Chapter Five: First Day Of School (2)

Book:Redwood Cove Published:2024-5-1

The bell for lunch went off signalling for lessons to stop. Isa, Campbell and Ciara were the last to leave the classroom for the cafeteria as they chatted on their way.
“Redwood Cove is not a complete dump town as Ciara put it” said Campbell as Ciara rolled her eyes.
“But it’s actually a great town with many exciting events like the town’s Halloween party which is so amazing and we have founder’s day too where we dress up in their time and have an all you can eat baffeté. They also have this drama that goes on and I don’t watch it coz I always stay at the dessert table when that’s going on” she chuckled at her actions.
“Anyways my absolute favorite is the carnival we have every year and you’re just in time to witness it because it’s in November. There’ll be so much games to play, competitions, there’s even a rodeo performance but the best part is… the fireworks show” she gushed at the image in her head.
“Everyone is always so super excited to attend it, you’d be crazy not like it.”
“I don’t like it,” Ciara interjected cooly as she clearly didn’t share Campbell’s enthusiasm.
“The fireworks?” asked a confused Isa. Ciara looked at her and answered “the carnival.”
Campbell gave Ciara the ‘O really?’ look and said, “but you always come.”
“That’s because you force me to,” replied Ciara.
“No we don’t.”
“You literally drag me out of my house.”
Just then, they entered the cafeteria which was buzzing with conversations here and there. They walked to the counter to get their food as pairs of eyes looked their way. News of the new girl had gone a fair distance in school. Isa looked away feeling self conscious and asked, “why don’t you like the carnival? It sounds like a big deal here with the way Campbell put it…”
Campbell chuckled at the question and caused Ciara to scowl.
“At every carnival there are clowns… and I hate clowns,” confessed Ciara as Isa smiled at her. How could someone actually hate clowns? Clowns were funny and very common in kids’ birthday parties and carnivals. They were also a cheap source of entertainment.
“Clowns aren’t funny to me,” she said, as she walked through the food table.
“They’re people with mental issues and shouldn’t be allowed near normal people”. Campbell who was balancing a tray of lasagna and musing over cupcakes quickly defended, “don’t say that about clowns. They’re normal people too”.
She scoffed and took her lunch away.
Isa took her lunch and left to join the two as she was the last to pick hers. When she got there, Campbell said, “let me help you with that.”
She took her lunch. Now she had two trays with her which didn’t sit well with Isa. As she was about to protest, she got bear hugged as all the air left her lungs.
“What the…” She started but got cut off as her hugger revealed himself.
“Welcome to Redwood Cove”
He was handsome and looked around sixteen. He had messy brown hair, and his eyes were wild and bright like an excited animal. In fact, he did look like a bear… a friendly bear.
Confused, Isa muttered, “uh… hi”. She hadn’t met anyone so excited to meet a stranger.
Throwing his arm around her shoulders, he directed “c’mon Isa, let’s go eat lunch.” He continued “I’m Dylan Steel by the way,” he smiled and winked at her. She could only smile at this bear guy called Dylan.
With his arm still over her, he sat down at their table. She looked small next to Dylan, and their current position attracted eyes.
At the table Cole smirked her way which she returned with a small smile. They got settled and Isa got her food back.
“Welcome to the group Isa. You’ve met everyone but I’ll still introduce you. That’s Ciara” she gestured towards Ciara who ignored the intro and ate her lunch, “Ciara’s twin brother, Cole” he smirked at her like before, “and Dylan” she pointed at Dylan who had let go of her and was chomping down on four pizza slices sandwiched together.
Isa assessed the people with her and realized they were the odd group… but she felt comfortable with them. “So Isa, tell us how you came to live in this dead end town. It’s not everyday you find someone new in Redwood Cove” said a curious Dylan.
She smoothly told them about her parents death and the life she and Aaron lived after that in the orphanage. She told them that moving into Redwood Cove was like taking a breath of fresh air in a long time. They listened with interest… except Ciara who was doing homework and they asked questions and sympathized when they heard her experiences at the orphanage.
She laughed when Dylan punched Cole for hitting on her and giggled at the face Dylan made when she asked if he took protein shakes.
“Ugh, I’d rather eat pig shit than take that slob. Why would you even think I’d take those?’ he asked in disbelief. Isa scanned his figure and smiled “nothing”.
He was just about to argue when his face changed to one of confusion, then annoyance and it wasn’t a pleasant sight. Confused, she looked at the others to see the same annoyed look and traced their line of sight to a group of girls headed their way. At this the whole cafeteria was quiet.
