Book:In Love With A Criminal Published:2024-5-1

Emilia’s pov
“What the fuck is happening emmy!” Sandy asks in surprise. I blink the tears away and take off my glasses. I can’t believe Becky was that angry to have hit me.
“Come on emmy say something!” sandy says with a frown. I tell her all that had happened last night. How I wanted to get some dresses and had told Becky to wait up for me. Seeing nick and Nick buying me stuffs and taking me out for dinner telling Becky to go home.
She sigh and face palm herself.
“Jeez Becky shouldn’t have taken it this serious what the fuck is wrong with her!” I chew my lips and she pat my arm.
“Don’t worry emmy… I would talk some sense into her. She’s got to have understood the situation damn it!” I shook my head. I don’t think Becky’s gonna forgive me anytime soon.
“Here… packed up breakfast out for you… figured out you might be hungry” She smacked her lips
“Awww… that’s so cute of you girlfriend” She took the spoon and began to eat.
“How’s Dylan?” I ask a
after a pause. She scoffs.
“Annoying jerk!.. He’s got to be kidding emmy… says he wants to be discharged today fuck me!” I chuckle lowly.
“Dylan is a strong guy sandy don’t you worry. He dosen’t wanna spoil your weekend plans you know?” I smile at her she stuff a spoonful into her mouth.
“But he just got admitted yesterday emmy!”
“And maybe the accident wasn’t much of a big deal okay just chill sandy he’s good” She looks at me weirdly.
“Damn!… finally Emmy’s got some sense in her nerdy head… good change though” She winked and we laughed.
“You’ve changed this past weeks emmy what’s up huh?” I roll my eyes as I remember what the criminal had told me before I left.
“Change matters Sandy…. decided to have a change of dress sense…. it ain’t that bad is it?” She smiles.
“No girlfriend…. I hope you discard those nerdy wears…. never knew you were this sexy… jeez!” I chuckle.
“Umm…. Sandy, do you know where I could get a piercing?” She paused between a mouthful.
“Wait a sec…. did I just hear you right!… you wanna get your ears pierced!. I chuckle.
“Ain’t a big deal sandy .. stop giving me that funny look!” She giggles and continue eating.
“Woah… there’s gotta be something behind this emmy!… could it be…. you’re falling for liam Paige huh?” She asks tauntingly and I roll my eyes. The mention of his name suddenly brings that annoying feeling… worse still I can’t get the feeling that he was pressed so close to me throughout the night out of my mind.
“Zoned out already girlfriend?” Sandy giggle. I jabbed her ribs playfully.
“Jeez sandy stop being ridiculous I don’t fancy him!” I blurt out. She archs her brows and uncap the bottled water. She gulped some of it and closed it back.
“Okay emmy… let’s see how it goes. You know my instincts never fail…. very soon…. your name is gonna be Emiliam” I giggle.
“Jeez sandy that’s the worst name combination ever!” She snorts and laugh.
“Oh jeez…. The witch is gonna fire our asses when we resume” I smile when I remember nick.
“Actually Nick said he’s gonna take care of that… says we could take the friday off and I should prepare for the weekend.”
“Oh my gee that’s so cute of him emmy!” She squeal. I chuckle as the doctor comes out of the ward. I and sandy gets off the bench and go into the ward.
“Gosh these dresses are damn costly emmy!” Sandy says as she gapes at the dresses nick had bought.
“Damn how could he afford this!” I chuckle. Dylan had been discharged from the hospital against sandy wishes, and unfortunately he had gone to work. Sandy had thrown a tantrum but managed to calm down after a hug and kiss from him. Jeez!… How could a kiss and hug take away someone’s anger so easily. Love sucks.
“Its a pool party right?…. why aren’t there any bikinis for you huh?” I plonk down on the bed beside her.
“Sandy its just a Saturday party okay…. don’t make a fuss about it” She giggles.
“Shut up emmy jeez!…. it’s your first proper date… you need to look good baby” I roll my eyes and lie on the bed.
