The Aftermath
A little family shopping, and paying the babysitter. Just a short scene before the end.
Jenny found someone to take her 4:00pm clients but warned us she had 6:00 and 6:30 clients she had to be back for. Holly assured her that wouldn’t be a problem. I made a few calls and cleared out the rest of my Friday. It wasn’t difficult, nobody in the office was foolish enough to schedule anything for after lunch on a Friday, except Jean, the office manager, and she was in Europe for a couple of months now. It seems Holly had already planned on taking Friday off, so was ready long before we were able to finally pile into my truck.
It’s true. Holly had been talking about replacing our bed for at least a year, probably longer. Flipping the mattress was doing nothing for the sagging on each of our sides, and all the advertising for the Dux, Sovn, Sleep Number and other beds had us at least wondering. Now we were throwing a bigger wrench into the mix. An over-sized bed.
Finding a bed larger than a California King is difficult but not impossible. Especially when you live in a city like Dallas. The Sleep Number store had a “Grand King” which was about 30% larger than a standard king, but it had the two separate chambers for adjustment, and we were looking to put it in sideways. It would still be 80″ long, the same as a king, but 22″ wider. But after an hour in that store, we figured we were wasting our time. Plus, the Grand King cost twice as much as their other beds. Ouch.
We started calling around, and within an hour we were at a high-end all-natural latex mattress manufacturer who assured us we could have a pillow-top bed a full 9′ wide by 8′ long, nearly three feet wider and a foot longer than a king-size bed, ready for us within 10 days. They were happy to order 4 sets of custom sheets for us. Happy, I’m sure, because the total cost was well over 3 grand.
A stop at JoAnn Fabrics and another 30 minutes later we had enough material for a custom bed spread, pillow shams, and dust ruffle. I have no idea who Holly had in mind for actually sewing the bed cover.
Our next stop was Sara’s Secret, where the girls managed to thoroughly embarrass me on the way to purchasing lubes, lotions, vibrators, games and other sundry sex toys. Another expensive outing, but who was I to complain?
I had mixed feelings everywhere I went. I was proud to be standing alongside two attractive, sexy women, but felt a little awkward around the open comments of threesomes, foursomes and moresomes. And any time a ‘sister’ comment was dropped, I had to briefly check around and see if anybody was putting two and two together.
I was also thinking about the luck that had brought all this together. It seemed I had a green light to be with my sister-in-law, just as our little project was completing. I had made my goal and delivered on all my prizes except the final one: a beach getaway.
My wife had turned a corner in her thinking, opening up our bed to her friends and at least one of their spouses. More surprising events I couldn’t imagine. And yet, she seemed the happiest I’d seen her in years.
I still had standing dates with Jenny’s co-trainer Teri, and Julie, the mommy wanna be. And an open invitation from Tammy at Hooters. When did life become so damn complicated?
I had to seriously ask myself: What did I really want? I had been willing enough to risk my marriage for a shot at Jenny, when things seemed to be in a rut, and I let the little head do the thinking for me. But now? Jenny was mine. My wife had become a wild woman in bed, and was showing me more attention than at any time since before we were married. I had an invitation to bring Dawn and Beth into our bedroom once a month. If I screwed this up, there was a more than decent chance I’d never, ever have anything half-as-good again in my life.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Holly asked, loading my arms up with purchases on our way out of Sara’s Secret.
The comment caught me off guard. “They’re complicated. Worth at least a nickle.”
“How about this: A Jenny for your thoughts.”
I laughed. “Ok. Truth is, I was thinking about what an idiot I’ve been sometimes. You seem so happy, and I know I’m walking on cloud nine, and even Sour-Jenny seems to be as cheerful as I’ve ever seen her. So I’ve decided that no matter what, I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize this. And I’ll do anything in my power to make you as happy as you deserve to be, and make our somewhat unusual situation work out.”
“Hey! You guys were going to leave without me!” Jenny shouted, chasing after us across the parking lot.
I finished loading the packages in the back of the truck, and turned to my wife’s baby-sister. I stepped to her, swept her up in my arms and gave her a big tight hug. “Silly Jenny, I’d never leave you behind. You’re my muse, my inspiration!”
Holly giggled. “You’re in a weird mood today.”
I opened the door and climbed in the truck, waiting to see which of the sisters would climb in first and be the one sitting next to me. That’s one thing I love about owning a truck. That great feeling when a woman slides across the bench to sit next to you, even when there are just two of you, leaving the far seat empty. Holly had claimed that middle seat during our first few trips, but this time she pushed Jenny in ahead of her.
“Weird mood? Like I don’t have a good reason? Last night I had one of the wildest and most exciting evenings of my life, and today I’m driving around with two of the prettiest girls in DFW, outfitting my home for a non-stop erotic party.”
“I hate to break the news, bucko, but non-stop is not quite right. As a matter of fact, it’s about to pause for several hours. We’ve got to pick up Erin now; Dawn’s been watching her since she got home from school, and will probably start charging rent soon. Although I imagine you wouldn’t mind making that payment.” Holly reminded me of the one real situation that could place a huge crimp in our style.
I looked at the clock on the dash. It was after 4:15 already. School had been out since 3:30. “On my way.” I told her heading out of the crowded parking lot. The girls were whispering which should have made me suspicious.
As soon as we were on the main road, sweet Jenny was dropping into my lap, opening my pants for some immediate action.
“Jenny!” I laughed as she fought with my belt. “What’s got you so worked up all of a sudden?”
Holly hushed me. “Don’t say I don’t pay my debts. I promised you a Jenny for your thoughts, and a ‘Jenny’ is what you’re going to get!”