Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2024-7-10

His name was Johnny Walker, and he hated scotch.
“I should have been named Jim or Jack, I’m a bourbon man through and through.”
He came highly recommended to me as one of the best in his business, so I hired him. It only took two weeks to get me everything I wanted.
He met at a bar owned by one of his friends. There were rooms for private parties, and we used one of those. I didn’t want to be seen going into his office, or him coming into mine. He agreed totally. I’d even bought a burner phone I kept locked in my desk to use to communicate with him. I know, it sounds paranoid. After all, if it was nothing, I didn’t want Becky getting wind of the fact that I had her investigated. It would not lead to good things.
“It’s all here,” he said, giving me a small briefcase, “pictures, video, interviews with friends and coworkers. Some of them didn’t even know she was married. Apparently she doesn’t wear her rings at work. They weren’t particularly careful. I’m sorry.”
I handed him a check and picked up the case. He stopped me.
“You’re not going to do anything stupid are you? Scorched earth, violence? You’ve been awful calm about this and in my business calm is kind of scary. It’s not worth going to jail for. Cut your losses and move on if you can’t forgive her.”
“I’m not going to hurt her, or him. Physically, at least. They both went into it with their eyes open. Surely they considered all that could happen if they got caught.”
I paused, thinking.
“I’m not going to hide money, make ridiculous demands, play games. And I’m not going to fight to keep her, I should never have to be in the position to have to fight for her, and by her actions there’s nothing to fight for. She broke the marriage of her own free will. I’m just going to walk away. Does that make me a wimp?”
“No it doesn’t. It makes you a man of good judgement, someone calm and logical under pressure. A rarity in these situations. And they probably didn’t consider the consequences at all. Few do. Got a lawyer?”
I shook my head. “I thought I’d wait for the report.”
He wrote something on a notepad and handed it to me. “I work a lot with these three. They’re all good. The first is a shark, he isn’t happy until blood is spilled. The second is the guy you want if you want to stop a divorce, not a good choice in your situation. The third guy is your man. He doesn’t like drama, likes to keep things clean and calm as possible, while doing his best for your interests. If you don’t have anyone lined up, give him a call. Mention me, and you get a discount.”
He walked to the door. Turning, he gave me a few more words of advice.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t watch the DVD or look at the pictures. It won’t help your case, and it will burn memories into you it will take years to erase. Same with the report. You already know all you need to know. However, read the contents of the red envelope. There’s some pretty interesting information about your friends and their knowledge of her affair. And per your instructions, we won’t turn the phone tap off for another two weeks. Again, I urge you not to listen to them. Call if you need anything else.”
I took the case to my office, extracted the red envelope, and locked the case, then locked it in the bottom of my file cabinet. I’d take his advice, for right now. I did call the third man on the list and set up a consultation.
Paul Whitfield ran a small, three partner office. The offices were in an old building that still had the ornate moldings with high ceilings and dangling fans. He saw me looking and grinned.
“We own the building. I insisted we keep the fans. Give the place character.”
I liked him instantly. He warmed up during the meeting, and when we were done I had a divorce lawyer I felt I could trust. He approved of the amicable split, said he could do better on the settlement, this wasn’t a no fault state, but it should make it easier for everyone. If she didn’t fight.
“Think she will?”
“I have learned recently that I have no idea what she is thinking, or doing. When can we file?”
“Thursday or Friday, whichever you think best.”
I thought about it.
“Can I have it done on a Saturday evening?”
He looked at me.
“This isn’t going to stray into getting stupid territory, is it?”
I grinned, for the first time.
“Probably. Hold off until Monday, serve her then. She should be home by seven.”
“Not at her office?”
“No. Let her keep a little dignity. Besides, if she’s fired, wouldn’t I have to support her?”
“Smart man,” he grinned, and shook my hand, before going back into lawyer mode.
“Call me if you think of anything you forgot to tell or ask me. I thank you for your business, even if it’s sad business. I’ll call right before she gets served, if you want.”

