When Camila noted her head in response to what she said, Miranda carefully decided to ask her the questions she had in mind.
“Okay Camila, you can start by telling me where you’re from. what wolf tribe do you belong to?” She nodded her head, encouraging her, “it’s okay you can speak. You can tell me anything no one is going to hurt you for saying the truth. Just go ahead and say it.”
“I am… I am…”
“You are what, Camila?”
“I am a blue moon wolf.”
“Okay then. See… that wasn’t so hard, was it? So how did you end up in the lotus territory?”
“I was….”
She pointed at the scar on Camila’s hand. Telling by the looks of it, it was still a fresh wound and didn’t look older than a few days old.
“I was….”
“You were what, dear?”
Miranda noticed Camila drew back from speaking again, and in this time, it wasn’t because she didn’t want to talk, but that someone had entered into the room. A dominating presence which made Camila shrink in fear into the blankets in her hand.
From the cub’s actions, Miranda then turned to see her mate standing by the door.
“Who is she?” Damian asked straight away. “I’ve never seen her around your pack before. Is she one of the lotus wolves?”
Miranda thought in her mind then that telling him where Camila really came from might not be such a good idea, so she decided to lie.
“Yes. She is a lotus wolf,” she said. “Camila lost her mom a few days ago so I decided to take care of her.”
“I’ve noticed that there is a whole lot of closure between the both of you. Are you sure there isn’t something else you’re hiding from me?” He rose his brow.
“No. Absolutely not. I have nothing to hide, Damian. Her name is Camila and she is a lotus wolf.”
“Okay then,” he shrugged, letting it go. “Are you going to come to bed or would you rather spend the night here with Camila?”
“No, of course not.”
She got up from Camila’s bed then where she sat before leaving to turn off the lights.
“Good night, Camila,” she whispered to her. “We will continue our talk tomorrow.”
“Good night alpha,” Camila slowly answered.
Finally, Samara had something to smile for, because very soon she’d get what she wants in terms of seeing Miranda in her own grave. From what she heard from Rakur , plans to defeat them were already underway.
She visited the Rogue King that night to find out how far he’d gone with his plans.
“Good evening Rakur,” Samara greeted she entered his court.
“Good evening partner. You seem to be in a good mood today.”
“Why would I not? When we are finally about to get what we deserve. Of course, there’s always a cause to celebrate victory.”
“Ah, yes, but the victory hasn’t been achieved… Yet.”
“I know, but I have a strong feeling that our plans will be successful, and I cannot wait to see the outcome by the end of it all.”
Rakur chuckled. “Plans are already underway, partner. I’ve been able to trick lotus wolves into believing that they will be the first target. We now have less to worry about in penetrating the silver walls.”
Samara shrugged, “that is good, but is that all you’ve been planning since? Please don’t tell me that’s all of it.”
He cut her short with his laugh again, “Samara dear you underestimate me too much. Of course, that’s not all I’ve been planning. I still haven’t revealed to you my ultimate weapon.”
“What is it?”
“I’ve been able to get a certain someone to get close with Miranda. Someone that she will never suspect would even have the wits to betray her.”
Samara rolled her eyes, liking this plan already. “Should I be aware of this someone?”
“And ruin the surprise for you? Of course not. You wouldn’t even know this person If I told you anyways.”
“No problem,” Samara said. “I really couldn’t care less who you send. All I need is that the person does a good job and destroying Miranda, her husband and every single thing that they have built together, that’s all I need. Afterwards we can then think of how to kill Walden.”
“Of course, this person is more than capable of delivering the best job. It’s what they’ve been trained to do all their lives.”
“So how does this person tend to achieve all of this?”
“Through the power of trust, and of course… the royalty stone.”
The royalty stone. Samara had always heard of it and the power it contained, but she never thought that this stone would still be in existence up till now.
“You’re kidding, right? That stone is…”
“Yes,” Rakur responded. The stone as well alive and dwells within the safety of the silver pack house, but that will not last for a long as this decoy we have sent will ensure to do every possible thing to lay their hands on the stone even if it means tearing down the walls of the silver house completely. It won’t stop till it gets what it wants.”
“So now that we are both alone, would you mind telling me who that cub child really is?”
“Damian, I have told you all you need to know. She’s a lotus pack cub who just lost her mother. Why do you find it so hard to believe me?”
“And what about her father?”
“I don’t know about that…”
“Miranda, you know that I care for your safety more than anything else in the world. I love you and I just wouldn’t bear to see you get hurt in any way…”
“I know that Damian, and I am grateful for your love every single day. Please do not worry too much about me. I can take care of myself just fine.”
“I saw the way you caressed her and cared for her. It warms my heart seeing how great of a mother you could have been.”
Miranda sighed, “but sadly, that’s not going to happen after all.”
“It’s not, but it doesn’t make me love you any less. Please Miranda, be careful. These are dangerous times, and there’s a whole lot of things that don’t appear to be the way that they seem.”
“Thank you, Damian. I appreciate your concern but I can look after myself just fine.”