Ronald had seen all that went on outside, and his heart raced, taking his legs along with it as he entered the room where the hostages were being held.
He had plans to use them… This was the only way he could save his life; he wasn’t going to go down like this, never.
He entered the room then only to find his disgusting partner on top of one of their victims…
“What the hell you doing, Patrick?” He yelled at him.
His loud voice made Patrick arrange himself quickly, jumping off a crying Miranda to put his pants back on, thankfully, Leah’s uncle came on time.
“This is no time for playing games!” Ronald scolded. “The silver alpha and Walden are here! They’ve come to rescue these girls and now they’ve cleared out all the guards we have outside. We’re the only ones left in this location and they’re finding their way here as we speak.”
Miranda’s heart leaped, upon hearing he’d come…. She knew he would, for her.
“What???” Patrick feared. He knew he should have ran away when he had the chance….
“S-so what do we do now? There’s no way for us to escape without bumping into them…”
“That’s why I came here,” Ronald stated as he took hold of Samara, unchaining her from the seat, and directing his partner. “Use them as defenses, hold the other one while I hold this one. They won’t dare to come near us now, not when the lives of these bitches depend on it.”
Walden and Damian had heard the noises from outside, tracing the voices location, he knew that was where they were keeping Miranda.
They both quickly got in, holding their guns and saw the two men that were left, holding each of the ladies with the knives by their neck.
“Come any closer and we will kill them!” Ronald warned. Damian could see right through him. All that fear.
“Please… don’t kill them,” he gently said as he carefully bent to put down his weapon to the ground and raise both his hands in surrender.
Walden upon watching him, did the same thing but Miranda thought fast, quickly pushing Patrick’s hands off her and slamming the back of her heel against his balls, he dropped the knife he held and screeched out in pain..
Samara did the same thing too, hitting against Ronald from the front and rushing along with Miranda to the safety of the men.
They were now both safe on the other side, and nothing stood between Damian and and the kidnappers. He didn’t bother to pick up the gun, as this was a battle he prepared to fight with his bare claws.
The four of them fought two on two, with Walden taking on Ronald and Damian taking on Patrick, a quite easier opponent for Damian as Walden didnt have much luck with his, the two kidnappers got killed there, with Walden sustaining a knife injury on his arm..
“Walden! You’re bleeding!!!!” Samara gasped, rushing to him as he dropped to the ground weakly.
Miranda paid no attention to them both as she went to her mate to hug him, burying her head in his chest as she cried…
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you! I’m sorry you had to go through so much trouble…” he quickly shut her mouth up with a kiss, a kiss that Miranda really enjoyed, not minding the other two standing there…
After their lips parted, Damian told her, “the greatest trouble you would have ever put me through would have been the one of losing you I don’t want to ever go through that torture again, not even for a second…”
“You won’t!” She promised. “I’ll make sure to always listen to you from now on I’m so sorry.. I…”
She was cut off by the sound of Walden calling her name..
“Miranda…. Look at me, I’m injured and hurt.. All because I came here… don’t you even at least want to see me or see how I’m doing? I risked my life to come here and save you!!! Do you hate me that much now that you don’t even care about me anymore?”
“Thank you for risking your life to come here Walden, I’m glad your efforts weren’t in vain… as for your injury, I would have come to help, if not that I could already see that Samara has got it covered.”
Indeed, Samara had dressed the wound with a piece of her fabric that she tore off. He was still bleeding but not as much as before.
“I’m sorry!!!! How many times do I have to say it before you realize how much I truly feel for you? Do you know…? Do you even think of how much it hurts me whenever I see you with him???? Do you even….”
“I don’t, and even if I did, I’m not sure I could care any less. The way you feel now…. The way you’re hurting now, is exactly how I felt… The way you’re crying now, is nothing…. compared to the way I cried whenever you neglected me for Samara. I loved you Walden…. I wanted a future with you, but you never cherished what you had… Until you lost it.”
No more words were said, as Miranda put her hands into Damian’s and was about to leave, she left a small message for Samara before she did.
“Thank you for telling them to kidnap me. Now you’ve only proven to the world, you’ve only shown your Walden, how much Damian loves me.”
The silver wolves threw a party two days later, celebrating their queen’s return as she came back that day. The pack house was full of cheer and happiness, many to eat and drink for everyone as Miranda didn’t rest even after she returned. She received visits throughout the day from all the silver wolves that were worried about her disappearance. In the whole house, only one person became distraught by the queen’s return, and then the celebrations after. Only one person became so bitter and depressed by the happy news.