It was a blue mask, fashioned like an eagle, with a brunette wig tucked inside it.
Beth came to me that night.
I was awakened by the click of the latch and the soft swish of the door being pushed open. For a moment she stood in the doorway, poised for flight on those long legs like a frightened gazelle, with that particular stillness that I had observed so many times. The light from the hallway spilled into the room like warm honey, so her hair was suffused like a golden halo and the shape of her body was thrown into stark relief under the thin transparent material of her gown. She stepped forward quickly and the room sank back into relative darkness as she shut the door. I felt the mattress compress as she climbed onto the bed, and she shuffled forward to peer into my face.
“Are you awake?” she whispered.
I sat up in alarm. “What are you doing here, Sis!! Mum will find out!”
“Shhh.” I felt the soft touch of her fingers on my lips. “Mum is asleep. It’s only us. I’m here for you.”
I stared up at her. Strips of moonlight penetrated through the window blinds, throwing bars of bright silver across the bed, and I could see her, kneeling beside me with her legs folded in that graceful, double-jointed way that women have. I saw her arms move up, lifting the nightgown over her head and tossing it away with a whisper of fabric. The moonlight illuminated her right side, her skin shining like polished pewter and the breast in sharp relief, surprisingly large and with the nipple erect with desire. One side of her body was in darkness but I could see enough of her face to interpret her expression.
Her hands cupped my face and she leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine, her mouth opening and her tongue thrusting forward. I grasped her torso to balance her as she shifted her weight, and my cock hardened involuntarily as my hands acknowledged the warm plasticity of her flesh. She moaned into my mouth, speaking soft urgent words between the kisses.
“Ah, yes! Yes! I’ve wanted you David. God I’ve wanted you!”
My body was rigid. This wasn’t the Beth I knew nor did her words reflect the relationship that we had all of our lives. Like a surfer who expected a five foot wave and suddenly found a Tsunami, I struggled to accept the enormity of the switch from kid sister to a desirable and available woman. A flood of conflicting emotions filled my mind. I knew that I had already fucked her but that had been an accident, with neither knowing the identity of the other. This was different, requiring a premeditated and deliberate crossing of the line. I would abandon family responsibility, and tear down social, legal and moral norms and I was lucid enough to understand that doing so would be to set me on a path where secrecy and shame would be my new companions.
But, God help me, I am a normal red-blooded male, and the temptation was strong. Nothing about this warm body in front of me matched the blueprint of the kid sister I had grown up with. I had never really noticed the change from a skinny frame to a body stacked with all the right equipment – or perhaps I had, but had shut it out. Either way, there was no doubt about her physical credentials… she was hot and she knew it, and she was offering every delectable inch of herself for me to use as I wanted.
She must have sensed my turmoil for she broke off and leaned back a little. Her eyes were dark pools in the moonlight and her voice was urgent.
“Do it again to me, David. You enjoyed it last time didn’t you! It was good, wasn’t it? I need you to do it again!”
She moved her hand down to my groin, groping under the sheet and seizing my cock, squeezing it, sensing the heat of my arousal. “Ah, yes! Fuck me with this! Fuck me like the last time!”
The grasp of her hand around my sex was the final catalyst. Like the crumbling walls of a dam my resolve shattered, sweeping aside logic and sense, abandoning reason. It was still my sister kneeling naked in my bed, but she was there for me, ready to be taken – and I was ready to take her. My brain was filled by her perfume and the smell of her body. I was transfixed by her marvelous symmetry, the black and silver sheen of her skin, by her thrusting breasts and the pressure of her thigh against me. In the silence of that infinitesimal moment of change I fancied that I could hear the bubbling liquid heat of her sex, aroused and open, waiting for me, calling to me.
I growled deep in my throat and sat up quickly, locking my lips against hers. One hand cupped her left breast, fingers dark against the silver whiteness, and the other held her at the small of her back, feeling her slender body arch up to receive me. Her nipple burned against my palm as I massaged it. She ripped aside the sheet and in a single movement straddled me, head bent back in raw pleasure as I kissed her neck and shoulders. She pushed me back against the pillows and spoke again, her mouth close to mine.
“Tell me you want me, David”
My voice was hoarse with desire “Oh God, Beth! What are you doing to me?”
