Chapter 23
* End of Flashback *
” So.. that was what happened ” Tia muttered.
” Wow, you two must be really happy ” Lyra said with a knowing smile but Tia shook her head.
” Well, me alone, not him ” She said and Lyra raised her brows.
” What do you mean? ”
” Henri hasn’t said a proper word to me ever since then. We barely talked and even when we did, it’s just about the sleeping arrangements and then him informing me what Sire Bruce wants for breakfast ” She replied and Lyra raised her brows.
” What’s with him? ” Lyra asked confusedly.
Tia leaned closer. ” He thinks it’s suspicious that Sire Bruce paired us together in a room and the thinks there might be cameras in the room ” Tia whispered and Lyra widened her eyes.
” Alright that’s crazy and definitely not possible, that’s an invasion of privacy. And moreover, Bruce wasn’t probably aware this was going to be where we would be staying so there’s definitely no way he would install a camera in the room and the people organizing this party can’t definitely do that too ” Lyra opposed.
” Well, tell him that. Can’t believe him, I’m so mad at him ” Tia muttered and returned to stirring the food.
” He’s so uptight ” Lyra huffed annoyingly.
She suddenly gasped and Tia turned to her hurriedly.
” What? ”
” It’s been approximately two days and I haven’t texted or called Bryan yet ” She said as realization hit her.
Tia raised her brows. ” You didn’t tell him about this outing? ” She asked.
” Well, I did but I didn’t call to tell him when I was leaving yesterday or now that we arrived already. He must have been so worried ” Lyra said.
” I don’t really think so. He must have understood that you probably just landed and must have been so busy and stuffs ” Tia said and Lyra nodded in agreement.
” But… I think I should have texted him that we got here or something and moreover, he obviously isn’t aware we had to fly over here, I had told him the party was talking place somewhere back in Australia.. never knew it’s New York ” Lyra muttered.
” Yeah whatever ” Tia replied.
” But wait.. I can’t ever get to be on a call with Bryan for a week straight ” Lyra suddenly said and Tia raised her brows.
” Why is that? ” She asked. Lyra leaned closer to her. ” ‘Cause I will be staying in the same room with Bruce. He would find out ” She whispered and Tia scoffed.
” Then, how do you do it before? Before you moved out of you two’s room? ” Tia asked, obviously not waiting for an answer as she walked to another part in the kitchen to take an ingredient.
” Yeah, you’re right ” Lyra muttered. She was definitely about to say something until a shadow clouded her and she stopped, she turned to see Henri who bowed lightly and she raised her brows.
” Sire Bruce said it’s time for the introduction at the penthouse ” Henri said and Lyra raised her brows.
” Introduction? It’s barely afternoon and we barely had breakfast and we just landed some hours ago ” She said at once.
” I’m sorry but I have no answer to that ma’am ” He said politely but Lyra didn’t find it polite and she tried her possible best to not blame him for not getting to answer her questions properly, probably cause of Tia.
” Alright then.. ” She turned to Tia.
” See you later ” She said to Tia who passed her a light smile and she ( Lyra) made her way out the kitchen.
Henri was supposed to walk after her immediately but he didn’t, he turned lightly to Tia who rolled her eyes and then looked away.
He bit his lips lightly and then walked after Lyra.
Lyra got to their ( Her and Bruce ) room, she stood before Bruce who sat on the bed, working on his laptop but looked up at the moment she walked in.
She raised her brows. ” Introduction? ” She asked, and trying her best not to sound rude.
” Yeah, that.. it’s not happening anymore ” Bruce muttered and then concentrated back on his laptop. Lyra raised her brows.
” Sorry? ” She asked and then regretted it instantly when Bruce sighed and then dropped his laptop.
” Any problem Lyra? ” He asked and her eyes widened.
Lyra? Lyra? Did he just call her by her name? He always called her woman or lady? Or not even call her by any name.
” Um.. nothing ” She said and turned to walk out of the room.
She met with Henri who was guarding the door.
” What are you doing here? ” She had to ask. ” My job ” Henri replied simply.
Lyra raised her brows with a sigh. ” Don’t you think you’re too uptight? I know bodyguards are not supposed to be nice or have a nice personality but you should at least try to soften up a bit.. and you shouldn’t be here too. We are alone at home, no one is definitely attacking your boss from here.. I should go talk to Bruce ” She said and without waiting to see if he had a thing to say, she walked back in.
Bruce was in the middle of a call when she walked back in. ” Alright Ella, I understand ” Bruce said over the phone as he raised his head up to see Lyra walking back in.
” Yeah, will call you back later. Bye baby ” He said and the call went off. He then raised his head fully to Lyra who doesn’t look bothered to have overheard her husband on a call with his concubine.
” Did you order Henri to guard your.. our.. room all day? ” She asked, Bruce raised his brows.
” He’s doing that? ” He asked like he was suprised.
” Yeah definitely ” Lyra rolled her eyes lightly.
” I will tell him he can leave ” He said and Lyra nodded. He raised his head up again to Lyra when he realized she was still standing at that same spot.
