Authors POV…
John stood rigidly in the middle of the hotel room, wondering why Athena hadn’t arrived just yet. The mask he wore as a disguise made him feel uncomfortable, but he knew well that it was for the best. He couldn’t wait any longer and needed to get into action as soon as he could. The alpha might seem distracted now, but with Sonia still being alive, they would definitely find him, and he wouldn’t be able to live his life at a free pace any longer.
The thought had been to persevere a little longer and get some nice fucks out of Athena. But as much as John wanted to be ridden into oblivion, he still couldn’t keep his focus without doing what he felt was right. He had flopped the last time when he had believed someone else would carry out his intentions on his behalf. This time around, it would be completely different.
“Where the hell is that damn bitch!” He cursed under his breath.
It was still morning, but the anxiety he woke with made him entirely on edge.
Also, he hoped she didn’t back out at the last minute, just when his thoughts were about to drive him nuts, and then, the door clicked open. Despite promising himself not to sleep with Athena today, his dick already stood at attention at the mere sight of her.
Athena wore a provocative dress that hugged all of her curves in the right places. The positioning of her boobs only made him want to snatch the dress from her body and get her naked, and that was what he did without warning.
Gasping at the effect of the unexpected pull from John, Athena giggled to herself. Glad that it had worked out just as she had thought it would. She didn’t want to appear in front of him like a regular girl. The need to feel like she was worth salivating for made her up her wardrobe. Since she had been given the whole day off to go to her mother as she had made them believe. Athena had worn her regular cloth, entered the road and branched to a boutique about a street away from the hotel. She’d gotten a makeover that lasted almost an hour.
Athena had been worried he would not allow her in due to her lateness. She didn’t expect the shopping and makeup to take so much time. But it was worth it, after all.
John buried his face in the middle of her boobs, smooching the life out of them. Athena could feel blood rush to her vagina; she was dripping already. As if on cue, John had his hands pushing up her dress, teasing her clit with his long fingers. Athena moaned, digging her fingers into his shoulder.
In one swift move, John lifted her into the bed after tearing her pant off her. Another thing she took note of was getting extra panties knowing he wouldn’t hesitate to rip the one she wore off. Using one hand to squeeze her breast hard like his life depended on it, he dipped two of his finger into her making. Athena gripped the bedsheets, throwing her head to the back.
Without warning, John’s dick found its way to the entrance of her pussy. Raising her legs onto his shoulder while positioning himself, he thrust into her really hard. Athena let out a painful scream as his dick hit the walls of her belly.
Holding onto her legs tighter, John fucked her faster, not enabling her breathing space as usual. His energy was always on the rise whenever he fucked Athena. Her pussy dripped so sweetly that he would have loved to bury himself inside her.
Athena’s whole body shook rigorously as his thrust dipped stronger. Her hold on the bedsheets was thinning out as she bit hard on her lips. Just when she thought she might pass out, he orgasmed, letting go of her leg.
Coiling into her body, she rubbed at her belly. Despite being bruised, she could let on a smile because she knew how much that would fill her pocket when she left.
John slapped her butt, relaxing himself into the bed with his naked body. Athena stood up to get herself cleaned up. By the time she returned, John was fully clothed, and two bales of cash were sitting on the bed.
Her heart ran at an increased pace at the sight. Stretching out her hands to pick them, John moved a bale away from her reach.
Athena stared wide-eyed, uncertain of what to say.
John let out a dry chuckle, “if you want this….” He wiggled the money in her face. “….. You would need to do something for me. And I promise to double it up for you. All you need do is comply with my instructions.”
Athena’s eyes stayed glued to the cash, her mind running a quick calculation on what she could do with it. “Anything for you. What do you want me to do?” She asked, her tongue licking her dry lips.
Sitting up, John tried to find a way to present his intention to her without necessarily letting on his plan. He didn’t want to present himself as Sonia’s father either, to avoid having Athena run her mouth. They have only just fucked. He had no idea the kind of habits she had.
“I need to get into the packhouse. There is someone I need to talk to urgently.” He informed her.
Tilting her head, Athena sat at the edge of the bed. “Why and who exactly do you intend to see at the packhouse?”
John sucked in a breath. He decided it would be better to tell her half-truth and half-lie. “I hear you work for Sonia?”
“Yes.” She still sounds unsure.
Making a pitiful face, John moved inches closer to Athena. “You see, I’m her father’s younger brother, and I have been searching for Sonia and her sister for years but have been unable to reach them.”
Her expression eased up a bit, “that isn’t hard, the Luna is a very homely person. She would see you at the drop of a hat.”
John tried to resist the urge of smacking his head to prevent his mask from falling off. “We had a sort of fallout, and Edwina, most especially, doesn’t want to see me. But Sonia and I are quite closer. I want to make a surprise visit to her. It’s why I am in disguise. There are a lot of people aiming for my life. I just want to be able to see my beloved niece again.” He lied through his teeth. “All I need from you is a way in and how to get to her, and then I pay you for a job well done.”
Athena thought about it again. The man in front of her doesn’t appear to be bad. And it wouldn’t hurt to earn more money by helping out. Holding up a wide grin, she muttered.
“Tell me when you intend to visit.”