
Book:The Witch And The Dragon Clan Published:2024-5-1

“Great-Gran was a man of honor and a great leader to every single member of this clan. He would be greatly missed and loved amongst us. His death came as a shock to us all but today.. we bid him farewell into the land of the dead.” Sir Frederick who I can also call the bishop of the clan said in a loud voice. (He is more like the most spiritual person in the clan).
Sir Frederick stepped aside and I, my aunt and my uncle knelt down beside the flowing water. I held a vase in my hands, it contains great-gran ashes… I opened the vase then as I poured the ashes into the water, my uncle, my aunt and me started chanting….
“It is time to leave this world and journey into a greater world,
There is nothing here for you now, So you must go.
Go now, go complete your passing,
Go, and with our blessing fare well.
I poured the remnant of the ashes in the water then stood up.
“Today is not a day of sorrow, so we should continue in our happiness… Great-Gran wouldn’t like to be the reason we cut short our happy mode. Let’s party people!!” Mr Edward, brother of Mr Grey… Christian’s father, shouted. And everyone response with happy shouts.
“I thought all your ancestors left their marks on the wall when they die? I can’t see any of Great-Gran.” I said to Christian pushing him lightly on the shoulder, as we exit the cave.
“Because back then it’s the dragon spirit in them that departed from the ashes, and then leaves the marks. Since great-gran no longer has the spirit of a dragon, I guess we can say that’s the cause.” He explained and I nod my head. Made sense.
“Well I’m happy my work to your clan is done. You can now walk with me in broad daylight, without being afraid of getting the needle.” I smiled happily.
“Yes that’s true. And not just I, but the entire clan owe it to you. Thanks Anastasia.” His arms went around my neck in one swing, I rested my head on his shoulder.
“So…..” he drawled.
“So….” I drawled back.
“What do you think about going on a date with me on this very fine day?”
“I say pick me up by 2pm, not a seconds late.” I placed a quick kiss on his cheeks then disappeared to my room, not waiting to hear his response. I love having magic! Makes my exit magical and unexpected.
Now I have to get ready for a date, this is 12 o clock, which means I still have about 2 hours to get ready for my dates with Christian.
Since I have a lot of time on my hand I don’t have to rush getting ready. Slow and steady wins the race.
Firstly, I have to call for backup and no other backup is as good, as Britney’s.. and also because she’s the only backup I have. Yeah, I’m not a socialite.
I picked up my phone to call her, it rang for a while then she picked.
*Whatever you have got to say to me, it better be good… cause i just ended my video call with an incredibly handsome son of man!!* This were the words I heard the minute Britney answered the call.
*Christian is taking me out on a date and I have no idea of what to wear.* I replied simply.
The next few minutes were filled with her screams agonizing my ear.
*Say no more best friend, I will be with you in a jiffy.* She screamed once more then hung up.
Britney wasn’t kidding when she said she would be with me in a jiffy, cause in less than an hour she was at my door step ringing the door bell repeatedly.
“Calm your horses would you!” I yelled hurrying to the door, I opened the door on reaching it and just like Britney had said… she is indeed standing right outside door.
“What are you doing standing, let’s go! We don’t have all day!!” Britney yelled pushing me into my house.
She pushed me all the way to the room, then made me sit down on the bed.
“I don’t want you doing anything, I will look for a dress that says… *I am hot* and at the same time still says…. *Simple and unique* I don’t want Christian thinking you went all out just to get ready for him.” She says searching my wardrobe for the hot, simple, and unique dress.
I tapped my leg on the floor in complete boredom, Britney has been throwing clothes out of my wardrobe and she still haven’t found the *Dress.*
“Okay this isn’t working. Your wardrobe isn’t working!” She yelled frustrated, stepping away from the wardrobe.
“How can you not have even a single dress that is close to the description I talked about. Do you know what?… we are ordering that dress.”
Britney brought out her phone from her pocket then started scrolling up and down her screen, in no time she raised her head up yelling… “Found it!”
“Now I want you to have a bath, so I can.. we can move on to your make up.” She dragged me out of bed and pushed me into the bathroom.
I should never have called her, she’s taking this whole date thing much more serious than I thought she would.
“You do know I have no make up right?” I asked Britney stepping out of the bathroom once I was done bathing.
“Yeah. And that’s why I brought this.” She emptied the content of her purse on my bed, revealing all sort of make up kit. I have no idea what they are, or the names.
“Wow. I can see you came prepared.” I drawled, drying my wet hair with towel.
“Now I need you to seat down on the bed and let me work my magic on your face.”
I sat down on the bed just like she instructed, and then she carried on with her magic.
After some minutes……
“Voila! You can now open your eyes.” She said in excitement. I opened my eyes slowly, to meet with my reflection on a large mirror held by Britney.
“Wow.” I let out, staring at my unrecognizable self. I look so beautiful, I can hardly belief that It’s my reflection on the mirror.
While I was still busy gushing over my newfound face, my door bell rang. “I will get it!” Britney yelled rushing out of the room.
In few minutes she came back with a black box on her hand. “Your dress has arrived.” She announces setting the box down on the bed.
She opened the box then brings out a royal blue dress from the box. She hands over the dress to me, at the same time instructing me to wear it.
I let go of the towel on my body, and wore the dress.
“Wow! This dress was made just for you alone.” Britney exclaimed covering her mouth bewildered.
I blushed staring at the dress, the dress had a touch of sequins that made it look more beautiful.
“Next! Your hair!”
