When I pulled out to adjust my position, he pulled Jenny firmly on top of him, in the classic 69. She was dutifully working on his cock, while he ate her out. It was weird, looking down on his face when I entered her from behind, fucking her with long slow strokes, building myself up to the finish.
I could feel his tongue teasing where I entered her, and then it was caressing my cock on the out stroke. I had never dreamed of anything like this, certainly not from JT. The whole scene pushed me over the top, and I slammed into her, coming hard, holding onto her sweet hips while I pulled her against me, trying to unload as far inside of her as possible. Over and over I creamed, harder than I could have imagined, coming for what seemed an eternity. Gasping, I collapsed beside her, and watched as JT devoured her. It was only a few seconds later that she came, moaning, and then he was coming in her mouth.
When she’d sucked him dry, she rolled off, between us. “Un-fucking-believable,” she said softly.
“To say the least,” I murmured.
JT was already climbing off the bed, and getting dressed. “Shit, I’ve got a 3:00 meeting I’ll be lucky to make,” he told us, almost apologetically. Half dressed, he leaned over Jenny and kissed her softly on the lips. “You were incredible,” he told her softly. Then putting on his shirt, he reminded her, “Give me a call and let me know what opening you have around the lunch hour, twice a week.”
“Ok,” she answered sheepishly.
“And don’t forget to check out what you can for Dawn.” He added, tying his tie before he headed out the door.
Jenny laid back in the bed. “Shit, I’m going to be useless the rest of the day. I’ve never, EVER done anything like that. Two men is just too much. I can’t imagine how things would be if you guys weren’t in a hurry.”
“And now you’ve got to go and juggle your schedule even more, find room for JT. At least Dawn you can just add to Holly’s time, and don’t be afraid to charge him, he’s loaded.” She looked so damn hot, naked and worn-out. I fondled her while we laid there, taking pride in ownership. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak, and my trouser pal didn’t seem to be up to the occasion.
“I guess that’s the two clients you promised. Two and a half.” She said, smiling.
“As a matter of fact this one was just a bonus. I found another client, if you’re willing,” I told her.
“If I’m willing?”
“He needs a deal a bit like mine,” I confessed.
“You are kidding me right?”, she answered, sounding more than a little cross.
“Before you kill me, let me tell you this much. Forty lbs. Five Grand. On TOP of your fees.”
“Five thousand dollars?” she asked incredulously.
“Five thousand. I think you can do incremental payments even. Maybe something like five hundred for the first 10 lbs. An even grand for the next ten. Fifteen hundred for the next, and two grand for final goal. Of course it’s up to you.” It didn’t look like she was going to terminate me after all, and I went back to playing with her nearest breast.
“And what kind of incentives, do you think he’ll need?”
“Up to you again, whatever you think will get him there.” I told her.
“Am I going to have to fuck all my clients now?” she wondered aloud.
“At five grand a pop, you’d be sitting pretty if you did.” I teased.
My life was incredible. I was busy as hell. Work had picked up, and I was still putting in 2 hours of exercise most days. Add in another hour for travel back and forth to the gym. The exercise was working out. I was getting stronger all the time, and the fat was slowly, ever so slowly melting off.
Holly was ecstatic to be working out with Dawn, and they were closer than ever. Two weeks after JT and my teamwork on Jenny, I came home late to find Dawn and Holly trashed in the living room. They had a magnum sized bottle of wine out, and it was all but empty.
“Hi, honey,” I greeted Holly, and leaned over to give her a kiss hello. She clung to me, prolonging the kiss.
When I was released from her clutches, I turned to put my briefcase at the foot of the stairs, and Dawn piped up. “How about a ‘hi’ for me?”
“Hi, Dawn, you’re corrupting my wife again.” I teased her.
“Not that kind of ‘hi’. The kind SHE got,” she insisted.
I smiled, and went over and leaned down to give her a kiss, but she pulled my face down and stuck her tongue half-way down my throat. These girls were really trashed.
“Dawn!” I told her, with feigned shock.
“Not like we haven’t done more than that. Or have you forgotten?” She teased.
“Dawn!!” It was Holly’s turn to apply the brakes.
“Damn Holly. It’s just a kiss. He’s done shots off my naked body. What’s a kiss between friends? Tell you what. When JT comes to pick me up, you can kiss him. Twice even.” She leaned back smiling.
“And give him a couple of body shots?” Holly asked, “Maybe feel him up a bit? Let him take some liberties?”
“Hell no! That’s only for the hot-tub, and Beth’s gotta be here too!” Dawn laughed.
“You all are too wild for me,” I told them, retiring to the bedroom to change out of the office clothes.
I had hung up the suit, and was picking out some shorts and a shirt, when my drunken wife entered the room.
“Mmm, you look good enough to eat.” She teased, walking up and caressing my ass.
“You are being bad,” I told her, but I wrapped an arm around her for a second.
“You having second thoughts about your choice?” She asked, reaching around to give the front a caress as well.
“Choice?” I asked.
“You know. Dawn or Beth. If you’d chosen Dawn you might be on top of her right now.” She gave my swelling cock a squeeze for emphasis.
“I’m not going to stay out there, if all the playing is going on in here.” Dawn spoke from the doorway, causing me to jump a bit.
“Dawn!” Holly yelped.
“Shit. I’ve seen him naked, and harder than that. It’s no big deal.” Dawn laughed.
“Thanks a lot.” I griped. “No big deal.”
Dawn almost spit out her wine. “I didn’t mean it like that! It was a big deal. A nice big, thick deal.” She said staring at my cock, which had definitely risen to the occasion.
“I can’t believe you, sometimes,” Holly answered her, but I noticed she’d kept her firm grip on my cock, and it was scooting up and down just enough to drive me crazy.
“Damn Holly. The man’s in need. Why don’t you just finish him up. I promise to be a good girl, keep my hands to myself, and not say a word. Go ahead.” She went and sat on the far side of our bed, waiting.
Holly looked up at me, and licked her lips. Her hand moved just a little more.
“Go on. You know you want to. I want you to. And you KNOW he wants you to.” Dawn told her.
Holly made a decision I swear she never would have made just a few weeks earlier. She slowly dropped to her knees in front of me, and eased my boxers down, releasing my fully charged staff to the light of day.