After all the introductions had been made, Theresa insisted we stay for dinner, which within, I was extremely glad for. Mehn! I was thoroughly famished.
Thankfully, Lance obliged her and we were ushered into a wide expanse dining hall with its table stretching in height to the edge of the room. It looks like the Alpha entertained a large number of people in his home, which warranted such furniture.
Just when the Omegas finished serving the mouth-watering dishes of diverse assortment and I was about to delve in, Alonso entered the dining. But he wasn’t alone. Hanging to his arm was a sophisticated-looking lady with her face all covered in artificial glam.
She howled out an ear-piercing shrill at something my mate must have whispered to her, making my hungry stomach suddenly knot together with jealousy.
I jerked in alarm when I felt a hand on my lap and whipped around to meet the pitiful orbs of Lance.
“You are gawking,” he whispered.
Oh, right. I was with my supposed mate right here. No need to take in the ridiculous two. That was what I told myself. Yet, from time to time, I found myself sneaking a peek in their direction.
“So Alonso, how was the mission? Hope the girl was sent to Hades for such an obnoxious act?” Theresa suddenly asked, dipping her bread in the olive oil and taking a clean bite. I paled in my position, my eyes instantly sliding in the direction of my real mate. He was still keeping a bland expression, not the least perturbed.
“Went well, I guess,” he replied, dryly.
“That wasn’t my question,” his mother asserted in a still steel voice.
“Mother, if you would please allow me eat in peace, then I would be very much grateful.” I looked down at my meal and started eating in earnest.
It seems he and his mother are not on great terms.
“I will let you eat,” she detailed the word “eat.” “However, don’t think you would escape giving me details on the mission,” she panned out in hostility.
“As you say, mother,” he returned curtly, picking up his glass of white wine to sip.
The table was silent, with only the sound of cutlery against plates the only evidence of our presence. I must confess the meal is to die for. If I continue eating this for a month, I fear for my body size.
“So, how did you two meet, Lance?” Theresa once more gave us a shocker. I paused abruptly, my eyes flying to Lance who from his facade I could tell was also caught unaware.
At once I did the one thing I never knew I would do any day. I lied.
“At the point of execution.” I chuckled nervously, moving my spoon about in anxiety. “I had come to watch the execution and we had sensed each other, right?” My face turned to Lance who was looking very mortified right now. Somehow getting back himself, he began snickering, his hand coming up to cup my cheek romantically, and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I died immediately.
He looked up at Theresa who was still waiting for his answer, with gushy eyes. “Yea, at the execution. It reminds me of how I was drawn to her position right there, where she was. It was the best moment of my life,” he said. If I didn’t know better, I would say he was sounding genuine.
“Wow! That was amazing,” Theresa said, dropping her spoon to clap her hands. “I’m indeed very happy for you, Lance. You have always done me proud.”
I blushed crimson, slowly flickering my orifice toward Alonso, and nearly fainted from what I saw. He was glaring at us-Lance and me.
Instantly he stood, the sound of his chair dragging on the ground at maximum intensity. All eyes were promptly on him, amazed at his untoward behavior.
Without as much as a wink our way, he stormed out of the dining hall, leaving particularly me more awed and disturbed.
“What is wrong with that boy? I thought a little air from outside the pack would have done justice to his ill-temper,” Theresa intoned, wiping her mouth with one of the napkins.
None spoke again, including the handbag that had come in with him.
“I think we better retire to my place now, Theresa. My mate and I. It’s been a tiring day and she would need some rest.” He took my hand, placing it in the crook of his arm, and standing up.
Theresa chuckled so slightly and gracefully. “It’s no bother at all, dear son. She is indeed a quiet one from what I can see.”
I blanched in my seat but managed to graze her a sweet smile and said, “Thanks for the meal. I appreciate.”
She waved my comment off, standing up, she said, “It’s always a pleasure having you around. I feel bored most of the time save for little Cleopatra here who keeps me company.” At that, the girl glimmered. “I wouldn’t mind a double companion.”
“She would definitely be happy to, Theresa. We must leave now.” Lance beat me to answering, lifting me gently and leading me by my waist out of the hall, down another hall that led outside.
