“Last night was the best night of my life,” cooed Muse, jumping about inside me.
I rolled my eyes. “Get a hold of yourself, Muse. Let’s not get too excited. Don’t forget he wasn’t in bed when I woke up.” I stabbed the fork in my hand in the almost soggy meatloaf, my expression very sullen. Don’t get me wrong, I am very, very excited after what happened last night. In fact, for the first time in forever, I slept like a baby and even had a dream where I was literally flying on the moon.
All because of one person. A person that just like before, I had woke up this morning to find gone.
Yeah, I know whatever we did was not real, at least to him. I am the foolish girl who is caged in this imaginary world of fantasy where I believe that maybe my mate has suddenly changed and would want us to stop this stupid pretense we were on, and accept me.
“C’mon dude, cheer up. At least we had fun last night. Something we have missed out on for so long… I mean look at that mark!” She swished her tail, making me blush red. Instinctively, I reached up a hand to pull the sweat turtleneck top I was wearing to cover the huge red mark embedded on my neck. When I had checked it out this morning before taking my bath, I had nearly fainted in anxiety at the thought of what people would say when they see it.
What was he thinking? Just because his manhood couldn’t take me being around another man? I know that was why he did it. He must think leaving me without a mark, I could easily be snatched by another male. So this is him securing his territory. A territory he wasn’t bold enough to accept. That is what I comprehend. If he is so anxious about me being around other men, why won’t he do the right thing? Why can’t we stop all this bullshit? It’s tiring.
“Do you think he is sleeping with her, Muse?” I asked my wolf, pushing away the soggy meal, having no appetite to have it. Lunchtime would soon be over at the infirmary, anyway.
“He isn’t sleeping with that light skirt. Just using her to hurt us. I know,” Muse told me matter-of-factly. I know, but that didn’t stop it from hurting me. Why does he have the need to do something that would cause me grief? Is he th-
“Hy, Ms. Danika?” Mary barbed, coming to sit across from me. I flushed in surprise at seeing her.
“What are you doing here?” I looked around while asking, still recovering from my surprise.
She giggled her rich rhythm I have missed. “I came to visit you. Since you left and there is little to do in the house, I have been looking for ways to visit you here.”
“I missed you too,” I told her, trying to shush Muse that was running amok within me. In these few days we have known each other, I have found out Muse is too much of an attention seeker.
“I met the incoming Luna Queen on my way here,” Mary ventured, tapping her fingers on the table. “She didn’t look happy one bit.” She stood to move her chair closer. I smiled, recalling how much of a gossip Mary can be. “I think she is having problems with the King. He had left her on the terrace to drive off. She stood there in this abhorrent red dress, her face masked into a storm, looking like she wanted to transform and pounce at him…” she leaned closer that her face was almost halfway across the table, her brows knitted together,”… between you and me, I don’t think the King is that fond of her.”
“Mary!” I brayed at her in a low-pitched voice, my frantic eyes darting around to ensure no one had heard her. “How do you know that?” I asked, still inquisitive. Or, was I enjoying hearing this?
“I know what I am saying. Almost everyone knows too. Before you came, they have been together for a long time and he hardly showed any form of attention or went on pack tour with her as most Alphas do,” she shrugged, reaching out her hand to pick up my juice can but paused halfway in hesitation.
I knew she wanted to take it but needed my permission so I pushed it at her, my mind still reeling with what he said, “But he is a King. He might decide not to show her off to the public until he has officially crowned her his Queen,” I reasoned.
She sipped the juice through the straw, after which she dropped it and batted her eyes mischievously. “That is not an excuse. I know love when I see one. My mother said he was not like that with his dead wife.” My eyeballs dilated at the kind of things that freely came out of Mary’s mouth.
Nonetheless, I ventured with my curiosity, taking this chance I have to know more about my mate. “Did your Mom tell you other things about them? Why she died, and what kind of person she was?” I asked, curiosity killing me. I needed to know if there was any strong trait she had that got his attention, maybe I can try to imitate it.
“Danika! We are originals we don’t imitate!” hollered Muse. True, but call me stupid, I just want Alonso’s approval. Strongly.
Mary, whose head had been totted to the side in thought bounced her shoulders mindlessly and said, “I don’t think she had any very significant power or quality. She was a kind person. I think it was his young first love. Mom told me she was killed by humans.”
“Humans?” I let out in horror, my eyes still darting around. Lunchbreak is over but here I am gossiping- Part of the perks I get as the supposed Beta mate. Mary and her mouth-watering gossip will certainly put me in trouble.
