaf head. This is surreal. How did we get here? From gawking across the table in hate to having his dick in my mouth whilst I lick off every iota of precum dripping from it-the very act causing my center to throb painfully in need. I could feel my wetness starting to trickle down my legs, and these aches fighting to burst through me. I wanted him. Or will I say I needed him? However, I didn’t want to appear more wanton than I already was, so I played his cards.
Going up on my quivering knees, I steadied myself and grabbed him harder- my hand touching his balls shooting forth to push away his hands which didn’t seem to be moving. I was gagging and it wasn’t fair that I am not allowed to play with him as he did me, without him always being in control.
All I knew today is all thanks to romance literature. Back in my former pack, reading was one of the things that kept me busy when I’m not slaving away for my family. I often hid in my room to read them and very fast, so as to return them to my sister’s room before she noticed their demise, or lest my father grabbed me. Bianca almost caught me one day, but somehow I had managed to sneak it in when she had gone to ask one of her obnoxious friends if they were the ones that took it.
Then, when she came back and had seen it, she had come out in the parlor with it and was like, ‘I could swear I searched for this book at that particular spot. Could it be that I’m losing my sight?’ I had laughed within and wished truly she would lose her sight so I would have to place a stick on her path and watch her somersault to her death! Evil bitch!
“Ouch!” Alonso shrieked and jumped away from me. I blinked, my cheeks staining red as I realized I had unintentionally bitten him in my whirling thought.
“I’m sorry,” I muttered, my cheeks growing hot with embarrassment. My fingers came together in front of me, slowly looking up, prepared to meet a look of repugnance on his face. However, what I wasn’t readied for was seeing this man that has been the bane of my life since I met him, smirking at me-just like his brother.
Gosh, they look so much alike! Especially with his face the way it was right now. I blanched, intentionally pinching my eyes close and opening them. He was still smirking.
“What? You planned to get me all hot and then at the slightest chance rid me of my manhood?” he asked, in a way that hinted he was kidding.
I opened my mouth and shut it back in lack of what to say. My right hand rose in gesticulation, as I tried again to tell him it was a mistake but he beat me to it.
“It’s alright. We have already overstayed and we haven’t even had the fruits yet,” he said as he began putting his clothes back on, causing my spirit to dampen. I thought maybe we would have sex today. Now, instead of me concentrating on what I was doing, I have ruined the moment with thoughts of my evil sister! Will she ever stop haunting me? Even in death, she seems to be triumphing over me.
“C… Must we go now? Can’t we…” I broke off, catching the mocking glint in his eyes-that very well tell of him feeling on top of the world, that I might be insinuating we have sex. I won’t allow him to turn me into that kind of person. Control is the key. Alfred’s voice rang in my head about me learning how to focus. I will have to consider that part of my training so as to grow tougher. “Never mind. You are right, we have to leave. I have training tomorrow morning plus work. So,” I said, sitting up from the mat. I began gathering my dresses noticing he was still standing at the spot, his eyes drilling holes into me. I know by now he would be thinking about Alfred and me.
“I’m ready to leave,” I informed him, picking up my handbag from the floor. I went to pick up the basket, my mouth starting to water from the enormous food he has packed that we didn’t sample. I refused to look at him because I didn’t want to see that he has gone back to being the distant arsehole he is. I won’t cry, not now, not ever. I need to grow a tough skin around him, because if he couldn’t be carried away long enough in our intimate moment-even though I had fucked up and made meat of his private part, then he is not worth my tears.
“Let’s just go. You don’t have to say any mean thing to me, I beg you. Let’s just forget what happened and go back to our normal lives. You already made it clear that I mean nothing to you but your slave. So let’s go, so your chosen mate doesn’t get bothered about your absence,” I spat the last word, meeting his hardened exterior and without another thought made my way out of his side, not knowing where I was heading.
I felt him coming beside me but was too heavy-hearted to gaze at him lest I lost the little control I had obtained, and beg him to take me. The chemistry was too potent. As much as I hate him, instead of the bond pulling us apart, it’s drawing us closer.
I hate this. I hate myself, I hate everything. I hate our connection!
The ride back home was ladled with disturbing silence that hovered over the car like a dark cloud. All I did was skim outside the car at the passing trees and tall buildings. At a junction, when we had stopped-waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I saw a happy couple crossing the road, the man holding his woman securely with laughter in their eyes, and my heart had lurched-the tears I was fighting to hold back gathering in my eyes and me striving so hard to keep it at bay.
If Alonso noticed, he didn’t show any signal. The minute he stopped the car, I practically jumped out, rushing to my room. When I was inside, I secured the locks of my door and fell to the ground to bawl out my eyes. Fuck the ‘tough girl’ attitude I was struggling to maintain, it hurts to be the object of someone’s mental abuse-especially when you are connected to the person by a supernatural force and the person is looks for every opportunity to break you, even though they had to take advantage of your weakness to them.
I would have been a better Luna Queen to Alonso, but he wouldn’t give me a chance. I would have broken my bones and trained day and night just to stand by his side and meet up to the standard he desired, but he wouldn’t let me. He won’t stop tormenting me. Now he is coming close to me because his brother is my friend. He thinks I don’t know, but I do. I might be weak and clumsy but not stupid.
More tears fell as I now understood why so many people die from heartbreak in the werewolf Kingdom- the pain is too much and unbearable. With Liam, I was pained and angry still, nothing could have prepared me for what I have felt since I met Alonso. It was as though with the second chance, came a double of my agony. Often times, I feel this gut-twisting pain mostly after he has said something mean or done something impairing to me-days like this. I want to hurt him back. I want him to feel what I feel every time he mistreats me. Every time he sits with Paisley knowing how much pang it was going to cause me. And each time he sits across the dining table glaring at me for smiling with his brother.
For sending the only man that loved me away, and having the heart to call me his slave!
I want to hurt him for it. But how? As it seems, seeing me almost giving up my body to Lance had only turned me into a slave… I halted in my reflection, an idea occurring to me. Maybe if I do more, he might finally reject me and by then I must have improved on my skills and would be able to fend for myself outside his protection if he cast me out. I shook my head, my sunken heart developing more valley.
This is all messed up and the major problem is that I am the one caught in between his wickedness.
If he doesn’t want me, then he can’t toy with my body either. I have to make sure that is certain first! No more playing with me. Since he won’t accept me as a mate, then he won’t enjoy the dividends that come from it! Period!
“Ms. Danika.” Someone pounded on the door. I already knew who and exactly who I needed now.