Her pussy was spasming around him with tight little contractions and David sprayed another long ribbon inside her and then a third, his hands like claws on her hips. She was shaking her head from side to side almost as if in pain, and the words tumbled from her lips: “Jesus! David… ah, yes… inside me – ugh… I can feel it -“.
A fourth spurt, and then a fifth, the intensity diminishing but still delicious. A lingering plateau of pleasure, stretching out, stretching out – God, this was a long one! Hips slowing now, cock twitching and jerking with final dribbles up behind that flat little belly. Her words drying up to little sighs and groans of pleasure, her fingers slackening, body twitching with little aftershocks.
And at last she opened her eyes and stared down at his face, her expression almost stunned. He could see the hair at her temples was damp and her skin was shining with perspiration, and when she spoke her voice was husky with awe.
“Wow!” she said. “Wow. That was… amazing.”
“Incredible,” he agreed.
“I think I’m full.” It was true – she could see strands of his seed oozing from around his shaft.
“And I think I’m empty.”
Jen laughed softly. “Don’t ever let this stop, will you?”
“I won’t, I won’t,” he replied, but a picture of John Tobias suddenly appeared unbidden in his mind, a dark and malignant threat to their happiness, and he knew they would have to deal with him.
David Griffith held the phone to his head and heard the dialling tone purring softly. There was a click and a woman’s voice answered.
“Hi, I’m not available so please leave a message.” Short and to the point, just like the Rosie he remembered.
“Uh, hi Rosie, My name’s David Griffiths… not sure if you remember me. We, uh, were at school together. I wondered if I could talk with you – I have a business proposition.” He paused, aware that it sounded wooden. If the rumours about this woman were true he needed to appeal to her personal side too. “Um, that sounds pretty dull but I think you might be interested – and besides, it’s been a long time and it would be really nice to catch up for a drink. Call me, please.”
They met that evening at one of the more respectable bars in town. David was nursing a Scotch when he spotted her threading her way through the tables. He waved and smiled in greeting.
“How did you know it was me?” Rose asked as she perched on a barstool beside him. “It must be what – twenty years?”
“There’s not many women who stop conversation when they walk in a room.” He regarded her briefly. “You haven’t changed that much.”
“Nor you.” She saw it was true – his face was older, of course, but he was still handsome, and showed signs of wealth: the Rolex Oystermatic on his wrist, the good suit, expensive shoes. She wondered idly if he was hoping to become a client and felt a pang of disappointment – the David Griffiths she remembered wasn’t cut from that cloth.
“What can I get you to drink?”
“A vodka martini please.” She watched him order and decided from his body language it was something else that brought him here. “As you said on the phone, it’s been a long time, David.”
“It sure has.” He studied her for a moment, remembering their time together – a platonic relationship apart from the single evening in the bed of a local motel. She had been what – barely eighteen? It had been glorious but they’d both understood it was just that once and it hadn’t affected the friendship. And now, twenty years later, she still looked delicious – that creamy complexion was as fresh as ever and her figure as taut and inviting.
They chatted for a while, passing the time easily by remembering old friends and times past but at length she glanced at the slim gold watch on her wrist. “So what can I do for you?” she asked.
David smiled. Rosie Mulquinney had always been direct and the years hadn’t changed that characteristic either. “I mix with the top end of town a lot,” he started carefully, “you know – businessmen, politicians and professionals and so on. Most of it is work stuff, but sometimes we meet socially over a few beers, and you get to hear whispers – some of them not worth a pinch of shit, but others with a grain of truth.”
“And what did you hear about me?”
“That a few years ago you set up a business with a very generous settlement from an older gentleman.”
“What kind of business?”
“The sort that caters for men who want the best girls au naturale with absolute discretion. It’s like a club, and only very select people get to join.” He smiled. “As I said, you hear a lot of things and most don’t turn out to be true, but when I heard you were the owner I sat up and took notice.”
“Because if it’s true it would need someone pretty special to pull it off. I figured you had the skills to do that.”
Rose laughed briefly. “I was only a kid when we last met, David. How would you know that?”
“Because I’m a good judge of character.”
Rose sat back on her seat and considered him thoughtfully. She had a golden rule – never discuss her business unless she knew who she was talking to and, more importantly, everything about them. In the week since his phone call she’d called in some favours and there was a little dossier on David Griffiths sitting in her office. It had been done quickly, but was nothing to suggest he was working in the vice squad or, worse still, for some protection racket. Her instinct was to trust him, particularly as she now knew some surprising theories about him and his sister.