I scrambled up the bed when I remembered I and the criminal had slept on it. Sandy stares at me.
“What.. did you get bitten by a bug” I blink and began to scratch my arm.
“Yeah sandy” I lie and continued scratching my arm like I was bitten. She looks at me weirdly.
“I never knew you could have bugs emmy…. considering you’re neat” She shrugged and I began to shake the covers.
“Hey sexy” Sandy and I turn to see him standing at the doorframe. She grinned widely. I huff and went back to tucking the bed.
“Hey liam….” Sandy squeals cheerfully. He walks in fully.
“What’s up sandy…. how you doing” He sits on the single couch in the room and sandy leans against my closet door.
“Been good… I’ve just returned from the hospital actually… decided to assist emmy in preparing for her weekend.” Oh goodness gracious can’t sandy ever keep her mouth shut for once.
“For the weekend… does she have any plan for the weekend?”
“Umm… yeah she does actually…”
“Sandy!” I interpolate and glare at her. She widen her eyes and mouths a *sorry baby*.
“Umm… she’s got a party to attend…. the three of us actually” I sigh in relief. Thank goodness. Liam archs his brows at me like he knew she was lying.
“Okay Sandy… how about your last friend… what’s her name again… becka?” sandy chuckles.
“No liam… its Becky… and she’s good” He mouths an oh. He reaches into his pockets and brings out something
“Umm… small ass, I actually came to return this… guess it got stuck to my pockets this morning” Sandy opens her mouth slightly. I frown as he throws it on the bed. I gasp and stare at him in shock. What!…. in the freaking hell is he doing with my panties!.
“How did you get this….” I gasp out
“And thanks small ass… I really had a great time last night…. you know.. . you kept me warm throughout with both of us sleeping on the same bed. …” He expound before I could complete my statement. Sandy fans her self and look away. He gives me a wink and walks out the door. I take off my eyeglasses and threw it on the bed. I slam the door angrily and lean against it. Goodness!. What did he just do for Pete’s sake!. I ran my fingers through my hair embarrassment. Sandy walks to my bedside table, uncaps a bottle of water and gulp down the contents. she drops it back. I close my eyes briefly and open them again. Sandy gasps out dramatically.
“Holy molly!… I think I’m about to freak out right now!” She falls on the bed and burst into a laughing frenzy. I face palm myself and walk back to the bed. Sandy sits up immediately. I glare at her as she tries to catch her breath.
“Could you just shut up sandy!… it’s not what you think!” She widens her eyes and continues laughing. I huff and lie in my back. I’d just have to wait for her to stop her laughing spree. She uncaps the bottle water again and gulps some of it again.
“Holy fuck!… emmy!… you guys slept together” she squeals. I grit my teeth angrily. Why do I have to be stuck with such annoying criminal!
“we actually made a deal Sandy!… he paid up my rent fees.” She stops laughing thankfully.
“No kidding!” She sits up and tuck her hair back. I huff and stare at the afternoon sky outside the open window.
“Yeah sandy!… and he said he’s now the boss here!” I roll my eyes angrily. She chuckles.
“That’s quite…. hilarious emmy!” She chuckle lowly.
“Well… he said he would start his annoying bossy attitude by sleeping on my bed…. he’s a jerk sandy!” Sandy widens her eyes and began to laugh. I tweak her ears a little painfully.
“Ouch!” She yelps and stop laughing.
“Okay emmy…. so how did you guys get to cuddle and…. how did he get your panties huh?” I mentally groan.
“I refused to sleep on the same bed with him. Slept on the floor and met myself on the bed this morning…. about my panties… I don’t know how it got to him”.
“Awww…. that’s so cute of him… he couldn’t bear to see you uncomfortable” I shake my head sideways.
“Come on emmy you should be thanking him. She get off the bed.
“Gat to get going emmy… Dylan and I have got to pack.” I sigh.
“How about Becky?…” Sandy groans.
“I think I’d give her ass a good spanking…. She’d come around okay…. don’t bother about her” I smile and she gives me a hug and a peck.
