The car became dead silent.
We finally arrived at the cabin. Sax punched some codes, and the gate slid open.
Once we parked, my heart started beating wildly. My nerves began to rattle me. I blew breaths a thousand times, but it was worthless.
“Just be honest and be yourself.” Linden held my arms. “You can do this.”
“Not so long ago. You wanna wring my neck.” I glared at him.
“I’m protective of my brother. And I will never stop doing that.”
I nodded. “I know. Thanks for taking care of him while I was away.”
“Good luck.”
“I badly need that.”
Zee came up to the porch with me to unlock the door. “Take a breath.”
My pace was unbelievably low as my knees began to weaken. I was already in the living when Rome just walked downstairs, and he had not seen me.
God, he still looked incredibly handsome despite his growing beard. He was in a simple white t-shirt and jeans and may have lost a few pounds, but he looked perfect in my eyes.
My heart told me to run to him because I bloody missed him, but my gut told me to start saying something.
Then he stopped. He must have sensed that he wasn’t alone anymore. He found me. His gaze locked into mine. I thought I saw the excitement in his eyes for a second, but it all vanished and was replaced with anger and disgust.
With a smoldering glare, he clenched his jaw before he snorted. “Wow. What brought you here? And how the fuck did you get in? Can’t remember I gave you my spare.”
“I wanna talk to you.” My voice came low and soft.
“We’re done talking the moment you walked away, Princess.”
“But I’m not.” My voice finally shook.
He shook his head and scoffed. “I’m done. And I’m not interested in anything you’ll say to me. Nothing can change the fact that you and I-” He pointed at himself and me. “were over twenty-six days ago.” So he was keeping track.
“Just listen to me, and you don’t have to say anything. Give me five minutes.”
“I don’t have that kind of time for bullshit. I’m a busy person. If you wanna talk to me, arrange an appointment with my assistant, and I might consider talking to you, Princess.”
I was losing all hope. “I know you are angry with me and have every right to be. I’m sorry. I should have-”
“Stop.” He raised his hand. “I don’t wanna hear it. And you cannot change my mind because you are sorry.”
“I’m sorry if I hurt you. I’m sorry if I doubted you. I’m sorry I didn’t give you the benefit of the doubt. I’m sorry if I let my doubt get the best of me. I’m sorry if I didn’t believe in us. I love you, and I don’t want anyone will come into our relationship because, for me, you and my love for you are all that matters, not them, not anyone, even my father, or my family. I walked away three years ago because I couldn’t live that kind of life anymore. Then I finally found someone who saw me, respected who I was, and accepted my past. I finally found someone who was willing to stand by my side and be my anchor despite the people turning their backs on me. He still believed that I could make a difference, and I stood up from my fall and started believing in myself. You gave me hope. You gave me purpose. You made me strong-”
“Are you done?” Seemingly, I started to get into him, but he was still glaring. And I saw nothing but anger and hatred.
“No.” I wiped my face. “I’m not done. I still have a lot of things to say. I made mistakes, okay? I made a mistake for not trusting you, for not believing in you. I threw all those beautiful things away for my doubts. I will be forever asking you for your forgiveness.”
“You got it. I forgive you, but not in a million fucking ways that I will give us a second chance. It’s over, and I moved on. In fact, I’m already seeing someone. I’m sorry you’ve wasted your precious time coming over here for nothing.”
“You’re lying!” I yelled at him. “You can’t just move on when you are still hurting!”
He laughed, and it sucked that he could mock me while my world was falling apart because of what I did.
He then raised a brow. “Am I? Now, who’s in denial? I can’t be with someone who thinks I’m a liar. Maybe that’s why we never worked because our relationship started with a lie and a whole lot of secrecy.”
“Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love me anymore.”
“Is that all?” He was even too excited to do it. He marched in my direction at huge paces until we were merely a step apart and looked me in the eye.
My fingers itched to touch him, to feel him if he was real if he was really standing before me right now.
“I’m done with you. I realized I wasn’t really in love with you. Maybe I enjoyed the sex too much because it’s the one-stop dating app, and you are too willing to spread your legs for me, and sleeping with a princess is a plus, and I thought I was falling in love. And what can I say? You’re a good lay, Princess.”
I blinked and winced. My heart was crushing. “You’re so lewd.”
“You don’t mind it before. You even loved it when I talked dirty.” He looked at me down to my lips before he smirked.
My hands formed into fists voluntarily, but I sucked in a breath instead.
“It’s how it is, Your Royal Highness. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do. I have a date to go to, and I have a company to run.” His words were so painful that I could barely talk. I knew I deserved everything he threw at me, and the worse part was I didn’t want to believe it.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Then I may have to call the cops and all news channels in the city. We’ll see how your father will react to his daughter crying and being kicked out of her ex’s house.”
“This is not you, Langston. I know you are hurting-”
“Oh, this is me. I’m an asshole, broody, grumpy, self-centered, smug bastard, and cruel, right? You barely scratched the surface. This is me being kind,” he growled. “Now get the fuck out of my house, out of my property!”