” Anything else? ” He asked calmly.” Is he always that uptight? I know as a guard he shouldn’t act friendly but he’s too uptight for my liking ” Lyra muttered childishly before walking out of the room.
Bruce chuckled lightly tho it faded in seconds, Henri walked in afterwards.
” You asked for me? ” He asked with a light bow.
” You can resign from your duties whenever we are alone at home ” Bruce said without looking up.
” Understood sir ” Henri replied without complaint.
” Anything else sir? ” He asked further. ” Yeah.. ” Bruce trailed off as he dropped his laptop and then concentrated fully on Henri’s handsome but stern face, truly he’s really handsome only if he smiles often.
” Are you always like this? ” Bruce suddenly asked as his face softens. Henri raised his brows slightly.
” I don’t understand sir ” He said politely.
Bruce sighed softly. ” You’ve been my guard for years now and I don’t take you as a guard anymore. I take you as a relative, as a brother.. even if you don’t know that ” He confessed and Henri was more than shocked but his expression shows the opposite.
” Alright, I think Lyra is right at this point. You are too uptight ” He said tiredly and Henri chuckled, Bruce’s eyes widened when he saw Henri’s cute smile.
” Miss Lyra really reported me to you ” He chuckled once more.” Wow, your smile is really cute ” Bruce said like a kid and Henri chuckled again.
” Do you smile often like this to that girl? ” Bruce asked and his smile faded slowly.
” Sir?.. ” Henri asked in shock.
” You always act uptight towards her too? ” Bruce asked, ignoring Henri’s question.
” Um.. I.. ”
” Come on, You think I’m not aware? You have been working for me for years and you think I won’t know if you are hiding a thing from me? This is exactly why I said I take you as my brother ” Bruce said and Henri lowered his head.
” I’m sorry sir ” He said and Bruce chuckled.
” Come on, it’s nothing. You’re old enough to have a lover ” Bruce said and truly, he meant all he said.
” I’m sorry for keeping it from you sir ” Henri apologized.
” Of course it’s nothing ” Bruce said.
” You can leave then and.. try to smile often, your smile is cute ” Bruce said with a little smile.
Henri nodded with a light smile. ” Understood sir ” He said and bowed lightly before walking out of the room.
* Breakfast Time *
Everyone ate in silence until Lyra felt the need to ask Bruce a question.
Well, he had insisted Henri and Tia ate together at the dinning room together with him and Lyra, and they couldn’t refuse since it was an order.
Bruce raised his head to Lyra’s direction when she called his name.
” Are there cameras in any of the room? ” She asked and Tia raised her head, Henri also raised his head as he thought he might have been somehow related to that question.
Bruce raised his brows confusedly. ” No, why should there be one? ” He asked.
Lyra locked gaze with Henri for some seconds. ” Nothing, I just thought of asking ” She said with a little smile and kept mute afterwards, not minding Bruce’s unsatisfied look.
Tia chuckled silently when Henri looked down in embarrassment. Bruce understood immediately and he only nodded and they all continued eating in silence.
** Bruce And Lyra’s Room **
Lyra crept slowly to her small part of the bed, she heaved a sigh of relief when she realized she hadn’t disturbed Bruce’s sleep.
She brought out her phone and texted Bryan.
* Hi, I’m less busy now * She texted and as expected, he responded after after some seconds.
* How was the introduction with the other business people? * He texted back.
* We haven’t done that yet. Apparently, the party had been postponed to two days from now, the other business man and his wife are having troubles getting here on time and would only arrive tomorrow * She texted back.
* Oh, that’s great then. At least you get to relax some days before then * He sent and she smiled when she read the message.
* Yeah… I suddenly have this silly thought.. * She texted.
* Which is? * He replied.
* You suddenly appearing as one of the business man and then with your supposedly wife * She texted with a cracked and silly laugh.
She turned her phone upside down and then closed her eyes in smiles.
She heard the notification sound and she opened her eyes, her lips still maintaining that smile.
She brought her face to her phone’s screen.
* Come on, we both know that could never happen * Was his reply. She chuckled lightly.
* Yeah, I know * She sent with lots of love emojis.
” Can you keep your voice low? ” Bruce’s raspy voice came out, almost startling her.
She gasped lightly and then sat up properly on the bed. ” I’m sorry ” She muttered and got off the bed.
Bruce watched as he also sat up properly, with a raised brow on, he watched as Lyra walked over to the only available couch in the room and laid on the couch.
She hadn’t realized Bruce had been watching her until he talked. ” What are you doing? ” He asked and she looked up.
” Huh? ”
” Why did you get up? ” He asked.
” Um.. so as not to disturb you? ” She said but he raised his brows the more.
” Um, you shouldn’t worry, go back to sleep ” She said with a light smile and then focused back on phoning.
* Have you eaten or you’re still working? * She sent to Bryan.
* I’ve eaten obviously * Bryan replied.
* Do you want me to record a song for you? * He asked.
* You will? I thought you were busy? * She asked.
* Well, not busy to record a minute audio * He replied and she blushed lightly.
* Alright, I will be waiting * She texted back in smiles.
Bruce raised his brows confusedly as he watched his wife smiling at a text.