The two groups finally met after their different shopping and touring adventures, each group had a great time at the different parts of the center; even though they had to spend quite a lot of money, good thing that the expenditures were all on Oliver, and that CEO won’t be going broke anytime soon.
“So… Is everything good between you guys?” Rosie asked in confusion, dragging her words slowly. She could not understand how they were suddenly joking and laughing with each other; the last time she checked, they both had a fight.
“Yeah, why do you ask?” Aria asked and smiled.
“Um… well, I don’t… like… you know what I mean,” she half-yelled when she couldn’t find the right word to use.
Aria and Oliver chuckled simultaneously, “You don’t need to know it all, just take it that we are friends, now let’s make our orders already,” Oliver replied.
The others were still confused, including Lena. They knew that this was why they were here, this was what they all wanted, but now that it has happened, it didn’t feel natural, it was totally strange.
They had expected it to be more difficult than this, but since it had happened anyway, they should be happy. At least, until they find out what was really going on
They all picked the menu and started to place their orders. Aria helped Lena choose a meal from the list; it was such a long list with so many delicacies that everyone had a hard time making a choice; only God knows how they make so many dishes in a day.
There was silence between them as they ate, although Sammy and Rosie would not stop stealing glances at each other and sending eye messages to each other. Lena pretended like she was not seeing any of that, she would rather focus on the delicious delicacy before her.
Just then Oliver remembered something, two things actually. He called the tour guide to come and join them at the restaurant, but Damon would rather have some takeaway brought to him later, so Oliver agreed to his request.
As for the second thing that crossed his mind; he waited till he had finished eating, then he brought out one of the packages in the shopping bag. All eyes fell on him as he did that.
“Lena… I got you something, would have waited till we got home but I just can’t wait anymore,” Oliver said and chuckled.
“Oh really? What is it Dad?” she queried.
“You know, you two shouldn’t be talking while eating,” Aria said jealously.
“Yeah, which is why we are doing it after eating,” Oliver replied teasingly and they laughed. Aria scoffed, as she noticed that both Oliver and Lena were done with their food.
Then Oliver opened the package and brought out a Smartphone, sealed in its pack. He turned to Lena and she gasped.
“Oh my Gosh, Dad! Is that for me?” she asked excitedly.
“Yes Princess, it’s all yours,” Oliver replied and Aria went bug-eyed.
“What? You can’t get her a phone!” Aria yelled and they all looked up at her with curious faces.
“Um… yes I can, why not?” Oliver queried.
“Because I had already promised her that I would get her a phone when she is eight years old,” she replied
“Well, Dad beat you to it,” Lena muttered and chuckled.
“That is just a few months from now anyway, so what is the big deal?” Sammy queried.
Aria sighed and shot a mean glare at him. “The big deal is that she is not yet ready, he shouldn’t have bought that without checking with me first!”
“Oh I get it, you are not really mad that I got her phone months earlier. It is just your ego that is hurt, you are mad because I bought it myself and not you,” Oliver replied and smirked.
Aria rolled her eyes at him and shrugged. “That is not true, Mr. Gomez,” she said.
“It used to be Papa Bear, did you forget?” he asked in a soft voice with eyes fixed on her and she froze, emotions swirled through her as memories forced their way back in her head.
She remembered the day she had given him that name and his reaction towards it, the way she had made him chase her down the stairs and carry her in his arms after he caught her, those memories made her eyes filled with tears.
Those were the happiest moments of her life and none of those memories can be beaten by the new memories she had made, even as a model.
“I thought you hated that name,” she replied softly and looked away from him.
The others at the table were quiet, trying to act like they were not even there. Now things were starting to feel normal again, they realized that these two did not really settle their differences.
“Yes I did, but now I would do anything to hear you call me that again,” Oliver replied from his side of the table. He was sitting directly opposite to her.
“Of course, you don’t know the value of what you have until you lose it,” Aria muttered, while picking at her food.
“You know very well that it wasn’t what happened, you were really never undervalued then, it was the circumstances and I had no much choice, I was in a dilemma!” Oliver half-yelled
Sammy and Rosie stared at each other, they knew this was getting out of control and they needed to intervene. They both looked at Princess Lena, hoping she had a suggestion to help save these two from embarrassing themselves. She in turn scratched her head, trying to come up with something.
“Alright guys, you don’t need to fight over this, if mom doesn’t want me to use a phone till I am eight, then I will keep it till then,” Lena said immediately.
Aria turned to her and sighed, then she waved her head. “No Lena, there is no need to keep it away, your father already bought it, so you can use it,” she said bluntly and turned back to face her food.
Sammy shook his head in relief. At least there was some silence now; he wondered what was wrong with Oliver and Lena, did they come here to get him and Aria back together or drive them further apart?
** * * * * * * * * * *
It was time to leave the Royal Hawaiian center and head back home as evening was fast approaching; they walked out of the building with Aria leading the way, and Oliver right behind her.
They left the building and arrived at the parking lot but there was no sign of their limo or the driver and tour guide. Oliver brought out his phone and dialed Damon’s number immediately, he picked on first ring.
“Damon, where is the car? We can’t find it in the garage you said you would park it,” Oliver asked curiously, while looking around to see if he would find it.
“Oh… so sorry sir, we had some trouble finding space there so we decided to Park by the roadside, just before the Centre,” Damon replied from the other end.
“Oh, alright then, we will be there soon,” Oliver said and hung up.
He turned to the others to give them the information, but Aria stepped off immediately, she headed towards the road. Oliver was confused, he scratched his head and turned back to the others.
“Um… where is she going?” he queried.
“The car of course, the phone call was on a loudspeaker, we heard everything,” Sammy replied and followed suit.
“Oh,” Oliver muttered and then he followed as well, while Rosie held Lena’s hand and they followed last.
Oliver was quick to walk past Sammy, he was trying to catch up with Aria who was speeding like a power bike. They had walked out of the center completely, they were now out on the highway; their car was not far away, they could see it from there.
Suddenly a car pulled right in front of Aria and a man alighted, he pulled out a gun from his belt and pointed it towards her.
“Your purse, phone and shopping bag, give it all to me right now!” he ordered.
Aria froze at the sight of a gun, she was petrified. Oliver rushed immediately and stood beside her, while the others remained behind; the adults shielding Lena from seeing it. The man turned his attention to Oliver, pointing the gun at him.
“Don’t make a move!” he ordered, then he turned his aim back to Aria. “Now give them all to me!”
“No,” Aria muttered and took a step backward.
“What are you saying Aria? Just give him what he asked for,” Oliver yelled.
“No, I have very important documents in my phone and there are no photocopies of it!” Aria yelled back.
“Foolish woman!” the thug cursed and made to shoot her. Oliver pushed her off immediately and the bullet hit him instead, he fell down immediately.
The thug jumped back into the car and they drove off as they heard the sound of cop sirens.
“Oliver!!” Aria yelled and went down to check on him. He wasn’t moving!!
To be continued!!