She pissed and moaned, but I dragged her in and got her a nice little jacket and scarf. Even got gloves, which made her bitch even more.
“If you don’t stop, I’m leaving you here. You need these, I don’t want you sick because of your stubbornness. Now smile, and thank me for being a nice guy.”
She smirked. “Thanks, asshole. If you want to piss your money away, I’ll let you. Can we catch up with the guys now?”
We caught up to them at the second checkpoint. By then, she had snuggled in behind me with a firm grip. The halfway point was lunch, at a nice buffet style restaurant. She acted like she’d wait by the bike. I leaned in close.
“Get you tiny little ass into the restaurant, right now. If you don’t, I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you in. We clear here?”
She nodded, looking pissed. Didn’t stop her from stuffing herself, though.
At the end of the day, she was more relaxed. We won a prize, a gift certificate for a hundred dollars at a Harley dealership. I gave it to her, putting my hand firmly over her mouth when she started to protest. I left it for a few seconds.
When I removed it, she didn’t say anything but her eyes were blazing. If looks could kill.
Things went downhill on the way back. It started raining, a cold drizzle, getting harder. We were less than a mile from my house and ten from the bar, so I turned off. When we pulled into my garage, she got off the bike, took off her new coat, gloves ans scarf, and threw them onto the floor, along with the gift certificate. Her face was a mask of rage and pain. She had misunderstood the situation completely.
“You think because you bought me a few things you were automatically getting pussy? Shove these things up you ass, you bastard.”
She turned around, stalking out.
It took me a minute or two to recover and calm down. Then I got into my Dart and went looking. She’d set a fast pace and had gone almost a quarter of a mile. It was raining hard by then. I pulled over just past her.
“Get in the car, Amanda.”
“Fuck you!” she said, trying to walk past. I grabbed her arm.
“You have a choice here. You can get in the car and I’ll drive you back to the bar. You can refuse, and I’ll throw you in the car, after I paddle that stubborn ass until you see reason. Your choice.”
She tried to push past me.
“You wouldn’t dare! Suits don’t do shit like th…”
I was twice her size and pretty pissed, I had her slammed face down on the hood in three seconds, my first smack landing right between her cheeks. She screamed, more from surprise than pain. I landed two more before she started begging me to stop.
“I”l get in the car! I’ll be good, I promise. Please, no more!”
By now I had calmed down and was a little ashamed. I let go of her and opened the passenger door. She slid in without hesitation.
We had gone a mile when she started to talk. I held up my hand.
“Not a word, or I’ll pull over and finish what I started. Then I’ll leave you where you are. Understand?”
She nodded, wide eyed.
I pulled into the parking lot, reached over and threw her door open.
“Out. Now.”
She got out. I slammed the door, pulled onto the highway, and turned the turbo loose, shredding tires.
I didn’t go back for three weeks, waiting until after she had to leave before I walked in. Giving Helen the coat, scarf and gloves.
“Here. They’re for Amanda. She can wear them, burn them, or stick them up her ass. I don’t really care.”
Helen and Sam looked at me in shock. Then Helen grinned and slapped me.
“What the hell was that for?” I asked, rubbing my cheek.
“That’s for making us put up with a screaming bitch for three weeks. We wondered what happened when you dropped out. Then Babydoll came in, went straight into the back, and started crying. She cried for three days before I got it out of her.”
“She’s had a miserable life so far. Abused and abandoned at fifteen. Foster homes until she was eighteen, and then she was out on the streets. Apparently she hooked up with a flaming asshole who tried to turn her out.”
“Take it easy on her, Suit. She doesn’t know how to handle someone kind and decent. It a foreign concept to her. She thinks if someone is nice to her, they want something, usually something she doesn’t want to give.”
She stopped, grinning again.
“She runs to the door every time she hears a bike, hoping it’s you. She’d fry in hell before she’d admit it, but she has a huge crush on you. It’s gone from bitching to whimpering. Give the girl a break. Show up while she’s here, give her a kind word, before she tears every head in the bar off.”