“Achacha girlfriend…. see ya on Monday okay?” I chuckle and we walk out of the room.
“Say hi to Dylan for me okay?” She nods and grabs her clutch. I state at her black gown and it hugged her curves real good… she’s got a large ass and black hair. Sandy is cute though. I walk her out of the door and out of the gate. I slam the door angrily and stomp away down the stairs. He was sitting on a stool. He was bare chested and his hair was packed into a ponytail.
I suddenly feel my throat run dry and forgot I was angry at him. I can’t believe we slept on the same bed last night, and we had cuddled. He arch his brows at me and I blink my eyes to reality and the scowl returns to my face.
“What was that supposed to mean mister” He chuckles.
“You made your friend lie to me…. and so I just paid back baby…. and come on… don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it too” I dilated my eyes in anger.
“You’re such an asshole!” I yell and storm out of the room. He snorts.
“Can’t wait for this night baby” He yells after me and I slam the trapdoor shut. I push the couch to over the trapdoor and flopped down on it. I ran my fingers through my hair angrily and groan. I grab the controller and turn on the TV set.
Why does he have to be so…. annoying!!. I tune the channels endlessly and absentmindedly. I just need to be away from him, Nana apartment would do the magic. I get off the couch and walk to my room. I pick up my phone before going over to her apartment.
As usual the nanny was rude when I knocked. She opens the door and I walk in. Nana was smoking a pipe by the coffee table. She gave a toothless smile when I greeted her.
“Hey Milly…. how ya doin today?” I chuckle and push away thoughts of the criminal from my mind.
“Fine Nana…. how you?” I peck her wrinkled cheeks and sat opposite her.
“More tea” Nana tells the nanny. She glares at me before walking to the kitchen direction.
“You’re always so busy Milly… you ain’t even give me a stare whenever I sit under the tree” I itch my hair.
“I’m sorry Nana…. work has been hectic these days”. the nanny drops the tray on the table. she makes tea into two mugs and left. Nana takes a cup and i take the other.
“Thanks Nana” I say and sip the tea. jeez.. Nana is such a funny oldie… who drinks tea at noon.
“Milly…. I’m gon’ tell you about ’em good ‘ol days when those cowboys in hats and breeches always come lookin for me….” I hide a grin and sip at my tea as Nana begins her stories. I’m sure its gonna be midnight by the time she’s done.
I walk back to my apartment and close the door softly. I had enjoyed Nana’s company a great deal and it had helped to clear my head. I chuckle as I remember her story… old days seemed funfilled though. I walk into my room and closed the door behind me. it was evening already. I can’t believe I would be going out on a date tomorrow… my first date. Gross!… what’s the fun there?.
I had a quick shower and put on my nightie. I locked my door and sat on my bed.
I chatted for a long while with sandy. Becky was still angry at me and its getting me worried. She hardly stay angry at me for a day. I hope she would come around like sandy had said. I stare at the table clock and it’s almost nine. I shrug under the duvet and texted sandy goodnight. i said a quick prayer and lie on my back, staring at the white ceilings.
The alarm buzzed making me flutter my eyes open. I yawn blearily. I sit up and reach for my eyeglasses. I put it on and whip my head beside me and I almost choke on my breath. He was lying on his side. I stare at his sleepy face. A strand of hair fell to his eyes. What is he doing here! And why does a bad guy like him have to be so cute!.
I scramble up from the bed like I just got out of a trance. How did he get in!. Why does he always get on my nerves for pete’s sake!.
I walk into the bathroom noiselessly and close the door. I lean against it and rest my head against it. I can’t believe he’s in there… sleeping on the bed like he owns the house. I hear shuffling sounds from the bedroom. I listen to his footsteps as he got off the bed. I hold the handle nervously and open it slightly, taking a peep. He was putting on his shirt. I close the door again and lean against it again. I hear him walk out of the room and I sigh. I get off the door and went back into my room. I stare at the bed angrily.
I won’t sleep on it… not anymore!. I had my shower and dressed up. I brush my hair thoroughly before packing it with a band. I walk into the kitchen to fix breakfast.
