I started at the man in disbelief. How could he do that! And to think that I was worried about him. Obviously he wasn’t that hurt of he could bang a nurse while he was hospitalized after getting shot only two days ago.
I moved out from the curtains and strode out the door slamming it hard on my way out dumping the flowers I bought for him into the trash can outside the door to Kaleb room. I’d nearly made it to the exit when I heard someone calling my name. Dan!
I turned around with a fake smile on my face but it was obvious that I wasn’t doing a good job. “You’re angry? What did my brother do this time?”
“He did absolutely nothing other than just being himself”.
“Oh boy! I’m really sorry for whatever he did. I hope he hasn’t done something to hurt you?”. He asked
“Hurt me? No! But do give a pat on his back when his wounds reopen after fucking the nurse!” Denlian looked taken aback with my sudden outburst. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you”.
“No apologies required”. He said giving me a reassuring smile. “I’m glad that you’re worried about him very few people do that”.
“But you do”. I told him
“I worry because it’s my duty. He’s my brother and I know he worries about me just as much as I do about him. He just has a hard time showing it.”
“I’ll be off now. It was nice meeting you. And don’t forget to knock the door before you enter”. I informed him
“Will do”. He waved me goodbye and went back in the direction he came from.
Kaleb POV
“Should you be up and about already?”
I didn’t need to look behind to know who was speaking but I was surprised when he placed a bouquet of flowers on my table. “You got me flowers?”
“Of course not! Kim brought them for you but then she saw you with the nurse and dumped them in the trash on her way out”.
“You picked them out of the trash can?”
“No” he frowned. “She forgot to open the lid and they were so pretty that I didn’t want them to be thrown away yet”.
Denlian knew I hated flowers but that doesn’t mean I was about to throw them away. Kim had bought them for me personally. “Anything on the shooter?”.
“No” Denlian’s eyes darkened until they were the colour of blood. “It worries me deeply, this attack wasn’t just some rival company trying to get rid of competition”.
“I figured as much. Normal bullet won’t have the same effect on me. And whoever shot knew exactly where to shoot to cause more pain”. The wound still stung and I wasn’t careful enough it might reopen but the nurse helped, but not as much as I’d hoped she would. The amount of life force a human had was directly proportional to how much time that person had left in this Earth. Some had smaller lifespan as compared to others and the nurse didn’t have much time left, a few years at most. I didn’t want to steal more than necessary for me to seal the wound.
“And I can see that the nurse has done wonders to you” Denlian said with amusement on his face.
“Kimberly told you that?”, I raised an eyebrow.
“on the contrary, she was worried you’d reopen your wound. But I thought I detected a hint of jealousy in her voice. Are you sure there’s nothing going on between you two?”.
“I think you know better than I do that we don’t sleep with staff. Wasn’t that one of the things the Queen had taught us?” I told him sharply.
Denlian sighed and rubbed his nose. “Mother has asked that you present yourself at court”.
“Why?” This time it was my eyes that turned red.
“I have no idea” he stood up from his seat and straighten his jacket. “It can’t be anything good if you ask me”
“I figured as much. And I had a very good idea of what might be in stall for me once I reach court and face my father. But I would like an audience with her first. Alone”.
He nodded his head. “I’ll arrange that. I have to go now, I’ll contact you as soon as I get her reply”.