Chapter Thirty Eight

Book:Revenge From A Mafia In Love Published:2024-5-1

Luke decided to take Allie to go see a doctor. He was worried about her and his unborn child so he wanted to take them for a checkup. He held Allie’s hand and escorted her to the door.
“Where are you guys going?” Rachel’s shrill voice rang through when she saw him going out
Luke squared in on her.
“I’m taking my wife for a checkup” he glared at her
“Why?” Rachel raised an eyebrow
“To see if she and my baby are safe”
Rachel paled at the sound of ‘baby’
“Wha–what baby?” She couldn’t believe what she just heard. Was Allie pregnant for Luke?
“My baby. Allie’s carrying my child” he barked harshly. “A child you couldn’t give me”
With that, Luke took a satisfied Allie and left the house.
“Aaaaaaaahhhh!” Rachel screeched as she ran mad with fury. How could this be? How could Allie be pregnant? That was a huge obstruction to her game plan.
She had to do something about it. She had to go and see Bennett.
“You mean she’s pregnant?” Bennett asked, wide eyed in shock
“Yes” Rachel wailed dramatically. “I feel like I have lost now”
“No darling” Bennett held her face. “you haven’t. Don’t give up on what or who you want”
“But what next should I do?”
“I don’t know, you decide. But whatever decision you make, it has to make you the winner and that husband snatcher a loser”
Rachel’s eyes brightened. Maybe she had a plan. She turned to Bennett.
“You know I always come to you when I need my mind diverted” she licked her lips eagerly
“Yeah. I’m your man for the job”
Bennett snapped an arm round her and kissed her.
His mouth slammed down on hers and it was as if the world stopped dead and then closed round that moment. She was in such a rage with him, it was a reflex reaction for Rachel to close her teeth together, refusing him entry. He shifted against her, all lean, sinuous, powerful male, and the erection she could feel nudging against her stomach sent the most overwhelming awareness shimmying through her like a dangerous drug. The heat and strength of him against her was even more arousing and she unclamped her teeth for him, helpless in the grip of the driving hunger that had captured her and destroyed her opposition.
With a hungry groan, his tongue eased into her mouth and it was without a doubt the most heart-stopping instant of sensation she had ever experienced as his tongue teased and tangled with hers before plunging deep. An ache she had never felt in a man’s arms before hollowed almost painfully at the heart of her and she was pushing instinctively against him even as he urged her back against the sofa, so that they were welded together so tight a card couldn’t have slid between them. Her arms went round him, massaging up over his wide shoulders before sliding up to lace into his luxuriant black hair and then raking down again over his muscled arms to spread across his taut masculine ass. It was a mindless, addictive, totally visceral embrace.
In an abrupt movement, Bennett stepped back from her, his breathing audible, sawing in and out of his big chest as if he had run a marathon. He shed his clothes and slowly shed hers.
“You like this,”  Bennett whispered.
“A lot,” she admitted shakily.
But there was, she discovered, an awful lot more for her to like. There was the slow glide of his fingers along her inner thigh and the unbearable yearning to be touched. A finger sank deep inside her pussy and she writhed, breathless with longing. Her tension ratcheted up another notch as he stroked her clitoris, circling, touching, teasing, sending the tormenting pleasure to an ever greater height. The ache between her legs and the desire for more grew steadily.
“Please …”  she gasped at one stage, not even sure what she was asking for, only knowing that she needed it more than she had ever needed anything.
“Are you protected?” Bennett asked, wishing that he had not tossed his jacket halfway across the room.
Rachel had once suffered from cramps and her doctor had advised her to take the contraceptive pill. She nodded in silence. “Not stupid,”  she squeezed out.
He sank his hands beneath her bottom to lift her to him and his erection nudged her core, seeking entrance. He moved slowly, carefully. “You’re so small, so tight,” he ground out. “I could almost think you hadn’t done this before …”
She parted her lips but no sound came out because all her concentration was on what was happening to her just then. He was pushing inside her pussy, stretching her and it was the most extraordinary sensation as her body adapted to welcome him. Then with a groan of frustrated hunger he shifted his hips and drove deeper
Fierce sensation assailed her, and her eyes widened, the spark of excitement flashing into a flame that burned in the most pleasurable of ways. More, she wanted to shout, more, and it took effort to stay silent while the raw excitement roaring through her built and built until finally he was slamming into her, wonderfully wild and passionate, and she was urging him on with her body in the only way she knew how, legs wrapping round him, nails turned into talons raking down his smooth spine in her insistence.
She soared to a peak that sent her flying into a million pieces, her whole body consumed by that intensity that lifted her to an unimaginable high and then left her floating in a sea of drowning pleasure.
“That was amazing,” Rachel sighed. “Thank you.”
“I’ll always be there when you need me ” Bennett smiled as he planted a quick kiss on her lips.
And that quickly, a brilliant idea sparked in Rachel’s head. She wasn’t going to let Allie snatch her love, Luke from her. She was going to fight because only she, deserved him.
She stood up and quickly wore her clothes.
“I’ll get going. I’ll be back soon” she said, winking at Bennett