After celebrating her 15th birthday, Leslie Monica’s mother decided to go back to their home country. It was seven years and the young lady was feeling a bit apprehensive about doing so.
Even before they landed, she could already feel the anxiousness from all the adjustments she had to go through. She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to handle everything.
Lemon felt like she’d soon be in an entirely different world. She’s hoping she could cope, but she’s not confident about that.
She knew she didn’t have any reason to be worried. Aunt Dahlia and Mika were both coming with them. But there’s still something unsettled inside her.
Michael or Mikaela, when he transforms, is her pink friend, but he’s no closet queen. His gender preference is known to everyone and no one’s got a problem with that.
Lemon practically grew up with him. His mother, Aunt Dalia, is Lemon’s mother’s executive assistant. They’re always together, so the same goes for Mika and her.
They’re of the same age and they went to the same school. Going back to their home country, they enrolled in the same school too. That’s just how inseparable they were.
If one looks at them, it can easily be said that Mika’s not as anxious as Lemon. He was confident that he would be accepted with arms wide open by his new classmates.
Lemon may not feel the same, but she’s left with no choice. She knew her mom wouldn’t agree to leave her in France by herself.
“Lemon, what’s up?” Mika asked with a brow raised at her. She shot her brows up, without any idea what her friend was asking about. “I’m done packing! Don’t tell me you’re still nursing a hangover from your birthday celebration?!”
“Bête! I’ve already packed my stuff three days ago! You’re the one who just finished packing!”
“Fine fine!” he said, waving a hand at her.
Looking at her pink friend, Lemon felt certain that he would indeed be accepted with open arms. ‘Who wouldn’t love this gay?’ she asked herself.
Although he was annoying, he did have a refreshing personality and he could easily befriend anyone. Heck, Lemon even believes that he can easily gather his fans at SMU.
After that short banter with her friend, Lemon stepped out of her room to check on her mother, Tori. She saw that they were already busy packing their stuff as well.
Tori kept reminding the new manager of the fashion house of the same things she had already reminded her of days ago. Her mom often does this, especially when double-checking her stuff.
Lemon’s mom wasn’t really letting go of 18 Threads. She’s just returning its management to her sister and she will put up her own in Centro.
The shop belongs to her sister anyway. It was just transferred to her mom when her aunt got health issues and she wasn’t able to handle it.
“What time is our flight by the way?” she asked her while her mom was scrambling with everything she needed to do.
“In 2 hours, fille,” Tori responded without looking at Lemon and her daughter’s eyes widened in surprise.
‘2 hours? As in? I thought we were leaving in 2 days!’
“Are you excited, Lem?” Aunt Dahlia asked.
“Of course not, Mamita. She’s actually nervous!” Mika generously shared.
Her mom suddenly stopped what she was doing to look at her with her forehead creased. “Why is my daughter nervous?” Tori asked but she just shrugged at her and let out a sigh.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it’ll be a new environment. New people to try and get along with?” Lemon explained.
“Oh my, fille, you don’t have to worry about anything. You’re a lovely girl, for sure they’ll like you,” she said sweetly as she ran a hand through her hair.
“Of course! Besides, I’m there with her!” Mika butted in.
A couple of hours passed and they finally boarded the plane back to their homeland. It will be a 17-hour trip and for sure, it will be exhausting.
“O-M-G, can you tell I’m excited?”
“It’s not THAT obvious,” she retorted as she grinned at Mika.
“You need to stop being pessimistic about things you know?”
Lemon just smiled lazily at her friend. She may not want to admit it, but she’s indeed a pessimist. In eight out of ten situations, she would always think of a negative outcome.
She can’t help that she’s insecure.
After everything that’s happened to her family, her sense of security definitely hit rock bottom. She had a hard time coping with that.
Lemon grew up shy and if it weren’t for Mike, she wouldn’t know how to deal with people. So it’s really all thanks to him.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Centro International Airport. The local time is 0800h and the temperature is 29°C.”
Her eyes suddenly flew open when she heard that announcement. Finally, they’re back in.
‘There’s really no going back now!’
They arrived at 8 in the morning and it was a Saturday. Just great! Because on Monday, they’ll be attending their new school already, as incoming grade 9 students.
She’s unsure how she’ll be able to deal with it. No matter what she thinks to convince herself to calm down, she still can’t relax.
Negative scenarios kept popping into her mind and they kept bothering her. All these what-ifs have been bugging her ever since her mother told her that they were going back.
Another thing that worries her is seeing her father again. ‘What if he shows up all of a sudden? How am I supposed to face him?’
All these kept bugging her and she was starting to lose focus. Hopefully, she’ll be able to settle down in a few days. Otherwise, she might end up going back to France.
Regardless of whether her mom will approve or not, she might insist on going back. Her Aunt Ena got her back and, for sure, she wouldn’t have a hard time seeking her help.