A minute later, a scream startled the driver so much he almost went into the ditch. Robert was scratching at his mating mark while yelling for her at the top of his lungs. “Shit, something happened to Christine,” I said.
Two more howls of agony came through the bond. “Boss, we need to go back,” I said.
He nodded. “Turn us around and get home!” The caravan turned, but I knew it was too late.
Kelly’s POV
The morning was going well, her vitals were stable, and she napped well. I could see her eyes following me, her little arms moving towards me as I smiled. “WE’RE UNDER ATTACK,” Doc yelled at me as he ran out of the break room, rifle in hand. “CALL THE CLUB!”
I ran over to the phone on the wall, quickly dialing the number. It rang twice before it picked up. “Northwoods Riders, Scrape here.”
“Scrape it’s Kelly, we’re under att…” and then the phone went dead. I hung it up, trying again, but no dial tone. “PHONE IS CUT,” I yelled towards the door. My husband poked his head in. “Did you tell the club?”
“I don’t know if I got enough out,” I said.
Vivian came running into the room just as the power went out. “Vivian, we’ve got people surrounding the building, I counted four before I left the room,” he told her.
“Cover the hallway,” she said. “Kelly, without power the CPAP machine won’t work. You need to monitor her breathing carefully, it should be thirty to forty per minute. If she is struggling, you’ll have to manually ventilate.” She handed me the mask and bag, we had practiced earlier how to do it. “Whatever happens, don’t stop. She’s too fragile to make it on her own.”
“I understand, Doctor. What are you doing?”
“I’m protecting her,” she said. She poked her head out into the hallway. “Doc, what’s happening?”
“I think they are at the back door,” he said.
“I’m going wolf then.”
“NO!” I saw him pulling her back into the room. “I know you want to protect her, but this isn’t the way. Stay in here.” He handed me his . 45 Colt pistol. “This room is concrete walls, steel door. Lock it, barricade it and don’t come out until the club is here.”
“What about you?” I looked over at my husband, panic in my eyes.
“I’ll keep them back,” he said. “You stay alive, baby. I love you.”
“I love you too.” I heard the door close and lock as I focused on the baby. Counting her breaths, making sure the oxygen regulator was good, and trying to monitor her color. Vivian handed me a headlamp out of the drawer, it made things much easier. She pushed a cabinet in front of the door, then set to work piling other material against the wall. “What are you doing?”
“Just in case they try to shoot through the door,” I said. She was moving another cabinet, lifting it on top of the first one. “Who did you talk to at the club?”
“Scrape, but all I got out was ‘we’re under’ before the line was cut.”
She kept piling stuff against the door, just as we heard a loud crash. Doc was opening up with his rifle, growls echoed through the hallway and something big hit the door. They were inside.
Viper’s POV
I was going through some of the bills in my office when Scrape started screaming. I was up on my feet instantly, running downstairs to the clubhouse area. “What the fuck is going on?”
“That was Kelly, she and Doc are with Vivian at the clinic. She called, I think she was going to say they were under attack when the phone call dropped.”
“Did you call back?”
“No answer.” Fuck. “ALL RIGHT BOYS, GRAB YOUR GUNS AND LET’S GO.” Crash and Dagger were in the clubhouse, and I knew Trigger was in the garage. I went back to my office, grabbing my pump shotgun and a bandoleer of buckshot, along with my Glock . 45 and extra magazines. I ran out the front, opening the doors to one of the panel vans. The boys were right behind me, jumping into the back.
Teri came out just as I was starting up. “Teri, call every member you can get ahold of, get them to the clinic and tell them to come strapped. Vivian’s in trouble.”
I pulled out of the parking lot, heading for the road. It would take twenty minutes to get there.
Twenty minutes she might not have.
Kelly’s POV
I heard Doc screaming, and the sound of him being dragged. There was a thud in the hallway. “Doctor DelMara, this man is seriously injured and is bleeding all over the floor. He’s going to die if you don’t give yourself up.”
My jaw dropped, I started to cry. He screamed, they must have done something to him. She looked at me, then looked at the door.
“Listen, Doc, we want you alive. Come quietly and we’ll let the others live. Refuse, and he dies. He only has a few minutes left, I’d say, if he doesn’t get help.”
