I hear voices. Distant voices. How come it seems like a brawl? Do they fight in Heaven? I thought they said the ethereal creatures are very solemn and abhor noises.
Or, could it be-
Rapidly my eyes flung open, instantly wincing as direct bright light hit me.
I held my head and struggled to my side on the bed, my face morphing into a tight grimace as a slight hiss escaped my lips.
I can remember very well everything that happened. Only a fool would not recall such a disgraceful situation as the one I plunged myself into.
Subtly I felt the bed around me until I could get my bearing and slowly turned. I shield my eyes from the sharp light and slid to the edge of the bed, meaning to locate the switch and turn it off. I went to the switch and turned off the sharp light, replacing it with a milder one.
Deciding to use the toilet before locating the noise that was still assailing my ears, I was halfway to the bathroom when it flung open and Mary came out with my toiletries.
“Mary?” I let out, my eyes roving over the items in her hands in askance.
She jolted at seeing me, her eyes finding mine. I quickly took cognizance of her gloomy expression.
“What are you doing with those?” I asked her, pointing at the items.
“The Alpha ordered me to pack up your stuffs,” she replied in a very timid voice.
I clasped my hand around, unable to meet her eyes-not knowing if everyone now knows our dirty secret.
“Ms. Danika, do you know why he is very upset?”
I shook my head abruptly, “I’m. I don’t know. I’m equally surprised as you,” I dubbed with a hazy smile.
“Hmm, he charged into here like a bull sometime ago, and the next thing, he rushed down the hall, prancing from one end to the next. Then, Beta Lance came down later and told me to come and attend to you upstairs. I was very scared when I found you unconscious. I had to link the pack Doctor to come immediately. I’m glad you are awake.”
“You mean Doctor Salem was here?” I asked wide-eyed.
“Yes, he was also surprised about what happened. The next thing, the Alpha linked me to pack all your things and take to his house.”
“His house!?” I squealed, my eyes almost falling off the socket. “I can’t go to his hou-I mean, what will I be doing in his house?” I rapidly corrected, flailing my hands about.
“I’m more dismayed than you. I thought when you wake up you will tell me what is going on, but as it seems you are as alarmed as I am.”
“Wait! Are they the ones still talking?” I pointed to the door, noticing one of the voices had risen as though getting closer.
She nodded. “They keep saying something about betrayal, it’s so confusing… I think the Alpha is coming. He would punish me if he find out I’m still dawdling,” she finished, running to the wardrobe.
I bit into my lip, my fingers clasping tighter as I stuttered on my feet. The door gave way as someone came in. I didn’t want to look up, because I knew what I would see.
“Get out, Omega!” he snagged in a very dangerous voice.
There was clattering of feet as Mary ran out, the door shutting behind her.
I stood my ground, my body starting to shake as we were left alone. I messed up, I know. How could I have allowed myself to act like a common slut?
“You scheming slut!” he grounded out, striding closer. “I told you if you let another man touch you, that I would make sure you suffer direly for it. You dared to cross me. By the time I’m done with you, you will crawl on your two feet begging for me to quickly end your life!” Very ruthless words, yet, said so benignly.
I shook, tears gathering in my eyes, unable to say a word. What could I really have said? That I’m sorry? He caught me red-handed. There is nothing I would say that could placate him. I’ve come to know him that well.
Here in the wolf world, the male wolves can easily go scot-free with such atrocious behavior. But once a female wolf does it, she is labeled a loose skirt and common slut. No one would care to know how he has treated me thus far, all they would care to hear is how I handled it. And from my case, I failed.
“You are moving into my quarters since I have to keep a close eye on you. And henceforth, you will become my sex slave. I will torture your body, mind, and soul until you break down. You can’t survive without the attention of a man, right? I will make sure you have all that attention until you are ridden of every urge or desire for a man in your life to come.”
The tears were falling in tides now and I couldn’t stop them.
What would he tell others? I know I’m supposed to be happy that he wants me in his house now, but what would the others think? They would surely ask questions.
“I’m going for a pack meeting. By the time I’m back, make sure your door in my quarters is kept open for me. Don’t test me,” with that, he nudged me away and left the room in rapid steps. I just stood there, my life plummeting before me. Finally, I arrived where I had feared to be.
