Alyssa’s Pov:
I climbed down the stairs as the drivers rolled my luggages outside to the car.
I met mum and Jake in the sitting room.
Mum was just watching the TV while Jake had a loaded plate of meat in front of him and a big bottle of wine.
“Hey, pretty sis” he said excitedly as he took in a piece of meat.
“Are you ready already?” He asked and I chuckled.
“Good morning mum” I said.
“Morning, Alyssa.
Are you set?” Mum replied and asked.
“Yes, mum”.
“Okay then. Good luck”. She said and stood up, coming close to me.
“Be careful, okay? Remember what happened over there” she told me and I nodded ruefully.
Remembering it hurts.
“Kapatid” Maja called as she climbed down the stairs into the sitting room.
“Oh, baby, you’re awake already?” I said as I bent and embraced her.
“Yes, Kapatid. When will you be coming back?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.
“Uhm… The contest won’t be taking long. Let’s say in three weeks time” I replied her and she pulled a worried face.
“Just be careful over there, Kapatid. I had a very bad dream last night.
In that dream, I had seen someone pointing a gun at you. Then you got shut and you started bleeding on the floor and… It seems you died…”
“I think Maja has been watching a lot of action movies lately, mum. She needs to be stopped.” Jake cut in and Maja growled at him.
“Im not kidding here. I’m serious…”
“Its having a bad impact on her.” Jake cut in again.
“Maybe next, she might say she dreamt we all fell from 16 story building”.
I chuckled while Maja maintained a straight face.
Then, I turned to her.
“Don’t worry , baby. I’ll be fine, okay?” I told her and she nodded sadly.
“Bye, mum” I told mum as I started walking out of the house with Maja.
“Bye, sis. See you soon” Jake also said.
“I just hope you don’t run down the supplies with your numerous girlfriends” I replied and finally walked away.
Maja accompanied me to the car, seeming moody.
“Promise me one thing, Kapatid. Promise me you’re going to come back” she said just as I was about stepping into the car.
I smiled and held her cheeks.
“I promise” I replied and she faked a smile.
Yes. I knew it was fake.
I wonder what’s wrong with her.
Then, I embraced her and entered the car afterwards.
The driver took off and I waved at her as we left.
I arrived at the airport and met Mico and his siblings beside Mico’s private jet.
Only 50 students from each participating school could be allowed to go to the finals.
The rest would have to watch from the TV.
“Hi, Alyssa” Mico’s sisters greeted as I got to where they were.
“Hi” I replied a little shyly and Mico gave me a side hug.
“You ready?” He asked.
“No. She just came to check if the day was bright” Angelo said and we laughed.
Then we all walked into the jet together.
I’ve never taken a flight before.
I was supposed to go on my own together with the officials from Manilla, but Mico had insisted I go with them.
We all took our seats, with Mico and I sitting next to each other.
Then he brought out a gold necklace and wore it around my neck.
It was pretty.
“it’s a gift from my mum. She said it’s for good luck” he told me and my eyes beamed.
His mum?
I smiled and touched the necklace
I can’t believe she really likes me even after knowing I was Mico’s girlfriend.
“Thanks” I said and leaned my back on the chair.
then Mico held my hand and kissed me and also leaned his.
The jet was already moving.
I closed my eyes and a lot of thoughts kept flashing into my head.
First, it was Jeremy’s threat..
I thought of telling Mico about it, but I’m scared what his reaction might be.
He might actually try to lock him up and… I don’t know. I just don’t want to create any trouble.
When I get there, I’ll just stick to Mico and the contest and that way, I’m sure I’ll be saved.
But I’m still a little curios.
Who’s Jeremy?
And… who’s the person that’s attempted to kill me twice?
Anyway, it’s a good thing I’ve left him or her in Manilla.
I took in a deep breath and relaxed my back properly.
I hope everything goes as planned in Davao city.
And I hope I win the contest and make my city proud.
So, Davao city, here I come.