“Eight… nine… ten” I counted to myself and slowly eased the weights back down. I had gone down to the gym in the basement of our house to work out some frustrations from my job. I was just finishing up my leg lifts which were, by far, my least favorite exercise.
Jen was due to join me in probably just a few minutes. She and I normally would work out together twice a week when we had time. She was so focused in her soccer game that she had asked me to help her set up a weight program to build up her strength. So I guess I was her unofficial coach, and as such I was committed to making it to every game of hers I could.
I just sat down at the weight machine and began a shoulder press when Jen came down the stairs. She smiled over at me, pulling her hair up with a band. She walked over to beside where I was sitting to look at the weights and teased, “Fifty? What, are you tired today?”
Truth be told, I was. But what I told her was, “Hey, you gotta have endurance, not just brute strength.”
She smiled and raised an eyebrow and said, “Endurance for what? Me?”
That little punk! Two days ago she had come into my room, bare-chested, and we ended up on my bed with her letting me pump my dick against her butt. We got carried away and ended up having sex, but as soon as I got into her cunt, I blew and came inside her. We had both been really turned on and she had her orgasm with me, but she kept teasing me about how quick it was. As endearing as she was, she was my sister, and she knew just how to try to bug me.
“Whatever, twerp.” I said and kicked at her. She giggled and walked over to the stair climber.
I finished up my set and took it easy for a moment as I watched her program the machine. She started her workout and I continued to enjoy the sight of her tight butt working it’s way left and right as her legs moved. She was wearing tight, red shorts and a white tank top. I could easily see her black sports bra through the back. In fact, as I looked closely, I could even make out her panty lines where the fabric of her shorts stretched tight against her butt cheeks.
I realized I was cooling off too much, so I got up and went over to the mat next to her machine and picked up the jump rope that lay coiled on the corner. I swung it over my head from the back and began the routine of jumping the rope, alternating which foot I used, to get my heart rate up again. Jen and I worked out side by side, as normal, she on the machine and I next to her on the mat. After about five minutes, I was ready to go again and lay the rope down. I lowered myself to the floor and began a series of pushups. I heard Jen giggle above me.
“What?” I asked her, between gulps of air.
“Nothing.” she said, but then admitted, “I was thinking about the other night.”
“Yeah? What about”
She was quiet for a second, then I heard her clear her throat above me and say, “Just about how good it felt. I mean, to be with you like that.”
I stopped my pushups and rolled to my side to look up at her. Her face was more rosy and her hair had begun to cling to her forehead. I loved how messy her hair got when she worked out.
“Yeah?” I said, looking at her face. She was a little nervous but was being honest. “I felt that way too. You know, to be inside you.”
She smiled. “I liked having you inside me too. Like, we’ve always been so close, and then you were in me and it was like we were completely together, and I loved it.” She tossed a lock of hair from her forehead with a subtle twist of her head.
“Jen, that was sweet. Thanks.” I told her.
“Even if we were only together for like two minutes!” She exclaimed and laughed.
“You twerp!” I said, getting up quickly and landing a nice swat on her butt. She screamed happily in protest and swung a hand back to fend me off, but missed, and I got another swat in before she had a chance to stop me.
She quickly got down off the machine to protect her interests, twirling around to face me with a playful fire in her eyes.
“Whoa there, let’s put that energy into your workout, okay?!” I said, quickly taking on my role as her coach. She obeyed and went over to the weight machine, but not before delivering one good poke to my ribs.
She sat down on the seat and I connected the right amount for her to use and pulled the handles for the chest press forward for her to easily grab. She took hold, then began her reps as I stood in front and encouraged her. Really, it was more of a chance for me to check her out and we both knew it. While she was straining to complete a set, I got to watch her full breasts push together as she pushed her arms forward, then pull tighter to her body as she drew her arms back and to the sides of her body.
When she was done with that, I pulled the bar lower for her to grab and she spread her hands to grab onto the ends and began pulling the weights down toward her chest. She had to arch her back on this one, so again, I got to enjoy myself by watching my sister working up a sweat, her muscles tight and firm, and again, her breasts prominently displayed and straining against her sports bra.
Eventually I left her to jump rope for a few more minutes to get my heart rate up so I could finish off my exercise with some of our free weights. I grinned over at her as she began her leg lifts. She smiled in, between gulps of air, then looked back down to focus on her lifting. I began some bicep curls and continued on in my routine.
Eventually she finished up on the machine and came over to join me. I had a weight in each hand and was lifting them with straight arms from the sides of my thighs and out, spreading my arms wide and lifting the weights to shoulder height. She smiled at me as she came over, then turned around, right in front of me, to pick up a dumbbell on the floor. Her cute butt was only about a foot and a half away from my groin and I couldn’t help but grin at her when she stood up and smiled mischievously at me over her shoulder.
She began her own exercises and we worked out side by side for a few more minutes until I finished my sets and began to stretch out and cool down.
“Well, I’d going to head up for a shower.” I said. I pulled my shirt off and wiped the sweat off of my forehead before tossing it over my shoulder.
“Hey, that’s not fair!” she said, “Why do you always grab the shower first when we work out?”
“Because you’re always late for your workout, wuss.” I replied.