Claire who was only relieved that she was not yelling about the cat yet. It had to be yet as Miller had every tendencies to step out whenever he likes. It was a big house and there was absolutely no way he would be found easily. With her step mother here, screaming his name was out of it as that would be her telling Lucille that the cat was out of the room. She let the woman look her over and then answered questions from the woman pertaining how she came about the accident. In Claire’s explanation, she had fallen while running to drop stuff around a wet area.
“Oh Claire, I keep saying you should be careful about wet floors. You keep getting hurt like this,” the woman cooed.
Claire smiled and apologized when her step mother said there was no need. She turned around and smiled at her friends, the two of them had their eyes on Claire. Lucille told them this was her stepdaughter she had been telling them about making Claire wonder just what it was she had been telling them about her especially with how they were looking her over.
“Claire…. the dulla…,” the woman began but did not finish as her stepmother stepped up
“Yes… my daughter. Claire darling you may go now,” she said.
Claire smiled and just when she turned to leave after greeting the guests caught sight of the cat move out upstairs. She had to get to him before Miller does something more. She was not even aware of what he had been doing all along. Slowly she limped away and could feel the women’s eyes on her back. It did not matter what they thought about her as they were right after all. She was not just a dullard but a rather clumsy one.
Coming up, she could not see him anywhere as she looked through the area. Claire did not like walking down that place at the very least as she would not want to bump into anyone. However, this was a different situation as she did not want to be the one to find out what Lucille would say to her. Claire walked down making up her mind as she looked around. She could see all the doors she was walking past were closed shut which took her further until she came to stand by her father’s study. The door was open a little and Miller must have entered through that place.
Claire walked inside. At first the place felt empty until she saw the little dude curled up on her father’s chair obviously trying to catch a quick nap. Claire smiled and went around the chair to carry him when her eyes caught something. Whenever she entered the study from the very first time, she had believed the two pictures frame turned away from her facing father was something else of maybe happy times with his new family. She had not actually expected to see her baby picture in one and the other of him and her mother smiling from the ear to ear. The picture looked really happy and Claire looked at it for a while before looking at hers. She wondered what must have been going on and if his new wife was aware of it. Her curiosity set in and she totally forgot what had brought her there. She looked around the table totally avoiding the shelf of books. There was no point going through it as she would not understand anything written there. She saw a casing there and she took it up opening it. There was a syringe in it with a little bottle beside it. Her hazy mind began wondering what her father was doing with the stuff and what it contained. She looked at it but could not make out a single word it was saying. Was her father sick? Claire thought carefully and tore a sheet of paper before slowly calming down to copy out the words on the bottle one by one. She was doing it roughly but was hopeful that Jake would be able to make out something from it. By the time she was done, she was quite sweaty.
Eventually, Claire finished and replaced the item where she saw it. She turned to carry Miller who was at the time sleeping softly. Claire walked away into her room and breathed out in relief that she had not come across her stepmother or anyone. She made certain to lock the door carefully this time before climbing the bed to catch a quick sleep. She laid down on the bed and for a moment or there about, she had her thoughts running around in circles especially about her boss. Tristan Jenkins sure was one heck of a strange man. Claire eventually fell asleep and it lasted for a while. When she woke up, she felt strained beyond measure and walked into the bathroom without looking at the time.
She thought that perhaps she would take a little walk to see Jake and his mother. Armed with the note she had copied, Claire went out of the house. She met with her stepbrother outside as he returned from whatever it was that kept him out. He was curious about where she was going but Claire had nothing to tell him as her mind was set on seeing her friends.
Getting to the place she was going to, she met the woman alone. Jake was not back yet but should be home soon. His mother was really worried about her when she saw the bandage and plaster. She had Claire sit down and for a moment or so, the women sat down talking randomly until when her son returned. Jake was really happy to see Claire and would not hear of it that Claire had not gotten to the hospital since she was injured. He insisted that she gets in the car so he could take her to the hospital for a better treatment. Claire would have turned down when his mother came up insisting that she joins him. The woman had a weird lovey dovey kind of smile on her face as she spoke. Claire did not understand but it did not matter as the most important thing was the fact that she wanted her and Jake outside alone together.
Claire eventually entered the car with Jake and it was all the way to the hospital with them. She seriously could not believe he would take the injury that serious which was why she kept looking at him as the nurse cleaned the wound. The nurse had commended whoever had treated her and administered the first aid treatment. In her opinion there was really no reason for her getting the the hospital as it would heal eventually. The only wound needing attention was the one on her shin which was as a result of it being in a really bad spot. Claire simply asked her if she could work with it. Jake could not believe his ears that she was worried about her job when she was injured. He said nothing until they were back in the car.
“Seriously Claire?,” he asked her
“What is the matter Jake?,” Claire asked
“You only care about your job. What happens to your health?,” he asked again
“It’s only a little wound,” she said
“You call that little? I think you should look again,” Jake said.
She honestly did not understand what he was whinning about. She was the person injured and not him which meant she could decide. She wanted to get back to work at all costs and just then, she remembered what she wanted to ask him. She looked calmly at Jake and said she needed a favour from him. The young man looked at her and asked what it was. Claire reached into her side pocket and brought out the piece of paper which she had written the drugs stuff in. The young man took it and asked if she was certain she had copied it correctly. Claire said yes and Jake excused himself to get back into the hospital and find out. She sat down there in the car waiting patiently and then dozed off when it seemed like he was taking much time. She stayed there for a while and then he returned to the car. Claire woke up quickly and looked at him.
“So?,” she asked.
Jake did not know what to say immediately. He could not understand what Claire would be doing with that kind of drug.
“Who’s drug is that?,” he asked her
“Is something wrong Jake?,” Claire asked him
“The drug is for early stage Alzheimer’s disease,” he said to her
“Alzheimer disease? What’s that?,” Claire asked.
Jake looked her over and remembered suddenly her condition. He did not want to believe she was the one that would be taking that drug.
“Something that affects memory. Makes one forget,” he said
“Forget?,” Claire could not believe her ears. If her father was forgetting, she did not want to know how bad it would be. She was confused and now felt guilty and confused. Probably she was overreacting and the drug belongs to someone else.
“Who’s taking the drug Claire?,” Jake asked her
“My father,” Claire said slowly.