“Yea,” Mary continued, “though, I don’t have the full details. How has your stay been with them?” She rapidly changed the topic as if suddenly taking control of her senses and knowing this topic might be a sensitive one. My heart lurched. I wish I could know everything, especially how his wife died. However, I will have to wait till another time. Little by little, I will get all the information I need on his past life, and why he is the way he is, apart from knowing his mother is not his close buddy.
It was my time to shrug. “Just there. Nothing much. Theresa is her normal self with regular distinct observations, and Alfred, he is the most confusing but friendly person.” I liked the way I was cuddling up to Mary. I just hope she likes me just the way I do her. She is nice and full of up-to-date information. And just like Paisley, she is full of life- Just the kind of person I need in my life. I don’t care if she is an Omega or will I take into consideration the disapproving glances I was getting from people around.
“You are surely a patient person. The former Queen is someone I don’t think I can stay an hour in her presence without squirming to death. Then again, you are a nice person so she don’t have anything on you,”
“She is nice too,” I quipped in sincerity. Theresa might be too much of everything, but I like her. The only problem I might have with her is the fact that she makes my mate uncomfortable and takes preference to his brother than him. Apart from that, she is someone I look up to.
Mary scoffed and made to stand. “If you say so. If you ask me, I will say she is a formal tigress. She is part of the reason I don’t visit you at the Alpha house.”
“You have to always come around, Mary. I came to look for you last week but the cook said you were on leave with your Mom. By the way, now that you are here, let me have your contact so I can call you,” I started digging through my work coat to pull out my phone which I gave to her.
We made our way out of the cafeteria toward the nursery ward. I stopped, thinking she was going to leave.
“I will just stay till you are through for the day so we can go together,” she offered, earning a joyful smile from me.
“Won’t that deter you from whatever you want to do at home?” I had to ask.
“No. I made sure I was through with everything before coming. I didn’t want to earn the wrath of the chief Omega,” she states frankly garnering a low laugh from me.
We spent more time with the pups who I was starting to cuddle up to recently. I just couldn’t help but begin liking them, after Theophilus the difficult pup made it a point that I was the only one he wanted to always read to him. He would nuzzle into me, letting out soft snores while I scratched his ears and read to him. He is so cute.
“I must commend you, Ms. Danika. You are one of a kind. Never in the history of this Kingdom has any female Beta stoop low to do that kind of stuff I saw you do. There again, not any Beta female would lower herself to speak to a low Omega like me. You are just too unique.” I blushed and averted my face as we walked out of the facility, facing the direction we would go from. It’s already getting late due to we had to stay until the last pup had been picked by his guardian before we left.
“Thanks, Mary,” I replied in a teal soft voice. I didn’t want to have hopes of Alonso coming to pick me up and I also didn’t want to call Alfred so that I don’t put Mary in trouble. So trekking home was it for us. I deduce it’s going to be fun though.
Reaching home, Mary waved me goodbye and promised to start coming around to keep me company before going to Lance’s quarters. Tomorrow is Saturday and I won’t be going to work. So, her company would really mean a lot to me after I return from my training.
The automatic doors slid open and I walked into the lobby, dusting my shoes on the floor mat. I was feeling very exhausted and lacking the energy to climb the stairs now so I elected to chill out in the living room for a few minutes before resuming to my room.
Opening the door to go in, a voice rang out in laughter from there, almost catching me off guard. I flinched back in awe, very well aware of the person that voice came from, but what I wasn’t prepared for was the position I saw her in and with who.
There on the long leather couch was stretched Paisley in the arms of Alonso in the most romantic posture ever. I was spellbound in my position at the door, anger mixed with pain mingling to start pounding in my ear.
“Hey!” Paisley said, jumping off him when she saw me, to start adjusting her red dress which looked more like lingerie. “You are home late!”
I couldn’t speak. My eyes were just pinned on both of them, willing my brain to cooperate and my legs to move. Alonso was just there, his face blank, void of any emotions that would show I just caught him clinging to the arms of another woman after nearly making love to me last night. After sinking his fangs into my neck to mark me as his. My heart was hurting.
I thought Mary said they quarreled this morning. How come? This doesn’t look like two people who were engaged in the kind of quarrel she made it out to be. Mary…
I shook my head, abruptly whirling about to rush out of the living room up to my room, acquiring a mega-strength I didn’t know I could in a few minutes.
This is all messed up for me.