Chapter 8

Book:Undaunted Published:2024-5-1

She woke up early that morning and decided to tidy up both Miller and herself. The cat had not gotten a wash since two days now and it made Claire feel like a horrible person. As soon as she was done drying him up with her hand dryer, Claire went in the fix herself. Looking into the big mirror in her bathroom, Claire sighed. Eventually she would have to go face her new family and did hope she would get to see her father. He was the reason she was risking getting mocked by the rude family because of her old man. It had been ages and she wanted to know what he looked like after all this time. Even more, she wanted to access the look on his face when he sees her. Claire could not help but wonder what it would be like and feel like. It was a bad move but she would make it regardless.
Claire dried out her hair and made herself presentable. She made it out of her room and went downstairs where she met the two children leaving for school. Her step mother was no where to be seen and she assumed that she had gone when she heard a car pulling out of the yard. Claire looked at it but it was already going out and she could not see the occupants. A strong intuition however told her that was her father and she cast a look at the table as Martha came in to take out the dishes. On the part that might have been her father’s chair, there was a coffee cup and a platter. There were three others which made her understand that the entire family had been there for breakfast that morning.
“Yo!! Claire, would you be going to school with us?,” that was Andrew saying good morning to her.
Claire bit down her lower lip, she should have stayed back in her room if she knew her father would be gone already.
“Why bother? Claire would be too nice to waste fathers money as she did her mother’s, right Claire?,” Deanna said distastefully.
The two were set for school and seemed to be having a fun time teasing her. Claire chose not to answer either of one of them and asked them to have a great day. Deanna broke into a laugh that was more scorn than lovely. She wanted to display how much she detested her stepsister and she was doing it right. Andrew winked at Claire and bid her bye.
“Ignore them.” Martha said bringing her back to reality
“Morning Martha,” Claire said to her as she went to pick up the other remaining dishes.
“Oh do leave that be and get breakfast first,” the woman said to her.
Claire chose to ignore her and rather went on to ask about her father. Martha told her that the man loved to wake up early and attend to duties. Claire could tell from the look in her eyes that she was lying to keep her heart at peace. At least someone worried about her being happy and peaceful. She flashed the woman a smile as she took her breakfast. However Claire did not go to the dining but had it there in the kitchen while talking to Martha about the area. She was curious about Norman as she wanted to get a view of what the place would be like. Martha of course explained that she was going to enjoy the city.
“Are there many jobs here?,” Claire asked her.
Martha asked her what she would be needing a job for when obviously all her needs would be met by her family.
“You don’t expect me to live like a ghost now, not you Martha.” Claire said and they started laughing.
The woman of course began explaining to her what it was like there at Norman. Basically a lot of jobs required a certificate of the sort or better yet results to make certain their staff were qualified. People liked to do things in order there but there were few jobs that were just jobs, nothing special being required. These basically were menial jobs. Claire smiled and asked her not to worry about her as she went over to do her dishes. Turning around and catching sight of the phone, a feeling crossed her and the thought went through her mind.
Claire called Martha and asked if she had any calls. The woman said no as there had been no calls whatsoever. She went further to ask Claire if she was expecting any calls and Claire looked down sadly. The woman told her however that if there be any for her, she would be the first to inform her. Claire had to thank her and then walked to her room.
What was she thinking or better yet expecting. Mrs Jane had given her up so she only needed to make certain she was there through her father and then it was back to her life as if nothing special happened. She reminded herself that she needed to stay strong regardless of what she felt. Claire looked through her stuff, she still had a good amount from what Tom had given to her and she was planning on using it well. She found her notepad and made a quick jotting down of what she would need to buy on her way while she toured the area. Finishing, Claire took her things and stepped out of the house.
The weather was good enough and seemed welcoming as she walked out. She had asked Martha the direction to the house and the bus stops should in case she missed her way. She also took a good look at the building so she could recognize it. That being done, Claire walked down the street. There were few people moving around and they barely noticed her. Everyone seemed busy doing their own thing to notice the newbie.
Claire had moved a few blocks away from hers when she saw a man struggling with a couple of boxes he was carrying. She thought that perhaps she would go help him out and lifted a few off the lot he was carrying.
“You know you could do it one step at a time,” Claire told him smiling as she dropped it at the entrance to his house
“I have to hurry back. But thanks miss…,” he said smiling at her
“Oh it’s Claire.” she said
“I’m Jake. Are you new in the area?,” he asked her
“Yes. I came in yesterday.” she said
“To….?,” he was asking her where she lived.
Claire was not certain about what her answer should be but then if he lived around there, she would definitely be seen so she pointed at her home. He was surprised and asked if she was the daughter of the writer from his first wife. Claire wondered what he had heard also about her but did not slowly. He seemed excited and offered her his hand. She took it and he told her she was welcome. Jake went on further to explain to her that something when they were babies, their parents used to be pretty close.
“Really?,” Claire asked
“Yes. There’s even a picture of you and me as kids. Seems we were baby friends. Would you like to see?,” he asked her beaming.
Claire thought about it but then she wanted to get going. She told him that she was running rather late and he also had things to do. She was still talking to him when the door opened and a woman stepped out. Jake was excited and asked her if she knew who she was.. The woman squinted her eyes and did not seem to recognize her.
“One of your girlfriends? Am I supposed to know her too?,” the woman asked
“Come on mom. Must you pick on me every time?,” he asked smiling.
She shrugged her shoulders and then asked him to better tell her who the girl was or she would tell her all his escapades. Claire smiled and walked up to the woman.
“I’m Claire ma’am. Claire Willows,” she said offering her hand.
The woman was shocked and held her hand. She asked her if she was Claire, the daughter of Willows the writer and the girl said yes. The woman suddenly drew her into her arms and hugged her tightly saying she had eventually grown into a remarkable woman. She finally broke the hug and begged Claire to do come over for tea sometime as she had a lot to tell her about her childhood with them. Claire smiled and then bid the lovely family bye as she walked on.
She had not gone far when Jake called her. He told her if she knew places in the area and Claire told him she plans on finding out. Jake offered to give her the first tour she would need to get by the town. Claire thought about it but felt she would be expected to show more about herself. That meant eventually she would not be applying for any job at the moment. She could see the look in his mother’s eyes and knew best not to turn down their gesture. She decided to follow him and perhaps she would know about the place through him which would make her next visit through the area easier. It felt really good also to be among friends.
So she waited until Jake was done and soon enough, she was in his truck and driving into the town. Norman certainly was beautiful.