I got my ducks in a row.
I looked around and found a nice two bedroom house on the next town over. I thought about an apartment or condo, but enjoyed houses better. It would mean a thirty five minute commute, but it was a quiet neighborhood, and I didn’t think she’d look for me this far out.
I had read the red folder. It made me very, very angry to know how many people I knew were aware of or helped cover for her affair. Their time would come, especially four of them.
I played nice at work, kept up the farce at home for the rest of the week. She was feeling amorous Thursday, letting me warm her up for the weekend, I guess. By now she was just pussy to me. I didn’t necessarily fuck her, but it wasn’t exactly loving either. She got off, I got off, then I got off her.
“You seemed a little distracted tonight, honey. Do I not do it for you anymore?”
She acted playful, but I sensed an undertone of fear in her words.
“You’ve always done it for me, Beck. I’m just tired and stressed. Let’s get some sleep.”
I tried, but I just couldn’t make myself cuddle, so I turned over and faked sleep. She snuggled to me, spooning.
“Love you, baby.”
I didn’t answer, still pretending to be asleep. I think she could tell I was faking, but she didn’t say anything.

In the end, I just couldn’t stand it, straying right into what Paul called ‘stupid territory’. I waited until almost an hour after the event was in progress before walking through the doors. I stood on the fringe of the crowd, watching. They held hands, snatched a little kiss now and then. The band started up and I watched them sway across the floor. He was a better dancer than I’d ever be.
Other than that, I didn’t see it. He wasn’t as tall as me, or as toned. No accounting for taste or lack thereof, as my great aunt was fond of saying. I was almost to them when I stopped dead.
Cindy. She appeared right in front of them. They hugged, and they all laughed. I wonder if Allan knew she was here?
I was like Moses parting the Red Sea. One look at my face and people got out of the way. Becky must have noticed how the crowd was moving back. She turned, still holding his hand, and looked dead into my eyes.
She froze for a few seconds, before trying to form words and let go of his hand. He grinned, the happy grin of a guy who’s life is good, and held on.
“Friend of yours, hon?” He said, finally letting go and holding out his hand.
“No,” I snarled, “Husband.”
He paled and took two steps back. I looked at Beck.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?”
“Jace, honey, it’s not what…”
“What it looks like? Give it up. It’s exactly what it looks like. My wife keeping company with another man. How’s that for putting it politely? I could have said the asshole the bitch is screwing. The guy she’s hanging the horns on me with. The scum sucking bottom feeder who has no problem fucking a married woman.”
I was getting louder, and I drew myself in, breathing deeply. Her honey was trying to disappear into the crowd. Quite a few were listening. I called out to him, drawing even more attention.
“Where do you think you’re going? You got the balls to bang her but not stand by her when shit hits the fan? Doesn’t say much for you, does it? But don’t worry, she’s yours now. I got no more use for her.”
Becky was pulling my arm, begging me to calm down and we’d find a place to talk. I removed her hand, a little forcefully.
“I know, Beck. I KNOW. Don’t try to spin it. Don’t insult me by trying to explain it. We’re through. Completely, understand? I left you a little something on the dining room table, It should bring back fond memories for you.”
I looked at Cindy, standing beside her and looking completely terrified.
“And you. Don’t you ever speak to me again, not in this lifetime. If we’re in the same room it would be better you stay as far away from me as possible, or leave right away. No wait, I do want to hear one thing. Did Allan know?”
She hung her head. That told me all I needed to know.
“Then tell him we’re through as partners. He can buy me out, or I’ll put my half up for sale.”

It hit the fan big time. She called. Allan called. Cindy called. Over and over. I didn’t answer, erased the messages. I kept my car in my little garage with the door down. I was walking distance to a grocery store and a bar. Didn’t like the bar, but the store was fine.
I shocked the shit out of Allan by showing up at the office Monday. He started to talk but I shut him down.
“I know you knew. Cindy as good as told me, being the true, loyal friend she is. I’ll never forgive Cindy for helping her. And before you say it, she was helping her at the very least by keeping her secret. So tell your wife it would be in her best interest to stay away from the office, and me.”
“If she insists on being here, I won’t. I’ll let the business go down the drain and walk away, Allan. It would be very easy. This includes Becky, her lover, or any other of our so called friends. Leave it alone.”
I had already called the police about restraining orders. They told me to talk to my lawyer. By nine Becky and Cindy were pounding on my office door. I called Allan.
“If you want to stay in business, make them leave. Now. Or I’ll be the one leaving, and I won’t come back.”
I could hear a lot of the argument through the door. Becky was refusing to leave, and Cindy was supporting her. Allan was trying to make them understand.