Walden never expected to feel so much calm and peace in his heart after visiting Conor’s grave. He knew he’d done the right thing by facing the last of his fears to visit the night shadow cemetery, and now he’s glad he did.
He returned to the packhouse that afternoon to see how things were going, as he’d been absent for the last two days, things hadn’t changed pretty much as all of his followers had done well to keep the activities together while he was with his love, Maggie. Which reminds him…
He took a stroll through the pack house halls to the royal chambers, and then to the big bedroom he’d placed her in, not too far from his own.
“How is my love doing?” He asked as he met her in the room. She was still folding up the last of her belongings, out of the luggage and into the bedroom drawers.
“Where did you go? You suddenly disappeared right after breakfast,” she stated after their brief kiss.
“I had some urgent matters to take care of. I’m sorry I didn’t let you know before I went.”
“Urgent matters? I thought you’d taken a leave to rest during this period.”
“I did, but you know that there are some things an alpha just can’t ignore.”
She nodded, “okay, take care, Walden. You know you shouldn’t stress yourself too much now, the people have given you a break. Let them do the work for you while you rest.”
“Okay baby.” He winked, giving her another kiss, which made her blush slightly.
“This room you gave me, it’s so big! I wonder if all of this is for me.”
“It’s only temporary, you’ll be moving out of here soon.”
His words confused her, “moving out?”
“Yes. You will be moving into the alpha’s chambers once I carry on with my intentions with you.”
“I see. What sort of intentions are these?”
“I want to marry you, Maggie. I want to make you my wife, my Luna.”
Upon hearing those words, she didn’t know what to say, think or feel, she wasn’t expecting them, not so soon at least.
“Walden, I…” before she could talk, he’d gotten down on one knee in front of her, retrieving a small box from his back pocket, and when he opened it, she caught sight of the most beautiful diamond ring she’d ever seen.
“Oh, goddess! Walden… I… I don’t know what to say.”
“Say yes. Say you’ll marry me and make me the happiest alpha alive, that’s the only thing I desire right now, to make you mine.”
A tear escaped her eye as he slipped the ring onto her right finger. It fit her perfectly, like he’d already known her size. She adorned it after he wore it on her.
Seeing her attraction to it, he decided to let her know it’s source, “it belonged to my mother. It’s the last thing I have that belonged to her. She’d always told me to give it to that one special girl.”
“This special girl this ring is meant for, are you sure it’s me?” Maggie asked as another tear slipped down her face.
“I am certain it’s you… I would have given it to someone else, someone whom I thought was the one until her rejection…” He brushed off the rest of the statement. Let’s not talk about the past now, I’m still waiting for my answer.
“Yes,” she smiled. “Yes. I will marry you, Walden.”
“I love you, Maggie.”
“I love you too, alpha Walden.”
Sandy sighed as she gazed through her bedroom window, letting the afternoon breeze hit her face gently as she drowned in her thoughts. A lot of things have changed since she left here. Things seem way calmer, peaceful. She knows a great deal of his has to do with the new turn in life her brother has taken.
She is happy for him that he’s gotten his peace back, and speaking of peace, she knows that Conor has found it too in the afterlife, as the spirit no longer visits her. She will miss him, but she knows it’s for the best.
The knock on her door suddenly distracted her as she turned to answer it.
“Come in!”
The door opened and her brother walked in. He had a big smile on his face, a smile she hadn’t seen for a very long time, which told her that something good had just happened.
“Hey brother.”
“Hello, Sandy.”
“Mind telling me what that big smile is for?”
“Of course. Maggie and I are now engaged.”
The news also brought a smile to her face, “well it’s about time!” She gasped. “Oh! I can’t wait! We’re going to have a big wedding, and we’ll invite all the tribes too.”
“Yes. There’ll be a lot of things to handle in the coming months.”
“I am happy for you, brother. I am happy that you’ve found love and happiness in your life once more.”
“I have you to thank for that, Sandy. I was so bad to you, I never realized how much I hurt you until you walked away, and when the time came for you to help me at my lowest point, you came back. I love you so much, sister. Never forget that.”
“I love you too, Walden,” Sandy replied after he embraced her. With the two siblings finally reunited, Sandy’s heart couldn’t have been more settled.
“You know, there’s something else I came here for apart from letting you know about my engagement.”
“What is it?”
“I wanted to let you know that you are free to return to the siltus pack whenever you like, if you wish. I won’t hold you back from being where your heart mostly desires, even though I will miss you greatly.”
“Why do you think I would want to go back there?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know… You seemed so happy being there, like you belong. I almost felt bad having to come and bring you back here, if not that I needed so much.”
“Oh, brother. The fact that I was happy there doesn’t mean that’s where I belong. This is where my home is. I only went to the siltus pack to have some time heal, I am so different from the wolves there, I knew I would never fit in right from the moment I arrived there. Now, I’m back home, and the scars are gone. It’s a new beginning for me, for you and Maggie, for all of us, let’s embrace that now. I am not going anywhere.”
“Good,” he teased. “Because I do not want you to go anywhere.”
“You don’t tell me what to do, brother! I only stayed because I wanted to.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Anyway, before we start arguing again, I also wanted you to know that there was so much I learnt from the siltus pack, I have so many ideas that I wish for us to implement here.”
“I know, Sandy. You’ve always been a smart one. I only regret that I didn’t give you enough chances before.”
“Well, it’s never too late to change things. It’s never too late to make them right.”
“You’re right. How about I start by giving you an official position amongst the force?”
“Are you serious?” Sandy jumped, raising her shoulders, as this was what she least expected. “Well now that I think of it, officer Sandy doesn’t sound so bad after all.”
“Good, you’ll resume your duties tomorrow, then you can start working on your many ideas for me to approve.”
“Thank you so much, brother! You won’t regret it. I promise.”
Walden nodded as he left her room, smiling. “I know I won’t.”
That night, Walden made love to Maggie like never before, each time the couple spent in each other’s arms felt renewed, as if it happened for the first time, they couldn’t get enough of each other.
“I love you, Maggie.”
“I love you, Walden.”
They both wouldn’t stop saying the words, as if saying it over and over would strengthen the bond between the two as he placed his mark on her, forever to be his.
“You are mine. I will never let you go, Maggie. I promise.”
She looked at the diamond ring on her finger, as it glittered in the night light, seeing it as a symbol of their love, a symbol of the promise he made to her. A promise he made well to keep, as they both lived happily ever after.