“NO DON’T DO IT AAAAAAAHHH!” There was a thud and he went quiet.
“ANDREW!” I started to move towards the door.
“Don’t,” Vivian said. “Go back to Jennifer.” She pulled some combat dressings out of the drawer. “When I’m gone, use these, apply pressure to stop the bleeding and wait for help.”
“You can’t give yourself to them, Vivian!”
“I can’t let you die, Kelly. They’ll still take me.” She pulled me into a hug, then walked to the door. “I’m coming out, I have to move stuff away from the door.”
“Don’t waste our time, Doctor, he doesn’t have much.”
She pushed the cabinets back from the door, creating just enough room to open it and get out. She unlocked it, and the door was immediately pushed open. A man reached in, pulling her out, and I heard the ratchet sound of handcuffs going on. “Ahh, the smell of unmated women,” the leader said. “Come on.” I could hear her walking down the hall.
“What about the woman, boss?”
“Shoot her.”
I looked around in panic, there was nowhere to hide. A man leaned in, firing two shots, and I felt my chest explode in pain before I fell to the ground.
Vivian’s POV
“NO!” I struggled against the big guy in vain as he dragged me through the hallway. My ears were ringing from the gunshots, and my heart was crushed by what just happened. Two friends, hell they were FAMILY through the club, had just been killed while trying to protect me. My decision to give myself up hadn’t accomplished anything but getting me captured quickly, before help could arrive. “The baby! She’s going to DIE, she’s an Alpha’s daughter!”
He just opened the door and pulled me out, I was unable to resist with my wrists cuffed behind my back. The silver sapped the abilities of my wolf, I couldn’t tap the strength of her with them on. “I wasn’t sent to get a baby, I was sent for you,” he said. He shoved me up against my truck, pushing me down to sit next to the rear wheels. I saw another man come out, he was supporting a third man who was bleeding from the left shoulder and right hip. “Bruce, put him down, then get Frank out of there,” he said. “I’m going to get the car.”
“What about her?” The injured man was set by the front wheel as the other man asked.
He tossed the injured guy his pistol. “Travis, if she moves, shoot her in the legs.” He turned and walked away as I tried to figure out what to do. A big, dark green Expedition pulled into the lot just as Bruce came out with the dead wolf over his shoulder. “The humans dead?”
“Didn’t check,” he said, “but there’s a hell of a lot of blood in the hall.”
“Toss Frank’s body in the back and cover him up.” He opened the back window for him.
“Todd, what do we do about Travis?”
He looked at the injured man on the ground. “She’s the fucking doc, Bruce. She can save him.” He came over and pulled me to my feet. “You’re going to fix him up on the drive back, or you’re going to be in a world of pain. Alpha Hans gave me wide latitude in how to bring you back, and there’s a lot I can do to you before I maim or kill you.”
“I need my kit out of this truck,” I said. “And he’s going to have to be laid down. I need the seats down, and blankets if you have them.” He nodded and went back to the truck, opening the back doors and laying the seats down. I watched as he went to my truck, pulling my emergency kit out of the area behind the driver’s seat, and put it in the truck as well. By the time he came for me, they had Larry laid out in the back. It had been at least ten minutes since they attacked, not near enough time for the guys at the Club to make it here. They shoved me in and closed the door, and they pulled out of the lot before I was sitting comfortably.
I took one last look at my clinic, thanking Luna that Jessica wasn’t here when they attacked. She deserved the happiness I was going to lose.
Viper’s POV
“Can’t this piece of shit go any faster?” I ignored Snake. I was bouncing in my seat, adrenaline fueled my veins and I wanted to kill. The idea of someone harming my Club members was enough to set off the demons I knew were inside me, demons I had a hard time pushing back. I knew Snake was the same way, we both had seen combat, we knew what could happen. I looked out at the traffic, the lights, the delays. I wanted to get out and just RUN there, but with a shotgun and midday traffic that wouldn’t end well.
“No, and we have to stick together, guys. We don’t know what is going on, we go blazing in there alone and you’ll get killed. Now sit the FUCK down and let’s think of how we are going to do this.” The order settled over them, they knew I was right. We all had to get our shit together if we were going to save them.