Mom’s Closet:>Ep2

Book:Crazy Pleasure (Erotica) Published:2024-6-19

Aunt Carol stood up, and I scurried back around the corner. “You know that’s not what I meant.” She heaved a huge sigh. “I need to go home and take three showers. You and I are going to the gym tomorrow, and I’m not going to take no for an answer.”
“No, I really don’t feel like it,” Mom said.
“I don’t care what you feel like. We’re going, and that’s that! You owe me, Winnie, big time. Two hours in that place, seven different cocks, geez, the smell alone was enough to make me hate myself.”
“But I don’t have …”
I didn’t want to get caught spying on them, especially after that conversation, so I slipped down the hall and headed out the back door. I stood beside the garage for a few minutes until I saw Aunt Carol drive away. Then I waited another half hour or so, getting caught up on my social media, before hitting the garage door opener.
I reentered the house from the garage after a suitable delay. “Mom?”
“Is that you, Randy?”
“Who else? I came home for the weekend, I hope that’s alright.”
“Run out of laundry?”
I walked into the living area and saw her. She didn’t look good. The twenty pounds she’d put on must have been at least thirty, and she’d already been a bit pudgy. Her hair was a mess. No makeup, grubby sweats and shirt. Then again, I guess you don’t have to look your best when the only part of you that your ‘dates’ can see is your mouth.
She walked toward me, arms open, and I let her hug me. It was tough. I wanted to puke. She smelled like cum. My Mom, the glory-hole cum-slut. Great.
“No, no laundry. I missed you, and there are no classes on Monday – free day to prep for mid-terms.” Shit, why did I say that? I could have escaped Sunday. Damn it!
“Did you really miss me?” she asked pitifully, still clinging to me.
“I did.” I realized that she was drunk. Terrific. “Nobody cooks like you.”
She looked up into my face and gave me a smile. I’m pretty sure those were cum stains on her shirt. Wonderful.
“It’s nice to see you too,” she said. “I think I’m gonna take a shower, I feel kind of dirty.”
Wow. What a surprise. You suck off seven strangers and feel ‘kind of’ dirty?
“Go ahead. You want me to do anything about dinner, Mom?”
“I’ll whip up something for you afterward. I’m not really hungry,” she said.
I guess a diet of cum must be more filling than I thought.
It was difficult making it through the evening, knowing what I knew, but at least she was in a slightly better mood. I think she only bad-mouthed Dad a dozen times or so.
Still, I begged off early to go to bed. It was difficult being around her, thinking about what she was doing, the things she said.
I lay in bed for hours, unable to sleep. It was warped, I know, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. My Mom, behind a glory-hole, sucking random cocks. Jesus! Dad had left her mostly because of the sex and the constant bickering. Now she was blowing strangers by the handful.
Aunt Carol was in my thoughts as well, standing beside Mom, watching her, while cock after cock appeared through the holes in the booth. Her hand reaching out, grabbing one, examining it, licking it, tentatively sucking it.
I sure had a fucked up family.
* * * *
I heard yelling on the other side of the wall. It reminded me of the old days.
“Get your ass up, Winnie! I told you, we’re going to the gym,” Aunt Carol was shouting.
“And I told you I didn’t want to. Maybe Monday, alright?” Mom argued.
“No. We’re going. You’re going. If you’re not out of that bed and in the shower in the next five minutes, I’m going to tell your son just what his mother has been up to next time he shows up. If he ever shows up again.”
“You can’t!” Mom shrieked. “He’s …” Then their voices dropped to an indistinguishable murmur. I guess Mom remembered I could probably hear everything they were saying.
I hopped out of bed, threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, ran my fingers through my hair, and headed out to the hall. I was in the kitchen making coffee when Aunt Carol appeared.
“So the prodigal son decides to finally come home,” she said snarkily.
“Leave it alone, Aunt Carol. I’m here, listening to her endless whining and moaning, so don’t give me any shit.”
I kind of liked the look on her face. I had never talked to her like that before, but I wasn’t about to let her guilt me into anything, not when she was Mom’s glory-hole partner.
I thought she’d tear into me, but she didn’t. She leaned against the counter, quiet for a moment. “Listen, Randy, I know it’s tough. Your mother’s going through a difficult time. She’s bitter and unhappy. We have to help her, not abandon her. Please. She’s your mother. She loves you more than anything. She thinks you’re all she has left. Try to help, alright?”
I was about to say something about helping like she was helping. Taking Mom out for her cum fix. But the look on Aunt Carol’s face was too concerned, too sad.
“I’m trying, okay? I’m here. Three day weekend and I’m not studying, not going to parties, not trying to get laid. I’m here, at home, with her. I’m trying.”
She came over and gave me a big hug. It was nice. Aunt Carol was seven years younger than Mom and hot. Of course, the words from last night and my stray thoughts came to mind. Aunt Carol, on her knees in that dirty booth, helping Mom suck off a long line of cocks. It was disturbing enough for me to start to get hard. When Aunt Carol kept hugging me, it was inevitable that she would notice.
She backed off a little, looking at me in surprise. Oddly enough, she kept her lower body pressed against mine, my hard cock poking her in her belly. “I, uh, guess this is a pretty big sacrifice for you. Feels like you really do need to go out and get laid.”
I could feel myself blushing. “Sorry.”
She grinned, wiggled her hips a bit, and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “Don’t be. I’m flattered.” Her hands drifted slowly down my chest as she pulled away. “I’m taking your mother out to get her some workout clothes, and sign her up at the gym. We’ll be gone most of the morning. Try to be gentle with her, alright. I’d appreciate it a lot. I’ll owe you one.” Then she gave me a wink that had my hardon doing the macarena.
She reached down and tapped my erection. “Now put that away before your mother sees it. That’s all we need.”
Yeah, I imagine so. We don’t need cum-slut Mom cutting a hole through my shorts so she can get her daily cum ration.
Of course, I didn’t say that. I was still a little stunned. I nodded and gave her another big hug, making sure she could feel how hard I was. “Alright. I’ll do my part. And I think it’s great that you’re trying to help her. You’re the best.” I leaned down and planted a solid kiss on her. No tongue, but not gentle either. I liked the way she blushed. She wasn’t the only one who could tease.