“So what if it’s true?” she said. “You’re not asking to join, are you?”
David shook his head. “Not me. I’m in a good place and I don’t need that sort of service – besides, I’ve never paid for it in my life.” His words triggered the thought that he’d probably been one of the last people to sleep with Rosie Mulquinney without money changing hands: and now, twenty years later, he was prepared to pay her big. Life was filled with irony.
“What can I help you with, then?”
David leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Let’s hypothesise for a moment,” he said softly. “Let’s say I know this lady who runs a top-notch girl business. She’s smart, sassy and ambitious. She knows her business is on the edge of the law and may not be around tomorrow, so she needs a little insurance… something for a rainy day to protect her future.” He paused for a few seconds, waiting to see Rose’s reaction but she was quite still, her face impassive. “Do you follow me so far?”
“Hypothetically, yes.”
“Of course. All this is hypothetical.” He took a sip of his whisky, choosing his words. “But this smart, sassy lady is in a conundrum because any one of the clients who are the basis of her business are the very people who could bring it crashing down – senior police, politicians, counsellors… I’m sure you get the drift.” Her eyes were on his now, bright, intelligent eyes – neither rejecting his words nor agreeing with him. He pressed on. “She figures trust is a delicate thing and so she keeps a little bit of extra insurance in her cupboard – information for a rainy day, so to speak, just in case she needs to keep them in line.”
“Collecting such information would be illegal.”
David sat back and waved to the barman for more drinks. “We both know that information is collected all the time, Rosie,” he said evenly. “Even here -‘ he nodded towards the little CCTV camera in the corner of the room. “Some people feel uncomfortable having their pictures taken, but its part and parcel of life – the rule today is, if you don’t like it, don’t go there.” He waited while the barman delivered their drinks and moved away. “Where it gets tricky is when and where such information is used, and whether it is for sale.”
“I wondered when you’d get to the point. Hypothetically, the answer is no.” Rose picked up her drink and smiled. “And by the way, I dropped the ‘i’ in my name years ago – it’s just Rose now.”
“This sassy lady went through a difficult time in her life,” David continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “When she was working on her own she occasionally had a rough time with men. I guess you could call it an occupational hazard, but I don’t agree – nobody should ever have to suffer that. Evidently she thought so too, because shortly afterwards she changed her business model… she employed other girls to do the physical work, and managed them instead.”
“Smart lady. I don’t see what this has to do with me, though.”
“The thing was, she made sure that anyone who worked for her was safe from the kind of nastiness she’d suffered. It was that information, you see: it not only assured her future, but was a good way to keep her clients in line – and, more to the point, she was prepared to use it to protect people who weren’t in a position to protect themselves.”
Rose shook her head. “You’re not listening, David. I don’t see what any of this has to do with me.”
David laughed. “You’re smarter than that, Rose. I’m quite sure did your homework on me and you figured out pretty quickly I’m a potential client. That’s true – but I don’t want to buy a girl. I want something else, so let’s do away with hypotheticals. Let me tell you a real story, and how you might be able to help. About sixteen years ago I got into a relationship with a woman which was… unusual. There was something about us that we had to keep secret. Not even -‘
“Are you talking about your sister?”
David stared at her. He’d known she would check up on him, but hadn’t realised the extent of her information. Still, it only confirmed what he already knew of this woman: that she was smart, well informed and careful. He nodded slowly. “Yes. I didn’t think you knew that.”
“I put two and two together,” Rose conceded. “You share the same address now, and it’s unusual for a brother and sister to live together for so long. When you said you had a secret it didn’t take much to figure it out.”
“Yes, well – Jennifer and I found each other, as it were. It was – passionate. And it lasted… I mean it wasn’t just a quick fumble. We found we were true soulmates.” He lifted his drink and observed the woman opposite him. “Does that shock you?”
Rose laughed. “Honey, I’ve seen or I’ve heard just about everything there is to know about human relationships, and a few more besides. Nothing shocks me. The fact that you are still together says something.”
David smiled ruefully. “I wish my mother had thought the same. She found out about us and told a priest about us on her deathbed. I suppose she thought she was doing the right thing – you know, absolution in the bosom of the church and all that.” He glanced at her face. “Are you religious?”