“Thank you so much!” I squeal as I bury my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. He hugs me at once.
“Easy small ass… so i don’t break my neck” I giggle and withdraw.
“Oh my goodness!… ain’t this too much” He chuckles.
“Its little compared to the stress I’ve put you through. I’d be down in the room so they could bring the stuffs in okay?” I nod happily and he walks down the stairs. I close the trapdoor and place the couch over it. This is so exciting, I wanna freak out!. I rush to the door and threw it open.
“Bring it in!” I say to the guy who was with another one in work clothes. He nods and they walk back to the van. I bet I wanna do a front flip cos of excitement.
I plonk down on the couch and crossed my legs and began to order them where to keep the stuffs. They carried in the appliances while I squealed on my seat unable to control my apartment.
In an hour they were done with the installation. I was given the receipt and they left. I closed the door firmly behind me and pushed the couch away. I open the trapdoor and walked inside. I smile immediately I see him. He looks up from his laptop and stare at me intently. I itched my hair suddenly feeling clumsy.
“That… was very kind of you” I grin and sit on a stool opposite him. He chuckled and drop the laptop on the table.
“I’d do much more small ass… for all the stress I’ve put you through this few weeks…” A shiver run down my spine at his intense gaze.
“It could have been anyone liam, I’m glad I helped” I say and smile at him. I suddenly felt shy at the way I’d hugged him earlier. I get off the stool hastily, remembering I’ve got to go job hunting.
“Umm… I’d be going out for a couple of hours…” I voice out and he arch his brows
“Sure…. Becareful though” I nod and walked up the stairs.
I freshened up and was out in five minutes. This is gonna be so stressing!. I slung my bag over my shoulders as I walked down the sidewalks, the hot afternoon sun making my skin twitch. waitress jobs are the easiest to find, but the most stressful!.
I walked into a store with the sign up for a a sales girl. One look at the grumpy looking baldie with a fat nose and bushy beard and I scurried out of the store, Mrs Chloe may be a witch but his looks could make a little kid cry. I puff out a tired breath and continue eye searching for jobs signposts
I slurp my cold drink wearily running a finger through my hair. It felt like I’m out of college once again. I look around the noisy restaurant I escaped to for a break, to get rid of the stress and unfortunately thoughts of liam. I had thought being away from him would have helped, it had only increased my never ending thoughts and I can’t stop thinking about a lot of stuffs. I scroll through my phone lazily.
I’m afraid to admit I find him attractive. Its been just few weeks since he’d barged into my apartment but it seems as though I’ve known him for quite a long while. I itch my hair in frustration. Holy mother of Jesus… I didn’t wish for this!. All I wanted was a quite nerdy life. Where I didn’t have to worry about my looks or worry about falling in love. But it sounds pretty messed up ever since he barged into my apartment that rainy night, bringing with him a new lifestyle he’d made me adopt. I sigh wearily and chug down the drink. All this is gonna end soon. He’s gonna leave, and I’d have my quiet life back..
Liam’s pov
I took a drag of the cigarette and puff out smoke rings as i thread my fingers through my messy hair, sighing continuously. This shit seems getting real bad. Coming here to Boston to have peace and quiet was a fucked up idea. The whole shitty game seems to be getting on my last nerve. I’m close to loosing it. I stare at the screen of my laptop and try to concentrate, but her cute face seems to come inbetween me and the screen. I slam it shut in frustration and get off the stool. I walk up into the sitting room and plonk down on the couch turning on the TV set. I tune it to a news station and watch it in annoyance. For fuck sake why are the cops so dumb!. They seemed to be getting in my way, its damn so annoying. I glance at my phone screen as a message pop on my screen.
Ryan: A couple of cops been hanging around your hideout since last night. They’ve got eyes on the girl, and the apartment. Tell your girl to be careful and stay low for now man*
I curse under my breath in anger. I text back immediately.
*Roger that man, keep the others safe and keep rose away for now*. I sent it and get off the couch. I walk out of the living room and into her room. I walk to the window and pull the drapes aside. I stare at the busy street with several cars driving past. I watch it for a while before moving away. I could sense something is off.
I stare at the table clock. 4pm, why the heck isn’t she back yet. I look around her small room and my eyes stops on her closet. I walk towards it and threw it open. I arch my brows. Such few clothes?. Dammit this ain’t a girl’s closet. My eye stops on a guitar bag and I frown. I take it out and close the closet door.
I sit on the bed and unzip the bag. I run my fingers down the string as a certain familiarity hit me… damn!.. its been so long I played the guitar. I sigh softly and held the guitar properly. I began to play a easy tune flawlessly. I hum a song as I played, feeling that overwhelming peace wash over me again. I continued playing for a while, as I shut my eyes and strummed the guitar perfectly. I suddenly felt a presence and my eyes flew open to meet her gawping at me.. fuck!
Emilia’s pov
I gawped at liam in shock as I heard him play. Holy molly!. He plays!… and he sings too!. I find myself lost just listening to him play. it sounds so perfect and so beautiful
“I didn’t know you were in already” He cut into my surprised state. I bat my lashes to focus.
“I… I got… in few minutes ago” I stutter, embarrassed he had caught me staring. He drops the guitar beside him.
“You play very well” I compliment truthfully and walk in. He sigh.