I stepped out of my house nervously, my fingers snatched onto the both sides of my dress. Christian had arrived earlier and right now he is standing right in front of his car, car keys jingling in his hand.
I gulped as his eyes ravaged through the length of my body, from my head to my toe.
I don’t know how I made it to the car with Christian eyes all over me, but I did it and I did not fall.
“Why the look?” I raised an eyebrow coming to an halt in front of him.
“Sorry.” He muttered, scratching the back of his head.
“I just couldn’t help it. You look so beautiful.” He released a ragged breathe tucking a string of my hair neatly behind my ear. I blushed.
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” I was lying.
He looks outrageously breathtakingly handsome. And those were the words I should have said to him, but I have a reputation to protect.
“Thank you.” He replied opening the car door.
“Thank you.” I whispered to his hearing, getting into the car gracefully.
He closed the car door gently, then rushed around the car to the drivers side. He got into car, gave me a quick smile and started the car.
*How is it going?* A message popped on my phone, and is from no one else but my best friend Britney.
*I just left you about some minutes ago. How should it be going?* I replied back.
*I don’t know? Just checking in. Keep me updated.* She texted back.
*I will not be doing that* I replied her then put my phone on airplane mode.
“And we are here, mi lady.” Christian announced bringing the car to an halt in front of a really fancy restaurant.
“Wow… uhm, I did not expect this.” I uttered staring at the five star restaurant. This is one of the most expensive restaurant in California.
“Is it… is it too much? Too simple? Too small. Don’t you like it? Isn’t this a good place for a date.. is it..”
“Hey calm down.” I said all smiles.
“This is a good place for a date. It is over too good of a place for a date. I love it.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, chuckling.
He breathe out.. “Ohh. I really thought I had fucked our first date up.”
“Well you didn’t. So shall we.”
“Yeah… yeah, yeah we shall.” He replied back rubbing his palm against his jean trouser.
He is so nervous.
I was about opening the car door, when Christian yelled in my ear…  “Don’t open!”
“Uhm, why? What’s wrong?” I asked confused.
“I will get it for you. Just relax your back.” He said hurriedly, getting down from the car. He rushed over to my side of the car… and then opened the car door for me.
“Okay gentlemen… thanks.” I blushed softly.
He stretched out his hand and I claimed it.
I am guessing he did his homework on google.
I don’t know if this whole gentle thing is annoyingly too much or annoyingly cute. I just want him to be his normal self.
With his help I got out of the car and together we walked into the restaurant.
“Good evening. Do you have a reservation?” A guard outside the door asked us.
“Yes. Christian Grey.” Christian answered.
“Christian Grey.” The guard muttered searching for Christian’s name on his list.
“Alright. Your are reserved for table five. My colleague here will take you to your table.”
The guard wasn’t the only one at the door, there’s a lady with him. The lady led Christian and I into the restaurant, and to our table.
On a normal day I would have hurriedly sat down, but I knew Christian would want to draw out my chair. So I made sure to act slow.
“Here you go mi lady.” Christian said drawing out my chair.
“Thank you.” I replied with a quick smile.
He hurriedly sat down on his seat, facing me.
The table went quite. He wasn’t saying anything.
It felt like he was trying to remember what google said to do on dates.
“Should we.. uhm order?” I  asked breaking the silence.
“Yeah… yes., yes. We should order. They have menus, why don’t we check on the menus.. to uhm see what is there to order, because that’s what menus are for, it woul…”
“I understand. I totally understand Christian. We should just check the menu.” I cut in.
“Yeah. Yes.” He muttered picking up a menu on the table. I did so too.
I stared at each plate of food on the menu, and I do not know any of this food. I do know that some food has chicken in their names, and some really unfamiliar names. I hope, I won’t eat what would earn me a ticket to the restroom.
“Okay. I think for the first course, I would go with the… Smoked Duck. What about you?” Christian asked after choosing his meal.
Wow. First course. Fancy.
I checked the menu for what Christian just picked, and it says Smoked Duck; Maple smoked duck breast, hazelnut, peach butter, petite leaves, cherry vinaigrette.
I guess I can say the smoked Duck it’s safe.
“Uhm… I think I would go with what you are going with.” I answered smiling. I don’t want him thinking that I am uncomfortable.
I am uncomfortable.
I don’t like first course, or main course. I love my meal coming in just once.
“Okay then. I will call the waiter.” He smiled back politely, raising up his hand. A waiter nearby rushed over to our table.
I really would love to ask him how he got the money for this restaurant or to afford the food. But that would be rude of me.. right? After all, the dragon clan do seem wealthy.
“We would be going with the…”
The ringing of Christian phone stopped him from ordering.
“One moment please.” He said to the waiter getting his phone from his pocket.
“It’s my mum.” He mouthed to me. I nod my head.
*Hello mum. Now is really not a…. What! Who is dying. I don’t understand.*
At the mention of the word dying, my ear rose up to an alert. I stared at Christian panicked face in worry.
*Just give us a second. We are coming immediately.* Christian said those words and hung up.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“We have to leave right now. I will explain on our way out.” Christian said standing up. I stood up also, and without taking a second glance at the waiter we left the restaurant immediately.
“I’m afraid something bad has happened to the clan men. According to my mum, they are dying.” Christian said to me as we got into the car.
“What do you mean dying?” I asked confused, not being able to comprehend what he is saying.
“I don’t know. But whatever it is, it sounds bad Anastasia.” He stared at me with a dreadful look. I gulped.