In Her Eyes:>Ep11

Book:Crazy Pleasure (Erotica) Published:2024-7-4

“Dave, please forgive her and let her come home.”
I’ll admit I wasn’t surprised to be getting the full court press from all of Susan’s family and friends.
“You’re a good sister, Shannon. Susan would be so thankful if she knew you were here defending her.”
“What will it take, Dave? She’ll do anything you ask. I know she will.”
“I am sure she would, Shannon. But it would be an impossible task, so I wouldn’t insult her by asking.”
Shannon wasn’t about to give up. But she was scrambling to find any scrap of hope in a field of lost causes.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Dave. One time. One mistake. Please, please let her come home.”
“It wasn’t one time, Shannon.”
“She wasn’t honest with me, so I am not totally surprised she didn’t tell you everything either. But it doesn’t matter. Once would have been enough. It is her reasons, not her actions that brought us here.”
“Come on, Dave. Don’t get all philosophical on me. Give it to me straight. I am not nearly as smart as you and I want to make my case. So be a gentleman and keep this on my level.”
I had to laugh at that but smiles were a lot more painful these days.
“Well, I am not willing to tell you everything, Shannon. Some things just have to be between me and your sister. But, I will try to give you a little insight. I am not sure it will help you though.”
“Give it a shot, Dave. Maybe I am smarter than we both think.”
Before Shannon arrived I had been going through just about every picture taken during Susan and my 15 years together. They were stacked all around me.
“Tell you what. I am going to get something to drink. Pick out some pictures of Susan. It would be better if they were taken when you were around, but it doesn’t really matter. When you have chosen your pictures take a minute and cover everything in the picture but Susan’s eyes. Would you care for a drink?”
“Uh… white wine would be nice.”
Shannon was looking at me like I had lost my mind. Maybe I had. I sure wasn’t feeling like myself lately. It took me about fifteen minutes. I brought Shannon a glass of wine. My drink was a 32 ounce cup of ice water.
“Sure, Dave. What are you trying to show me?”
“Just show me the first picture.”
Shannon held up the first picture. I had to admit this was a little strange.
“Susan was celebrating her promotion to the ICU. She had worked so hard for that promotion. She was so proud of herself. Good choice. That was a fun night.”
OK, this was really weird. Like showing a complete stranger you have a third nipple or sixth toe.
“Lucky guess,” she cracked.
Shannon was examining the picture trying to figure out how I determined all the details. She gave up and held up the 2nd picture.
“The first picture of her holding Michael the day he was born. She was so tired, but that look of unconditional love was something else.”
Shannon pulled the picture away slower this time. I am not sure if she knew what she wanted to say. She held up the third in spite of herself.
“Are you sure that is the picture you want to go with?”
“Geesh, Dave. Just tell me about the picture.”
“Your 21st birthday. Susan is trying to appear confident and happy, but something threw her for a loop and she was trying to hide it. I didn’t know what it was at the time. She told me later that you had just drunkenly confessed to making out with your girlfriend just before your arrival. Something about smeared lip stick.”
“Holy shit.”
“I have never lied to Susan. Ever. It just never seemed fair. She could never lie to me. Even if she wanted to.”
Shannon wanted to make her case, but she seemed to have lost her train of thought.
“Shannon, do you think I am an arrogant prick?”
“What?! Hell no Dave. You are the most kind and gentle and humble man I have ever known.”
“Thanks, Shannon. Your dad is a pretty nice guy too, though.”
“Well, that’s true. Daddy runs a pretty close 2nd.”
“Do I act like I am God’s gift to women?”
“No, Dave.”
“Would it shock you if I told you that I get hit on by all measure of women at least once per day?”
“No, it wouldn’t shock me. That actually seems like a pretty conservative estimate from what I’ve seen.”
“Do you think I have ever cheated on your sister?”
She paused for just a second.
“No, Dave, I don’t think you have.”
“Thank you, Shannon. That means a lot to me even if you had to give it some thought.”
She was giggling at that one.
“Shannon, do you love your sister?”
“More than she will ever know.”
“Would you ever do anything that would deliberately hurt her, even if she would never find out?”
“God, no! I would never do anything to hurt her on purpose, Dave.”
“Can I fuck you?”