Nick said he’s gonna pick me up at noon. Since the party was too hold later in the evening.
I dished out his food and a cup of coffee and took it down the stairs. He looked up on seeing me and smirked. I roll my eyes and drop the tray on the table.
“Hey small ass” He gave a cocky grin and I scowled at him angrily.
“What were doing on my bed mister!…. don’t you have respect for ladies huh!” He chuckles.
“No baby girl…. I don’t, you could teach me you know” I puff out my breath.
“There’s no need engaging in claptraps with someone with an empty brain!” I jibed and walk up the stairs. I get that hit him hard cos he didn’t chuckle. Well that ain’t my issue right now.
I ate up and went out of the apartment. I just have to get my hair styled before nick comes to pick me up. I don’t wanna look like a girl from the 80s anymore, not when the criminal had said I looked pretty. I stopped a cab and got in. I and sandy had gone to a hair stylist months ago. I got out of the cab after a few minutes. I paid the cabman and he drove off. I stare at the glass doors leading to the salon and gave a small sigh.
Emilia Roberts what’s gotten into you!. When did I get so conscious of my appearance!, how I dress and how I look!. I suck in my breath and walk in.
I stare at myself in the mirror for the hundredth time. This ain’t me. I had gotten my hair blown and curled. It looked so smooth and shiny and way more better than before. I smiled at the lady who had done my hair and paid up. I flip my hair to my back and walked out of the stylist salon, a huge smile on my face. Who knew looking pretty could make you happy!. I took a cab back home. It pulled up in front of the gates and I got out. I frown when I saw a car parked outside. This looks like…. Nick’s car, oh no he’s here to pick me already. I pay up and walk to the gates. The car door opens and Nick steps out.
“Hey Emily” He greets and stare at me. I gave a small smile. He looked lost for a moment while he stares at me.
“You look… different” He mutters lowly. I itch my hair.
“Umm… could you wait for me while I quickly get dressed. He continues staring at me and nod. I walk into my apartment and he follows me in.
I look around nervously to see if the criminal was around. Thankfully he isn’t.
“umm…. have your seat Nick” I say loudly so the criminal would know someone’s in here. He smiles and sit on the couch. I walk to my room and close the door behind me. Good God why I’m I so clumsy!. I threw the closet open and bring out the dress I would wear to the party.
“Going out?” I flinch and slam the closet door. I turned to see him arching his brows at me. He just got out of the shower and he had only a towel on. I whip my head away from him.
“There’s someone in the living room. Its better you don’t come out” I drop the dress into a small bag containing my shoes and dress.
“It’s your boyfriend huh?” he asks tauntingly. I roll my eyes but didn’t spare him a glance.
“That ain’t your business mister!” I cluck my tongue and walk out of the bedroom. Nick stood up on seeing me.
“I’m ready Nick” I mutter and glance back at the door nervously. What would he do when he sees the criminal everyone is talking about is in my house.
“Okay let’s get going”
“small ass…. who’s in there?” I widen my eyes as I hear him yell out from the bedroom. Nick stops in his tracks and stares at me. Oh no this ain’t happening.
“Uhh… never mind nick it was nothing…” I stutter.
“Baby come on I’m getting a hardon already!” He yells and I gasp out in surprise. What’s he doing. Nick face crumbles into a frown.
“You…. didn’t tell me…. you’ve got a boyfriend” he says lowly. I bat my lashes at him.
“No Nick its not what you think!” I blurt out nervously. He gives me a sad look and looks behind me to the bedroom door.
“You invited me here just to make a fool out of me huh… why Emily” He says with a sad face. i held the bag tighter. oh no!…. I can’t believe this is happening. He gives me a sad long look before walking out of the door.
“Nick!…. its not what you think!” I yell after him and run to the door. He seemed angry and had already gone out of the gates. He got into his car and drove out. I place a palm over my mouth and slam the door shut I slide down the door and I could barely breath. What did this stupid dweeb just do!… he just ruined my first date!?