Mia’s POV
I hurt. All over, I hurt.
I opened my eyes, it was just after four. My arm was throbbing, my neck ached, the bruises on my sides and hips were competing for attention, and my poor kitty hadn’t seen that kind of action since college. I smiled as I looked over at a sleeping Snake on his back, his tattooed shoulder facing me. “Snake?”
His eyes opened, and he looked over at me. “Sleep well?”
“I need my pills,” I said. I winced as I tried to roll over, and he was immediately up and picked me up, carrying me into the bathroom and setting me on the counter. He filled a glass with water, then handed me two of my pain pills. I popped them in my mouth, then drank down the water. “Thank you,” I whispered.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so… active with you earlier.”
I pulled him in and gave him a deep kiss. “Of all my pain, Snake, my insides are a pain I don’t mind. It’s been a long time since someone fucked me so well.” He had moved between my thighs, and since we were both naked, his snake was pressing up against me. I looked down, my hand wrapping around him. “I feel like a virgin, you were reaching uncharted territory. I’m still a little sore down there,” I told him as I squeezed him.
“Then I’ll kiss it and make it better,” he said. He helped me to the toilet, then after we were both cleaned up he carried me back to the big bed. “Do you feel up to going somewhere for dinner, or do you want to order room service?”
He piled pillows behind me so I could sit up a little and still be comfortable. “I don’t know if I want to go anywhere,” I said. “I kind of like the view here.”
“Well, if you’re not hungry, I’m going to eat out.” I started to object but stopped as he slid up between my legs, his tongue flicking against my rapidly moistening sex. Oh my God this guy could please a woman. He was gentle, taking his time and making sure I didn’t aggravate any of my injuries. He was a tease, though. He would bring me close to the peak, then never quite push me over. I couldn’t pull him close enough to get there myself, he would ride me along the cliff for minute upon minute just to bring me down a little. After the fourth or fifth time I was begging him for release.
He was using two fingers, stroking the top of my walls and causing all kinds of sensations, while his tongue played me like a fine instrument. I was building, building, and then he plunged a finger into my ass as he sucked hard on my clit and I went off like a firework. I didn’t feel pain, I felt nothing but the waves of pleasure as he continued his assault, extending my orgasm until I finally collapsed back onto the bed. “Holy shit,” I finally said as I looked down.
“I think this is my new favorite meal,” he said with a smile as he licked his fingers. “Delicious.”
I pulled him up so he was sitting next to me, trying to find a way to lean into him without something acting up. “Where have you been all my life,” I said as I relaxed a bit. “Everything before this was a waste of my time and my body.”
“You’re amazing,” he said. “I’m so glad I ran across you.” I started to laugh, the way we met, that was the stuff of legends.
“I’m yours, Snake. You’re not getting rid of me, I won’t give you up without a fight.”
“You don’t have to fight for me, my little mouse,” he said as he kissed my head. “I’m already yours. I want you to come with me, stay in St. Paul for a while. You can stay at the Clubhouse, meet my friends, eat my food and we can have this every day.”
“I’d like that,” I said. “Mouse?”
“Yes, love. You need a nickname, and I think this one is perfect for you.” I looked at him quizzically, I didn’t understand why. “You know, they’re often eaten by a snake.” We both started to laugh, at least until my ribs started to hurt. The endorphins from the sex were wearing off.
“Well, you better order dinner,” I said, “because that snake is going to be busy until it arrives.” He made the call, and I think they could hear the noises as he fought to maintain his voice as I tried to get him to moan. We both won.
Eve’s POV
I heard a door open, and my head popped up off my paws to figure out what was going on. My mate was moaning, he was in pain, and I could feel it through the bond. I got up and trotted to the front of the house, where Alan and his wife Alice were standing on the porch, holding the door open. “He’s still stubborn, but he needs his mate to heal,” Alan said. “Come on.”
I followed them down the hallway to his door. “He’s fighting off an infection, the drugs Doc gave us are helping but he has a fever. He may react badly to your human, but he won’t kick your wolf out of bed.” I went over and licked his hand, thanking him for his kindness. He opened the door, and I looked at him in bed, the nightlight in the corner giving just enough for me to see. I crossed the room as they closed the door behind me, hopping up on the king size bed. He had pushed his covers off, his legs were no longer splinted but the scars on them were red and oozing. I moved over, licking them clean, grooming my mate as our wolves enjoyed the contact.
He calmed down almost immediately, and when I was done I laid by his side, my head tucked under his shoulder. Exhausted, I fell asleep almost immediately.