They stopped at their table and the girl in the middle gallantly flipped her blonde hair and flashed and oversweet smile. No doubt she was the leader there. She had a heart shaped face that was covered in more makeup than necessary. She was dressed in pink crop top with a white and gold jacket over it and a blue miniskirt and her proxies was dressed similarly.
There was tension in the air as an eye battle went on. Till Cole broke it.
“What are you doing here Heather?” He asked in a warning tone but Heather completely ignored him and smiled sweetly at Isa “so… you’re the new girl huh? Hmm… I’ve heard a lot about you…” She cocked her head to the side and continued “there were whispers that the new girl was pretty… I guess the rumors were true in a way”
“Uh… thanks?’
Was that a compliment, she thought.
“But why,” she continued, “would you be hanging out with these guys? Don’t tell me you’re making friends with these losers” said Heather scrunching up her nose in disgust.
This prompted a warning growl from Cole and Dylan.
Isa made to stand up but got held back by Ciara who silently shook her head.
“The food hog, the flirt, the nerd and the social psychopath? What a good choice don’t you think guys” she said, turning to her proxies as they laughed scornfully.
This is too much
Isa got up to flip her off but was stopped by a long pink polished nail in her face. “No need to worry new girl, I’ve come to save you from these wretch. I’m offering you a place in my team which I rarely do so know that this is an honour. Staying with my girls and I is far better than… them”
Isa couldn’t believe her ears! This girl insulted her friends and then offered to have her in her stupid group?
Clearing her throat she replied “first of all, my name’s Isabella. Second, I’d rather have real friends than get mixed up in your group of minions so I most humbly reject your offer. Go find some other ass to suck up coz I’m not interested”. At this point, the whole cafeteria was dead silent as everyone watched what unfolded between leader bitch and new girl.
“How dare you? Do you know who you’re talking to, you ass wipe. People would kill to be in your place you ungrateful nute” a really tall girl that her name was Tessa spat.
Turning to her she replied “first, your mouth needs serious exorcism. I believe I’ve already made it clear to your… leader that I’m not interested. About people wanting to kill to be in my situation, I’m pretty sure they’d commit suicide if they were in my place”.
At this point Heather was the color of beetroot as she was fuming.
‘How dare this newbie talk to me like that’ she mentally screamed.
She put her foot on the bench, bent low and hissed “in case you haven’t noticed, newbie, I run this school which means everyone here is under my control, which moves all of you to the bottom of the food chain. I can do what I want when I want so it’s best for you if you stay off my bad side and do take care to watch that vile tongue of yours”
An annoyed Cole got up and yelled “just get out of here Heather, you’re not wanted. All you do is go around and cause problems for everyone and yourself. We’ve had enough of your shit”
“Yeah, no one wants you here and nobody’s scared of your stupid threats” concured Campbell folding her arms.
Heather scanned the group in front of her and smiled slyly “oh believe me, I can be very scary if I want to”. That being said she flipped her hair and snapped her fingers for her proxies to follow.
When they left, voices came up until the regular buzzing returned. At the table, they relaxed and seemed somewhat exhausted.
“I’m telling you, that girl is a witch. It’s so easy for her to suck up the happiness and energy in a room” mumbled Cole. Dylan ruffled Isa’s hair expressing his gratitude “thanks for standing up for us like that Isa. It meant a lot”. Everyone agreed.
Fixing her hair from the assault he made on it she asked “who IS that girl?’
“The bitchiest girl in school” answered Ciara. “Annoying as hell and a real pain in the ass” added Campbell. “And is above the rules here thanks to daddy dearest” Cole scoffed. Turning to Cole she inquired “daddy dearest?’.
“Her dad’s the principal Isa” answered Dylan.
That explains why she’s so cocky
“And if you had not spoken up like I told you not to, you wouldn’t be on her enemy list” Ciara said, closing her book.
“You heard me, if you had shut up you wouldn’t be on her radar” Ciara said.
Frowning she asked “you wanted me to keep quiet while she got her way?”.
Campbell shifted uncomfortably on her seat and Cole rubbed his face tiredly.
“I wanted you to be sensible…” She said, “Sensible?!” Isa asked with surprise laced in her voice.
“That’s enough Ciara. She did a good thing standing up for us not minding the consequences” Dylan argued. “Indeed” Ciara replied as she took her stuff and left the cafeteria.
“What is up with that girl? Why would she talk like that?” Isa asked herself.
“Sorry, she can be like that sometimes. Total wet blanket. Gotta run” Cole excused himself and left.
Isa looked at Campbell and Dylan who smiled apologetically.
Some first day…