“Yeah… I play fairly well” I scoff and sit on the single couch in the room.
“You didn’t look like you played it fairly liam.. it was perfect!” I breathe out. He chuckles and shrugs. He returns it back into the bag.
“For a moment I thought you’d scream out your lungs cos I opened your closet” I grin and drop my bag
“What do you mean scream out my lungs” I roll my eyes and he smirks
“You were usually that way darn it…. I received an earful every time I dared sleep on the same bed with you” I twist my lips into a pout before laughing.
“I didn’t know you had a guitar too… you play?” I itch my hair. How do I tell him of my weird dreams of becoming a popstar. He’s gonna think I’ve gone crazy.
“Umm.. I usually do play it once in a while… when no one is watching” I grin and he laughs.
“You scared to play it when people are around?” I fiddle with the strap of my bag.
“No liam… I just decided its best no one listen to my crazy tunes” I roll my eyes and he laughs.
“I could teach you then…” I widen my eyes.
“You’d teach me!” I squeal out in surprise. Oh goodness I’ve always loved to know how to play it perfectly.
“Yeah sure small ass its nothing” I resisted the urge to hug him happily again. I gave him my best smiles instead.
“Thank you so much!” I breathe out happily. He nods. I suddenly remembered I had great news.. i had finally found a job, to work as a secretary to a man in a beverages factory.
“Well I’ve gotten a….” I was cut short by a knock on the door. I got out of the couch and glare at liam who was reaching into his pants to bring out his gun.
“You ain’t planning on shooting my friends are you?” I roll my eyes and he chuckled.
“I’d go get the door” I say and walk out of the room. I open the door and sandy breezed in.
“Hey birdie!” Sandy squeals and hugs me. I chuckle and roll my eyes as we withdraw.
“Where’s Becky?” I ask as I slam the door shut.
“She literally dumped me to go on a date with her new found love arrrgh!” She plonks down on the couch. I laugh and sit beside her. She gasps as her eyes stop on the washing machine at a corner of the living room.
“Holy fuckin jeez!…. I’m I in the right apartment!” She blurts out and faces me. I roll my eyes.
“Chill sabdy… he actually bought it for me” She widen her eyes.
“No kidding!” She stands up and walk towards it. She trail her hands on it.
“Oh my freaking jeez this is super dope!” I chuckle, I’m sure she’s gonna freak out when I tell her of the date.
“Hey Sandy” liam greets as he walks in.
“Holy jeez liam did you fuckin buy her these?” Liam chuckles.
“Yeah I did.. it ain’t a bigdeal” Sandy gasps and fans herself.
“Oh my gee emmy I think I’m gonna freak out!” Liam chuckles and walk down the stairs.
“That’s not all sandy…. he also bought me a dishwasher” I grin and jab my thumb to the kitchen. she gawpes at me.
“No fuckin way!” She yells and run into the kitchen. I chuckle and follow her in to see her checking it out. She sit on a stool and shoot herself dramatically before slumping on the countertop. I laugh and poke her ribs.
“Come on sandy stop acting like a tween” She raise her head up and cups her cheeks, her elbows on the counter.
“Oh my gee that’s so sweet of him damn” She purred. I microwave the remaining plate of ham coquettes we had prepared and sit across sandy.
“How’s work sandy” She rolls her eyes and grits her teeth.
“Couldn’t have been any worse with the witch around… I miss having you around emmy” She sigh and cup her chin again.
“How’s Nick and sam and the other workers” I ask as I take the plate out of the microwave.
“They feel the same way too… Nick’s is kinda pissed off at madam Chloe for firing your ass.. I guess they had a little argument in her office today” I arch my brows and slide the plate across Sandy
“Nick says he’s gonna come talk to you to resume work on Monday” I sit on the stool and sigh.
“That wouldn’t be necessary Sandy…” I take off my glasses and sandy stuffs food in her mouth.
“Why do you say so emmy?” I itch my hair.
“I’ve gotten a new job not too far from here”
“Really!” She squeal in excitement. I nod. Like seriously I should be the one to freak out this way.
“Damn Emilia your day seems to be so good… what are you working as?”
“As a secretary to a guy in a beverages factory”
“Woah… that’s so fuckin cool!” She squeak out inbetween a mouthful.
“A secretary?” I whip my head to the door to see liam folding his arm with a frown on his face.
“Yeah liam… a secretary” I grin and he scoffs.
“You ain’t gonna work as a secretary small ass” I arch my brows and I and sandy exchange looks.
“Why… why do you say that?” sandy blurt out. He rakes his hands through his hair.
“Cos I said so sandy… she ain’t gonna work as a fuckin secretary” I furrow my brows in confusion.
“I don’t get it why would you wanna stop me from working?… the pay is good and its pretty close to….”
“I’d pay you thrice the amount small ass if money is the issue” He interpolate and roll his eyes. Sandy and I watch him in surprise.
“You’d pay twice as much!… why?” I voice out. This ain’t making sense. He stuck his hands in his pocket.
“I’m gonna pay you thrice the amount he’s gonna pay you small ass…. you ain’t gonna work for him as a secretary… you’d be my secretary from now small ass” I gape at him as he sends me a long look before walking out of the kitchen.
“What in the fuckin hell…” Sandy mutters lowly…