Book:The Merciless Alpha(erotica) Published:2024-6-12

Adam’s POV
I woke before the sun, feeling rested and content instead of pained and feverish. The room was dark, I was warm and tingly despite not having covers on me. I moved my hand, the fur combining with the pleasurable tingles that told me something was different. I took a breath, her scent surrounded me, comforted me. I looked at my hand, it was buried in white fur. The fur was connected to a head, a head laying over my chest, a furry leg covering my groin.
I couldn’t help but smile as my wolf luxuriated in the feel of his mate. I’d had a lot of time to think, and I’d run the conversation with her father, Snake, through my mind a hundred times. I’d started to reject her without even having the courtesy of talking to her. I was ready to throw away Luna’s blessing based on what I imagined was going on, not what really had happened.
My fingers moved through her fur, causing a pleased rumble to echo in her chest. After a few strokes, her leg twitched, and her eyes opened. She looked up at me, whining softly. “Eve,” I whispered as I brought my left hand up to her snout, “You came to me.”
Her tail started to whap the bed as I moved to scratch her ears. The bond between us was growing stronger, it pulsed into me through the contact we had. “Come on,” I said. I sat up, looking at my legs they looked healed, and were no longer swollen and hot. I swung my legs down to the floor as Eve jumped off the bed. I stood up, my legs felt good, and my wolf, he wanted out. He wanted his mate, and I couldn’t stand in his way any longer. I focused on the shift, dropping to all fours as my body reformed into my large wolf.
As soon as my shift was complete, I moved to meet her. She dropped to the ground, rolling onto her belly, her wolf in her way apologizing to mine for the damage that had been done. I licked at her face, rubbing my head on hers, noting with satisfaction that she didn’t smell of that human. There were other wolf smells strong on her, but I knew they were her Pack, her protectors. I moved down to smell her sex, licking at it as she squirmed, taking a deep sniff. She was untouched, she was excited and she was MINE.
I moved back and dropped my chest to the ground, legs forward and tail up, wanting her to get up and play. She rolled onto her feet and stood, immediately our heads met as we sniffed and rubbed against each other’s necks. I walked around her, rubbing against her and laying my scent down, overpowering all other smells on her. She was wagging her tail, almost quivering with excitement. We needed to get out of here, I wanted to be alone with her, run with her by my side.
I nudged her towards the door before I used a paw to open it. My brother’s home had been modified, all the doors had levers instead of knobs so I could get around in wolf form. We moved through the hallway, our nails clicking on the wood floors as we moved to the living room. The front door was open, letting the cool night air in. I pushed it open, holding it while her white wolf moved past me. I ran out into the yard with her, forgetting the screen would slam and might wake someone up. I was thinking of nothing but her.
She came to my side. Her wolf was about half my size, she was sleek and looked fast. Her head came up almost to my shoulder, I could almost stand over the top of her. I had never seen a shewolf before, so I had no idea if she was big or small or what, I just loved the way she looked. I yipped, taking off for the woods, and the chase was on.
It didn’t take long before she was alongside me, she was deceptively quick. She kept up with me easily, she wasn’t breathing hard while I was going full out. I slowed to an easier pace, heading towards my favorite hidden place in the woods. It took us about twenty minutes to get there; I could hear and smell her Pack members occasionally, but they were staying well clear of us. They were giving us some privacy even as they protected her, and I respected that.
I slowed as we approached the thickets guarding the entrance to the narrow cut. I led her closer to the small river, the noise of the waterfall growing louder as we moved through the narrow trail to the other side. The sun was rising, causing shadows to appear on the limestone cliffs as we moved forward along the rocky banks.
I stopped when we turned the last corner, she came next to me and froze. It was a hidden gem, a small waterfall about ten feet in height, the water rushing over the ledge and crashing into the pool below. I ran forward a few steps, leaping and shifting into my human form as I did, smoothly entering the water that was about five feet deep. I surfaced and shook the water out of my hair, looking back at her as she stood where I left her.
I saw her take a few steps then leap high, shifting back as she did. I caught a quick glimpse of blonde hair and skin, then she entered the water with barely a splash. I held my arms out, and she surfaced in front of me. I put my hands under her shoulders and pulled her up, setting her on her toes close to me. “Hello, Eve, I’m Adam,” I said.
“Pleased to meet you Adam. We’re mates?”
“Yes.” I leaned down and kissed her. “Yes, we are.” The feeling of kissing her set bombs off in my head, I’d never felt anything like it. I had to have it again, and I pulled her to me before crashing my lips to hers. We made out like this, oblivious to the world around us. Her legs came up and wrapped around my hips, her core pressing against my arousal as we tried to get closer to each other. She was starting to shiver in the cold water when I walked us out of the pool, sitting on a smooth boulder with her legs still wrapped around me. “The bond, it’s more than I imagined,” I told her as I looked into her darkened eyes.
“I’m sorry about”
I kissed her, stopping her. “Whatever happened before we met is history, history I don’t want to learn. Our lives begin now, here in this spot, together.”
I could see her relax, the relief in her eyes that I wasn’t angry with her. “You want me?”
“Of course I do. Here, and now. I can’t hold my wolf back any more.”