“That was great,” I said through gritted teeth, getting abraded by the cold outside.
Lance shrugged off his coat and placed it over my shoulders, and we walked on down a shrubbery path.
“I’m sorry for everything back there. Theresa can be… imposing some times,” Lance remarked in a gentle voice.
I giggled. “I like her.”
“You do?” he leaned to me, cocking his brow.
“Yea, I mean she might come off too nosy if I’m allowed to say that, but she is kind of warm.”
He grinned widely. “You are about the only person that has ever said that, well, apart from Cleopatra.” At the mention of her name, my face fell.
I raised my hand to push back my hair and whipped it back to my side. “Oh,” was all I could say.
Lance seems to have noticed my shift in demeanor. He exhaled accumulated air as we arrived at the next building in the same compound. “Don’t allow yourself grief too much over things you can’t control, Danika,” he commented as he pushed open the brown brass door, letting us in.
Someone ran out from a door at the left wing and greeted, “You are most welcome, Beta. We weren’t expecting you.”
“Thank you, Dorothy,” he addressed the older woman, stepping close to draw me to him. “Meet Danika, my mate,” he said fluently.
“Oh, me!” the woman exclaimed with glee. “You finally found her. Thanks be to the goddess. You are most welcome, ma’am,” she greeted with a slight bow.
I tinged red in embarrassment, lacking words. “It’s alright. Thanks for welcoming me,” I uttered, meeting the eyes of Lance.
“She is a very shy one,” Lance said and boldly brushed the hair that had fallen across my face. “We will have to go upstairs now, Dorothy, please save yourself the stress of dinner. We already had one at the Alpha’s house,”
“Okay, Beta. It’s till breakfast then. I’ll make sure it’s deserving and celebratory.”
“Thanks, Dorothy,” he said to her with a smile.
After that, we went upstairs, to arrive at the front of a door in a slightly dark hall only illuminated by low light. When we stopped, my heart plummeted. Are we going to sleep in the same room? Gad! I have been so immersed in so many mundane things to not have thought about this.
Lance cleared his throat, seemingly grasping the situation like me. “Danika. I know after what nearly happened back at the hotel, that you must be highly distrustful of me by now. But since we are supposedly mates, we are required to stay in the same room, else mouths would wag.” His hands were by his side now.
“There are two rooms. An adjoining room for my future mate. You can stay there while I stay in the King’s chamber. We have an interconnecting door.”
My eyes light up. “There would be no problem then. About what happened back there, it was both of our faults. I still trust you. After all, you are my only friend,” I said as I patted his shoulders and walked in.
He stayed for some time, before coming in. He took me to my own side of the room which was truly a picture of feminity, ranging from the wallpaper hanging waterfall to the pink shade used in adorning it.
But what I liked most was the artificial firehouse. The fire within blazed aloud, causing warmth in the room. A tall, vast vase filled with what I deduce to be tulips was contained, giving the room a sweet scent of the sea. Absolute tranquility.
“From your facade and somber assessment, I can tell you like it?” It sounded like a question.
“I really do love it. Especially the firehouse and tulips.”
“Used to be my Mom’s until she passed away. I had to bring it here for my future mate. It reminds me of her. The maids are under strict instructions to keep it refreshing by all means.”
“Mmm,” I hummed. “Sorry about your Mom, you must really miss her.”
“I really do. But, it’s okay. It’s in the past. Make yourself comfortable. We will see tomorrow.”
“Thanks so much, Lance,” I couldn’t help but say.
“Why?” he asked mildly, half turned.
“For everything.”
“As I said earlier, it’s nothing.”
I nodded and went to the bed.
“Someone will bring you a nightwear. By tomorrow, we will do something about your wardrobe.”
I sat on the bed and bobbed my head and said, “Thanks once again.”
“Good night, Danika.”
“Goodnight, Lancelot.”
He gave me his enchanting smile before closing the adjoining door behind him.
I puffed out laborious air as my thoughts went through everything that has happen thus far. In the reflection, it went to my mate, thinking of what he might be doing at that moment.
Is he with her? No, I don’t think so. If he does, I’m supposed to feel it. I was still immersed in introspection when my back touched the bed and I was dragged away into la la land.
Then I heard a grave knock.