Jake had yet made another memory in her life that had Claire wondering if she could think him in some kind of light. That day, she had licked ice cream after the hard time Tristan gave her. They tidied up and it was time to get down to cooking. Getting to his place, they put on their aprons and Jake made it really cool when he put on a good jam for them to sway to while cooking. Not necessarily sway as Claire was no dancer. Dancing was one of those things she detested the most but music, that was her soul healer.
They made dinner together and when they were done, Claire had to look at the time. It was already late and she had not even reported home from work. Not like she cared a bit what they would say to her but just that moment as if on cue, her phone started ringing and it was her father. The old man sure needed to give her a break. Claire excused herself and walked over to the sitting room area while Jake for her sake as if reading her mind turned down the music instantly. She flashed him a smile as she walked past him.
“Hello dad.” Claire said
“Where are you Claire?” the man demanded sounding really angry now.
Claire could not understand what he cared when obviously he had his wife and children with him. She told him she had gone to see a friend and would likely be turning in really late. That was definitely something the man was not willing to take as he had just about enough of her behaviour. Hence, for once he was going to be the father he was created to be and not let her forget who was head of the table. He told her he wanted her home that instant and he was not going to repeat the call. That was it and he hung up.
Claire could not understand what he was acting out for. Of course you would not blame her naive self as she probably did not understand how these things worked. She felt her parents would understand if she said she was with a friend no matter how late. That was definitely not how it works. Children especially ones like Claire had to have a little control least they make costly mistakes. Had he not called her, the at the moment she would have gone to the hospital with Jake without returning home and it was already past eight that evening.
“Is everything okay Claire?” Jake asked her almost making her jumpy.
She turned to look at him and for a moment he might have actually seen the worry in her eyes but she lit up instantly. She apologized that she would probably not be able to accompany him to the hospital as her family needed her that instant. Jake understood and told her it was all good. Quickly, without wasting another moment, Claire grabbed her jacket and bag before heading out. Jake saw her off to the door and would not look away as she walked away. A couple of steps down the porch, Claire felt like a complete insensitive person and decided to do something for him. She suddenly sprung around and went to hug him. Jake was surprised but he did bring it in and when they disengaged, before he could ask what that was for, Claire chipped in something.
“Give that hug to mom when you get to the hospital. Tell her it is from me.” she said and smiled.
Jake was amused and tried hard to suppress his laughter looking a red pumpkin while at it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell her it’s from you.” he said to here.
She nodded and then stalked off. He still was watching and she could feel his piercing gaze on the back of her neck. It was like he was breathing down on her and she was actually confused over what she had just done. The hug was totally unplanned for and it was not as she intended. Maybe it was the ice cream; he did make her happy with it and she learnt that hugs always makes it all better. It was nothing, she continued telling herself but somehow her inner self began to question why she was suddenly doubting herself and her capability. There was absolutely nothing wrong in that but her mind was troubled. It felt like she was being double sided. In clear words, it felt like she was cheating on someone. Someone like Tristan Jenkins.
Oh God, why did she have to think about that disturbing man at a time like this. He was nothing short of troublesome and overbearing with his always over awesomeness. Awesome? How could she think of him as awesome. Tristan Jenkins had to be everything but that at the moment yet, she could not help but feel that was kind of untrue.
She had been walking home calmly all along when someone greeted her for the very first time since she moved to this place. It had always been the usual mind your business sort of thing with no one actually paying her any attention whatsoever.
“Hey, you’re the Willow’s kids right?” a man was walking over to her from his place
“Um, yes. Yes I am. I’m Claire.” she said reaching for his extended hand.
They shook hands and he began to talk about how he had been seeing her for sometime now. His place was about three buildings from hers and his name was Anthony. Well that being said and done, she excused herself to continue on her way. It was the first time she had actually talked to anyone in that place but it was awkward really.
She got home in no time just as Martha was leaving.
“Claire, where have you been?” the woman asked her
“Martha, you stayed so late.” Claire said
“Of course I did. I was worried about you.” the woman said.
Claire could not understand why but it seemed it was not just her father that she had put into trouble but everyone included. Maybe she had been wrong after all and all she had been doing had really been mischievous and up to no good. Claire apologized for all that and just then, the woman asked for her phone which she handed over to her. She punched in her number and saved it before saying goodbye. Her husband stopped in front of the house and picked Martha. Claire waved them bye, took a rather long deep breath and walked to the door. She opened the door slowly and carefully hoping no one would be around the area she would be passing. Claire entered the house and started tip toeing inside when someone stratled.
“Dad!!! Claire is in the house!!!.” You know who would be so cruel enough to want to get her in trouble. It was Deanna and she simply smiled.
“Claire?” he father called from upstairs
“Coming.” she said and with a frown, she spoke to Deanna.” Thanks Deanna.”
It should have been a thanks with extra remark for trying to ruin her life and making her feel more miserable. The callous girl shrugged and walked over to the sitting room. Claire nodded and walked over to the stairs just as Lucille was coming down.
“Oh my my, are we in trouble yet again Claire darling?” the woman asked
“Good evening mother.” was Claire said to her and waited for her to come down.
Once down, the woman patted her on the shoulder and continued on her way. Claire sighed without saying anything and headed upstairs. She chose not to go to her bedroom yet until she had spoken to her father. She knew where he would be after all, it was in his study. She walked inside and found that the door was open. Upon entrance, she found him staring at her eyeball to eyeball. There was no friendly welcome on his face but pure anger which of course, she could not understand.
She greeted him after closing the door behind her and walked over to stand before him where he sat. Her old man did not look happy to see her and demanded yet again where she was coming from. Before she could begin to deny or tell lies, he warned her against telling him lies and crap about work as he had gone to look for her at the restaurant and had been told she no longer works there. She recalled she had not told him about her change of job and sighed.
“Start talking.” he said to her
“Can I sit?” Claire asked him.
Without waiting for his approval, she took the seat opposite him.
He folded his hands across his chest.
“Well then, get on with it.” he said
“Father, I’m not going to lie okay? Just hear me out.” she said to him.
He nodded and she began. Claire explained how she had switched jobs from the restaurant to work at her boss’s home. It had been like that for some days now. She told him everything and then he nodded.
“Understandable. But you were not there all evening Claire. Where were you?” he asked her yet still.
A bright part of her was screaming for her to lie but somehow she was not certain whether or not to start telling him lies. There had to be a good reason why he was acting that way with her and it just might not have anything to do with her coming home late. Claire knew better now.
“No father. I closed from work a couple of hours ago.” she said
“Good. So tell me, where were you?” he asked her.
He looked like he had an earful for her at the moment but would not say anything unless she lies. Claire was twisting her fingers nervously as somehow, she knew what lies between Jake and her family.
“I was at… at Jake’s.” she said
“And who’s Jake?” he demanded
“He’s my friend.” she said
“Your boyfriend?” he asked her
“Oh no father. Just my friend.” she said
“Good.” he said to her
“Why?” she asked him
“Because you’re dissolving that friendship young woman.” he said to her.