Chapter 24

Book:What About Us? Published:2024-5-1

Jeyah’s POV
“Bubs! Where have you been? Are you okay?”, Clarisse asked, as soon as I went back to the party venue.
“Bubs, are you crying?”, Angela queried while looking at me intently.
“Darren was looking for you awhile ago, bubs. Have you seen each other?”, Eduard spoke, while sipping a glass of wine. My other group mates were just silent while waiting for my answer.
“Uhm, I went to the rooftop to catch some air and yes, Darren and I met there.”, I responded trying to sound natural even if deep inside I am already hurting.
A few minutes later, I saw Darren and Bridgette entering the hall. Bridgette just walked straight towards the table in the front and just smirked at me when she passed by at our table. I immediately averted my gaze when I noticed that Darren was staring at me. He doesn’t even know how much I’ve tried to control myself not to burst out in tears.
I just kept my eyes on them as Bridgette was a having a chitchat with his mom. After a while, Bridgette stood up and bid goodbye to them. Then with heads up high, she walked towards the exit door and I feel like a thorn was pulled out when I saw her leaving.
“Gladly, that bitch has left!”, Angela spoke.
“Why did that bitch come here? She was not even invited!”, Clarisse murmured.
“Uhm, let’s not talk about that woman, bubs. Let’s enjoy instead! “, Karen snapped.
I was just silently listening to them, because my attention was always at Darren, who was also staring at me. Then I saw him coming to our direction, and I couldn’t help but to feel tense again.
“Bubs, I would like to introduce you to my mom and sisters. They wanted to know all my friends and since you came late, they were not able to get to know you earlier when I introduced our group mates to them”, Darren said and offered me his hand.
“Go now bubs!”, Clarisse softly smiled, and I know what that means.
I took his hand, and together we went to where his family was. Honestly, I feel nervous as we’re coming towards them. Darren gently pressed my hand and told me to just relax.
“Mom, Daphne, Dolly, this is Jeyah Abby Arguello, one of my group mates. She is a 4th year BS Psychology student at UP, Diliman”, Darren said.
“Bubs, this is mom, then next to me is Daphne and my youngest sister, Dolly”
“Good evening M-ma’am, Daphne, Dolly. Nice to meet you!”, I stuttered.
“Hello sissy. You know you’re so pretty. That’s why Chum—“, Dolly was not able to finish talking because Darren gave her a hostile glare, so she softly chuckled.
“Hi sis, nice to meet you”, Daphne smiled at me and offered her hand.
“Hello, Jeyah”, Darren’s mom, stood and gave me a slight hug.
I feel a little hesitant since it’s my first time to meet them, especially when Dolly kept on staring at me like she wanted to tell something.
After some time of chitchatting, I excused myself and told them I need to go back to my group mates’ table. Darren smiled at me as he took my hand and led me to where my group mates are. As soon as I settled in, he went back and grabbed the microphone. All I thought he would give his message, but to my surprise, he mounted the piano and sat on the chair. I haven’t noticed earlier that there was a piano there, or maybe he just requested it from the staff beforehand.
“Hello everyone, once again thank you for coming here. You really made my day and for that, I would like to render a song. You know how much I love music and I wanna share this to all of you. This is entitled, “What About Love’, by Lemar. You know this is one of my favorite songs, so here it goes”, Darren spoke and began to play the intro.
I just stared at him while he continued to hit the piano keys. And when he started singing, I was totally amazed by his golden voice. I couldn’t help but silently admired for having such a wonderful talent.
“… What about love, what about feeling..” he sang it with all his heart and I feel his emotions. The resounding applause echoed the whole place when he sang the second verse of the song.
“How can I give this love a new beginning… how can I stop the rain that’s never ending…”
Clarisse shoved her elbow and I knew, she was teasing me. My other group mates looked at me and smiled meaningfully. I feel like I was blushing already and thumped Clarisse’s arm, since she was sitting beside me.
My friends were just softly laughing while looking at me as if they’re enjoying what they were doing.
“Everyone, please stop it!”, I told them. Gladly, they stopped and clapped their hands when Darren was done singing.
“Nice bro!”, Eduard shouted.
“Amazing voice as always, bubs!”, Angela exclaimed.
Darren dismounted the piano and put it back at the corner. Then Dolly approached him with a hug as soon as he went back to their table. After a while, a sweet music was being played, so it’s time for everyone to dance on the dance floor.
While I was sipping a glass of ladies’ wine, I was startled when Darren suddenly approached and offered me his hand.
“May I have this dance, bubs”, he smiled at me, and again I was lost.
I accepted his offer, and together we went to the dance floor. My heart was beating so fast when he gently grabbed my waist. I put my hands around his neck, and together we danced while staring each other’s eyes.
“Bubs, can I ask you something? Why were you crying when you’re alone in the rooftop?”, he asked, and I wasn’t expecting it.
“Uhm, I just got something in my eyes, bubs. But I am fine”, I lied.
“Uhm, do you still love Ryle, until now?”
“Can you not open your heart to someone else? You know he is not anymore in this world bubs, so I think you have to move on from your past”, his voice cracked.
I was stunned into silence because I don’t know what to answer. He was right anyway. But he doesn’t know that I’m already opening my heart to someone else, and it’s him!