Miranda had heard about Leah’s sentence, she felt pretty bad even though she knew it wasn’t an unfair judgment, still she felt pretty bad.
Damian was still down in court, she couldn’t wait till evening time before she gets a chance to speak with him. She has to go and see him now. She has to go and see if she can persuade him to change the sentence and she hopes he’ll listen.
“Madam Jane!” She called.
“Yes dear?”
“Is there a way I can speak to my mate right now?”
“I’m sorry dear, I really don’t know about that. No one has ever dared to disturb him whenever he’s attending to matters of the court, but with you, no one ever knows what’s going on in alpha Damian’s mind.”
“I have to speak with him regarding Leah’s sentence. He can’t kill her like that, she’s just a small wolf…”
“A small wolf who already knew the rules and still decided to go against them. He’s not going to change it dear, if that’s what you’re going there for, then don’t bother.”
“I know he might not but still, I have to try..”
Madame Jane shrugged, “Okay then, have a shot at it.”
She went down, pausing her duties temporarily so she could enter the court and as she reached and opened the doors, everyone bickered in silence as they turned to her direction, wondering what she came here for.
“I would like to speak to my mate!” She boldly stated.
Murmurs And whispers we’re being exchanged in the background as they wondered how the alpha would react to such misbehavior. Not much surprising to them, he got up from his seat and went on to meet with her where she stood.
“What is it Miranda?” He asked.
“I’m sorry for coming here like this…. I know it’s wrong but I couldn’t wait… this couldn’t wait…”
“What is that?”
She then got down on her knees in front of him, bringing her two hands together.
“Miranda… what the hell are you doing? Please get up…. you’re making a scene.”
“Please don’t kill Leah! Your judgment on her… it’s too harsh!”
“Miranda, if that’s what you came here for…”
“Please Damian, I’ve forgiven her… please do the same, please don’t kill her…. she is still so young… Please let her go.”
“Miranda, please understand that this is not a matter of forgiveness, the laws cannot be bent…. this is a judgment I cannot overturn…”
“You’ve overturned the law once for me, can’t you do the same for her?”
“I did for you because I was willing to take the risk… I was willing to bear the consequences of my actions for trusting you if any would come, even in future. It’s not so easy for me to do it for someone else, especially with her evident betrayal.”
“Damian, please… if it’s because of me, I know she made a mistake, I know that what she did was wrong… But at least I didn’t die….! I survived it and I know she meant well. She only took one wrong turn, just one…”
“Omega Leah was not sentenced to death because of you, but rather because of her actions of treason and betrayal against the silver heritage, her judgment stands Miranda… I’m sorry to disappoint you.”
Miranda never thought that there would come a time when Damian would turn away her pleas, guess there’s the first time for everything….
She tried for a final time, “Damian, please…”
He shook his head, “I’m sorry Miranda, but this isn’t just for you, the safety of my people is my utmost priority. Anyone that betrays us once will surely do it again in future. I cannot take that risk. The judgments still stands, Leah will be executed by first light.”
That afternoon, Leah received a visit in prison from the one she least expected to see, the one she’d betrayed a few days go, the Luna queen, Miranda.
With the prison bars separating them both, she immediately got up from her seat upon seeing her.
“No need for the formalities Leah, I’m sorry… I tried to speak with the alpha to change the judgment he made on you but even me, his mate couldn’t do that.”
“Oh ma’am, you didn’t have to…”
“Of course I did! I couldn’t watch you get killed without at least trying to do something…”
“Ma’am, the fact that you still tried even after all I did to you, the fact that you still tried to save me, means so much to me….” she began to cry, the small drops of tears following from her eyes as she continued speaking.
“I’m… I’m sorry… ma’am… I’m sorry for all I did. When I realized my mistake, it was too late; I tried to stop them… I tried to stop them from taking you but I was too much of a weakling, no match for a small dart.”
“I too got knocked down by that dart Leah… There is no need for you to feel that way again, if I hadn’t forgiven you, I wouldn’t be here.”
Leah gave her a weak smile before she continued. “When they took you away, after they did… I already knew what was awaiting me if I returned. I had the chance to run away with my uncle… but I chose to stay here, you don’t have to feel bad for me ma’am.. If I feared death, I would have been far away from here by now, but no, I’m not scared…. not when I’ve seen it happen to mama and Papa. Not when I’ve seen it happen to the ones I love….”
“Oh Leah…”
“I’ve always wanted to see them again since that time, it’s been so long. Now I will finally have my wish. I hope they’ll forgive me for what I did to you and they will welcome me with open arms when I join them.”
Through the prison bars, Miranda held her hand in assurance, “I’m sure they will dear, I’m sure they will.”