Hot Tub Interlude
Girl’s night out becomes a wet and wonderful thing. Holly has friends too.
Whether I liked it or not, the little episode with the bondage and strange women was just the motivation I needed. I became very strict with myself when it came to dieting, not lowering the calories any, but eating clean, and making sure I spread the 6 meals equally throughout the day. I added the ECA stack to my supplements, Ephedrine-Caffeine-Aspirin, despite the fact that Ephedrine was “officially” frowned upon, and was even considering getting something even more powerful.
I’d also gotten away from the early morning/pre-breakfast cardio, and I made a point of rolling out of bed each morning and heading straight for 45 minutes on the elliptical. That early morning workout also served a dual purpose, allowing me to mentally get my day in order, as well as concentrate on achieving the peak physical conditioning I was looking for.
I had added a short run at lunch, 20 minutes or so, and an evening workout that I followed with a 45 minute bike ride. I was pondering doing my first triathlon, a half-Ironman, if I could just find the time to add swimming to my rather full schedule.
At the same time, three days after the ‘fuck-fest’, Jenny’s house sitting was done, and she was moving back into the house. I knew I was going to be at my goal weight any day now, and was wondering how I was going to pay off my next ‘reward’. I’d promised her 2 new clients, if I reached the next target.
To cover the first client, I just started paying for Holly’s sessions. She was happy because now she could get a fixed time slot, instead of having to settle for whatever openings showed up in Jenny’s schedule. And of course Jenny was happy that she was now getting paid for the sessions.
I don’t think it was a coincidence that this ‘happy’ Holly did something that completely blew my mind. She usually went out for a ‘girl’s night out’ about once every two-three weeks. The day after I told her about the new paid sessions, she and two of her best friends came over after the carousing, and insisted I make them drinks which they wanted out by the pool. I mixed my favorite ‘relaxer’, Long Island Ice Teas, and headed to the backyard where I found the three of them in the hot-tub. Naked. Or as our west Texas friend Dawn liked to say, “Nekkid.”
You couldn’t see much, it was pretty dark out there, but they were obviously trashed. I started to rethink the Long Island Ice Teas, they were awfully potent, and I hadn’t recognized how drunk they were to start with. It was surprisingly early for them to be this gone; these flings of theirs usually lasted until midnight, but it was barely 10:00. I gave them the drinks and chatted, hoping to see a little more, but after a bit I was directed to get another round. I didn’t want the girls passing out, so I made them some sipping shots, and some shooters that were a little more risque but a little less powerful. By the time I walked back out, I had a tray with two full shakers on it, 3 plastic shot glasses(filled), a hip flask, some lime slices, and a salt shaker. As well as the beginnings of a plan.
“You took long enough!” Dawn griped. “What have you got for us?”
I placed the shot glasses along the edge of the hot tub. Each one a couple of feet apart.
“Blow-Jobs,” I announced with a smile.
Dawn looked at me with a glint in her eye, but Holly and Beth had a more confused look.
“Why don’t you explain how it works, Dawn?” I said. The hot tub was a large, rectangular pool, raised about a foot from the patio, next to the swimming pool. It had a built in bench along the two short sides, and the near long side. The side facing the pool had no seats. It held 6 pretty easily. I sat on the corner nearest the house. Coincidentally it was the corner nearest Dawn, and furthest from my wife.
Dawn giggled and stood up facing the other girls. I had an amazing view of her breasts for just a second before she turned away from me. “You put your hands behind your back,” she said, doing as she described, and then she hesitated, and turned to me, hands still behind her back, her large breasts pushed out toward me. “We have any extra over there so I can show them?”
“Absolutely,” I told her tits.
She turned back to the other girls for a second, then said, “You have to drink them like this,” and at that she kneeled on the bench bringing the edge of her closely cropped pussy to the top of the water, and bent over from the waist, taking the shot glass in her mouth, hands behind her, then threw her head back draining the shot. She held that position for a bit, head back, breasts thrust out, back arched, her crotch barely visible at the edge of the water. Then she lowered the cup back to the ledge, her tits hanging nicely as she bent over. I was in sensory overload.
She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. “I didn’t think I’d be doing a blow-job tonight. How’d I do?”
I tore my eyes off her naked body long enough to refill her shot glass.
“Very good, Dawn. It’ll be interesting to see who does the best blow-job out of the three of you. It certainly looks like you have the most experience.” The obvious sexual overtones of the whole conversation were not likely to be missed by anyone.
Beth spoke up, “What’s it taste like?” she asked, looking askance at the drink in front of her.
“Give it a taste,” I suggested.
She did, dipping her finger into the shot glass, tasting the Bailey’s and Amaretto. “Not bad,” she said, sucking on her finger.
I was ready to bust my shorts.
“So is it a contest?” Holly asked, with a smirk.
“Just a friendly competition,” I answered, returning her smile. “All right ladies, assume your positions.”
Beth suddenly realized she’d have to lift up out of the water to do the shot. She hesitated while Holly and Dawn got on their knees, then joined her drunken buddies. Beth’s breasts were the smallest of the group, but that would be the same for about 90% of the female population. Both Dawn and Holly had certified ‘bodacious ta-tas’. Beth’s were merely amazing.
“Ready…” Each of the girls put their hands behind their backs, tits on display.
“Set…” The three mommies leaned over, carefully maintaining their balance, boobs hanging down. I leaned to the side and enjoyed a great view of all of their asses, coming up almost completely out of the water, as their mouths settled over the top of shot glasses.
“GO!” They all leaned back and chugged their drinks. Dawn did it too quickly and fell into the hot-tub coming up sputtering. Beth had to give it two tries, before she took the glass from her mouth and placed it on the tub edge. Only Holly finished it in one shot, and then leaned over and put the glass back where it belonged.
The girls all settled into the tub, and I proudly proclaimed my wife the winner.
Holly leaned over and pressed the controller next to the hot tub. It turned on the lights inside the pool. “Losers have to jump in the pool.” The pool was probably pretty cool at that hour.
“Holly!” Beth protested.