Sex slave?
Maybe I should just run away. Yeah. Now I have my wolf, I can al-
“Maybe you should just take a chilled pill and relax,” someone said, causing me to jump and look around.
I am sure I heard something. Am I starting to lose my mind too?
“Girl, you sure have wasted thoughts,” the voice came a second time. Yes! I’m sure I heard that loud and clear. I’m not losing my mind. Could it be possible that it is my wolf spe-
“Hell, yeah! That’s me, bitch. I’m here just at the right time.”
My wolf! My wolf is here!
“Hy, are you for real?” I asked in too much exuberance.
“Yeah, I am for real, girl. You worry too much.”
“Are you kidding me? Where have you been all this while?” I couldn’t contain my joy as a gleeful smile stretched on my face.
“I’ve been here simply observing.” She jumped about, letting out some delightful squeak. Gad, she is bubbly too.
“Girl, was that our mate that just left?” she asked, reminding me of my impending doom.
“Yeah,” my voice fell a notch as I strolled to the bed to plop down.
“Geez, he is damn hot! Why are you looking dejected after speaking to such a piece of hot cake?”
“If you saw him, then you should have heard him too,” I said, placing my elbows on my knees and clasping my fingers together. “I did the most stupid thing ever.”
“By sleeping… sorry almost sleeping with his Beta?”
I snapped up, my eyes roving in my head. “You saw that? Why didn’t you stop me?”
“I dunno.” I felt her shrug. “Maybe because I was still trying to relate to my environment as well as fit in who is who. Don’t blame me. But for what it’s worth, you fucked up.”
“I know, right?” I pouted my lips and bent over once more. “But I’m glad you are here. At least I don’t have to feel lonely anymore,”
“Yea, me too. Don’t worry, we will figure this out. I think someone is coming. I can smell him. It smells like the guy fr-”
Lance came in, his face one of great despair. I looked down my legs, barely able to look at him.
“Hey,” he was close now. I could imagine his hands in his trouser pocket and that ever-smiling facade muddled.
“Hey,” I returned, still not looking up.
“Danika, I’m truly sorry. I messed up, yet again.”
“Don’t take all the blame, you didn’t force me.” I finally gathered the courage to look at him. I have never seen his face that sullen.
“I don’t regret it, though,” he added, not batting an eyelid.
I didn’t know what else to say. My fate has been decided and I can’t let myself continue grieving over an already spilled milk.
“He is so shameless,” my wolf spat out. “He don’t regret it? What a pervert!”
“Just let me handle this one, okay?” I implored her, still watching Lance.
“Okay, if you say so. But I think you should just leave before he tries something ag-
“Oh, please…” I begged her, rolling my eyes, not knowing Lance took notice of it.
“Are you okay?” he asked me, taking a step forward. I quickly stood from the bed and walked around him.
“I’m fine, Lance.” I stopped by the window, pulling the curtains open, the breeze whipping on my face-the feeling amazing. “I found my wolf. Now.”
“Wow. Congrats… Dan-”
“I think we should stay away from each other henceforth, Beta Lance. I’m sorry, but it seems staying together puts us in lots of trouble. The other time we almost kissed, and then now…” I couldn’t complete it. I couldn’t continue doing this with him. Who knows what next would happen between us? Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to move far from him. I’m just concerned with what people would say.
“I will be going on a mission.” I turned to meet his eyes. They were filled with so much misery like mine. Could it be that Lance has feeling for me? I couldn’t ask him.
I simply nodded, unable to form coherent words. “Maybe that’s good news.” I looked at my palms, then flipped off a hair that fell over my eyes, biting down my lower lips to allay the tears that fought to slip out.
“I’m sorry, Danika. I just couldn’t hold myself from falling for you. I mean, who wouldn’t.” He bounced his shoulders, pain etched in his eyes.
I shook my head. This is too much for me to take in. I knew it. I just knew it. Someone finally fell for me and then it had to be the wrong person. I am definitely cursed.
“It’s meaningless now.” I allowed the tears to flow, meeting his saddened gaze. “He has declared me his sex slave. So henceforth, this is my new identity,” with that, not wanting to gain his pity, I waddled on unsteady legs to the door, finding my way to my new home.
Only the moon knows what the future held for me.