“Tell me!”
“Yes, oh yes! I want you. I want to have you. I need to fuck you, to fill you up.”
She shifted her legs, opening them, and I felt her hand grasp my hardness and engage it against the swollen lips of her sex. She hunkered down, and I felt myself break through the soft gateway of her labia and then the furnace of her body as I slid into her. She moaned softly, her head thrown back as she felt me penetrate, as she struggled to adjust to my girth. She growled softly.
“Ahhh! That’s it! That’s good. Slowly, slowly. Fuck me. Fuck your sister’s pussy.”
“I will, I will.”
“Fill me up. I want you to come into me and fill me up.”
“I will. I’ll fuck you and fill you up. I’ll spray into you Beth”.
She leaned back a little and I felt her cunt contract, squeezing me. There was not enough light to see me entering her body, but I didn’t need to. I imagined my thick shaft stretching open her vulva, the soft inner lips of her labia clasping at me, slick and wet, the wisps of her public hair glistening with our juices. I imagined the bulbous head of my cock penetrating upwards inside her body, stretching and invading far into her soft body. I thought it to be somewhere level with her navel as she crouched over me.
And then I was fully in and we held that position, each savouring the moment. For me, the feeling of my cock fully encased in a firm young cunt, with its rhythmic clutching and the trickle of juices at its opening. For her, the feeling of fullness and pressure, the spasms as my cock twitched inside her, the stretch of the purple head buried in her body.
She raised her body up, so slowly, and I felt the long slide out. I saw the moonlight glistening silver on my shaft as it appeared from the pool of dark shadow, until the bulging head was barely inside her, held only by the clutching labia. For a moment she held herself there, and then she sank back downwards. I groaned at the incredible warmth and pressure and wetness of penetration as her body swallowed me up again. We began to whisper to each other in the darkness as we fucked.
“Jesus, Beth! God Jesus that’s good! I’m fucking you, I’m really fucking you”
“Ah yes! Ah, I feel it. I feel you deep inside me. I’m milking you with my cunt.”
“Say that you like your brother’s cock.”
“I love my brother’s cock inside me. I love to fuck my brother. I’m a dirty sister and I love it. We’ll fuck forever.”
“Tell me I’m the first.”
“You’re the first. You’re the only one.”
She leaned back, supporting herself with her arms, so that her head was right back, hair shining in a band of moonlight like a mane of silver, mouth open and eyes tightly shut. Her breasts were thrust forward and I buried my face into them, grasping a nipple in my lips and worrying it so that it hardened even more in my mouth. The shift in our positions caused me to rub against the front of her pussy, and she reacted by moaning softly, moving her hips in a circular motion. Her first orgasm enveloped her swiftly – her body bent backwards like a bow, every muscle stretched taut and a thin wail breaking from her lips. I felt a flood of moisture spurt around my balls, dribbling down to soak the sheets.
She stopped for a moment whilst her ragged breath slowed, and I could feel the muscular contractions of her vagina as the last of her orgasm passed. She resumed the circular motion, rotating her hips whilst thrusting forward and down with her pussy so that I was rhythmically swallowed and released. Her cunt made small slurping noises as it devoured me. There was light enough for me to see the sheen of sweat on her face, observe the soft curve of her lips and the small white teeth behind them. I flipped her sideways and rolled over her, my cock still embedded inside her. She raised her legs and locked them over the small of my back, and I pushed up on my arms so I could watch her face as we fucked.
“I love you, Beth.”
She opened her eyes, cornflower blue in the daylight but dark pools now.
“I love you too. Fill me with your seed.”
“I will. Inside you.”
“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes.”
Like a gathering storm I felt it building, like a stream of living magna escaping towards the light, rushing through the shaft of my cock until in a single frozen moment of time it burst out of me, splattering the walls of her sex. She cried out in triumph as she felt it, reaching down to grasp my buttocks and hold them tight against her so that I was buried into her as deep as possible. She milked me with strong rhythmic contractions of her cunt whilst I pumped ribbons of cum into her writhing body, and I heard the shriek of her own orgasm as it consumed her.
As I stared down at her face she faded from underneath me, and I was alone in my dream.