“Pour her water, she need a lot of water, she can’t dîè now, why will she dîè? When she hasn’t pay for her evîl deeds” Flora said with a smirk playing on her lips.
“Flora what are you taking about? She fainted due to shock, did you know how she cried when she heard of your dèath? We saw your corpse, how come you are still alive, or did you resurrect?” Mr Smith asked surprised, because seeing Flora Alive now isva thing of surprised. Many things are running through his head, like how did she survive, he fucking saw her corpse and him and Jayden are going crazy, because there are many questions running through their heads.
“I didn’t resurrect, I am still alive, I’ll explain everything when she wake up” she replied glaring hard at Mrs Smith.
“Huh, I never knew I will meet another shocker here, good thing I came today” Aurora said and Old Nana turn back. “Your voice sounds like Karen, are you Karen?” Old Nana asked and Aurora look away. “I’m not Karen, but you will find out who I am, when Mrs Smith wake up” Aurora replied.
“Thank goodness, I am not the only one going crazy” Jayden muttered and rush to Mrs Smith. “Mum” Jayden said.
“Poor boy, he doesn’t know that the snake isn’t his mother” Flora muttered.
“She needs water, she will wake up when you pour her water trust me she will wake up” Flora said and Mr Smith order a maid to go bring water.
Flora collect the water from the maid and pour it on Mrs Smith face, she stood up immediately. She made to run out but Flora placed her leg on the floor and she fall immediately.
“Hope I didn’t come late” Bûllet said coming inside with Vera and Steve. “Jayson, who called you? What are you doing here?” Mrs Smith asked in shock and Aurora left out a wîckèd smile. “I did, I called your precious son” Aurora replied with a smirk. “Why did you do that? Did you know me?” Mrs Smith asked. “I know you more than you know yourself Mrs” Aurora smirk.
“You called? Are you truly Karen?” Bûllet whispered to Karen and she nod her head. “Can you do me a favor?” Aurora asked and he nod his head.
“Can you kindly put off your mask? It’s high time you show everyone who you are” Aurora asked and Jayson put off his mask and everyone gasp except from Flora.
“Jayson, you’re now a grown up guy now” Flora said. “Excuse me! Have I seen you before?” Bûllet asked. “you’re very young then, you will understand everything now” Flora replied.
“Am I a twin?” Jayden asked with a frown. “No you aren’t a twin, I was there when your mother gave birth to you, I don’t know what’s happening” Mr Smith said.
“Yes, you aren’t a twin, Jayson is Pamela son” Flora replied. “But Pamela is dead” Mr Smith said.
“Pamela isn’t dèàd, she is alive and she have been living with you guys for the past ten years” Flora said and Mr Smith gasp.
“Flora what are you talking about? Pamela is dèàd, did you bring Pamela with you?” Mrs Smith asked.
“I know you will pretend, anyway I came prepared, you kîlled me thinking you have escaped, not knowing I will later be your worst nightmare” Flora said.
“Flora can you stop speaking in riddles? Because I am going cràzy right now” Mr Smith said.
“Honey, don’t believe what ever she has to say because she’s a liar” Mrs Smith said. “Mr Smith I am highly disappointed in you, I don’t really know how you can’t identify an imposter, Pamela have been living with you for the past ten years and you didn’t figure out she’s not your lovely wife” Flora said.
“I guess the smiths have many secrets to behold, I need to sit down” Mrs Martin said with a smile. “I also need to sit down” Doctor Max said and sat down beside Mrs Martin.
“Flora what are you talking about? Amelia is my wife” Mr Smith said. “This isn’t Amelia, she’s Pamela, her twin sister that ran away since they’re twelve, she came back last twelve years and killed Amelia to take over her place, I have been in touch with Pamela even when she ran away, that was how I knew she gave birth to Jayson, she dropped him at the orphanage home and come back some months later to kîll Amelia, your wife is dèàd, I can’t lie to do, I recognized my sister, she tried to kill me too when I found out her secret, but old Nana saved me” Flora said.
“She’s a liar, please don’t believe her, I am Amelia nothing changed about me, or did you see any different?” Mrs Smith asked. “Keep quiet! And let me think, many things changed, you changed dramatically, your attitude is different from that of Amelia” Mr Smith said.
“Are you just figuring that out?” Flora asked. “No I have figured it out a long time ago and I made research but I found nothing, so I have to believe that change is the only constant thing, people can change anytime, any day” Mr Smith said.
“Oh Pamela is very cunny, she knows how she does her things perfectly, anyway I have been in coma for the past twelve years, but I am back to revenge Amelia dèath” Flora said.
“I am still confused and I don’t wanna believe this” Jayden said. “And I don’t understand, Mrs Smith made me understand that Jayden is my twin brother, I am also confused, you need to shed more light” Jayson said.
“You guys shouldn’t believe her, she’s a Maniac, I am very disappointed in you Smith, because I sense you’re trying to believe her, how could you?” Mrs Smith asked and burst into tears.
“I don’t believe you either mother, what am I even talking about? How can I call you a mother, Pamela or whatever your name is, give up and confess your sin, because I know you aren’t a good person” Jayson said. “I hate her, I have never like her, how could she keep me in hostage, she’s evil” Steve said and glare dangerously at Mrs Smith and Vera rub his hair. Mrs Smith eyes and Vera meet and she glare dangerously at her. “Your end is near” Vera whispered with a proud smile.
“You guys should relax, I have an evidence” Flora said with a smirk.
She opened her palm and Old Nana placed the recorder on it. “Jayden can you kindly play this for us?” Flora asked with a smile. “Don’t try it, you don’t really need to believe Flora there’s no need to play any video” Mrs Smith shouted and Jayden collected the recorder from Flora, she removed the card and insert it in a laptop and came face to face with Mrs Smith Kîlling her twin sister.
“How sure are you that I am the one Kîlling her? She frame this up, you guys should please not believe her, Amelia have a mark on her neck while you have yours on your lap, watch the video closely and tell me who’s Kîlling who” Flora replied.