It’s been hectic, it’s been tiring, it’s been a struggle trying to get information from strangers in this new territory without revealing where she’s from, as the warning from Bill stuck to her head like glue, she became wary of any such words or movements that would give away her identity. But alas! It was all worth the trouble as after spending a whole day searching and asking around here, Katrina was finally able to locate Maggie’s address, in one of the small-town neighborhoods.
Scrutinizing the paper in she held her hand, she located the street and number and went in the direction the local townsfolk gave her, the number on the address belonged to an old crooked house by the end of the road. It didn’t look like anyone inhabited the place, but it WAS where majority had told her she’d find Maggie.
“This must be it,” she told her wolf. “Finger’s crossed.” Her heart hoping that Maggie would give her the answers she came looking for, that it wouldn’t all just be just for nothing.
She walked up the creaking patio and knocked on the door twice, before waiting for someone from inside to respond.
A minute after, a short, chubby female redhead with freckled cheeks opened the door, the sound of a baby crying in the background could be heard. The look she gave Katrina was certainly not a welcoming one. Of course, as she wasn’t expecting anyone today.
“Who are you?” The lady asked briskly.
“Um… hi! Sorry for the disturbance, I came here looking for someone actually… her name is Maggie and I was told she could be found here.”
“What do you need Maggie for?”
Katrina looked around the environment surrounding her, not many wolves passed by the street but still, she didn’t feel comfortable discussing anything while she was still outside here.
“I’m sorry um… I was wondering if you could let me in?”
“And why would I do that?”
Of course, in a normal wolf town, no one could be trusted as you never know if you’re letting in a rogue spy, Katrina realized this and quickly brushed off the request.
“Um… never mind.” She began to lower her voice. “The thing is… I heard of Maggie a few years ago, I heard about her gifts and how she used it to help others, and that’s why I came here looking for her.”
The lady gave her a scrutinizing look then, “where are you from?” She sharply asked.
Katrina had had enough, with her next words, she tried to sound as polite as possible but still got the message across.
“Look, I came here looking for Maggie and not to be answering your questions about myself. If you don’t know where she is, kindly tell me so I can be on my way…”
“Shhhh!!!” Katrina didn’t know she was yelling until the lady shushed her, quickly running inside to grab the baby whose noises increased from the high chair inside, her loud voice seemed to have triggered the baby. From where she stood at the door, Katrina watched as the lady caressed the child in her small living room, slowly jumping and lightly singing songs to soothe her until she quieted down. Only one thing made Katrina patient enough to stand there and wait for the lady, as she imagined her carrying her child like this one day, Damian’s child. It suddenly reminded her of the reason she came here, suddenly renewed her strength, and now she knows that no matter what, Miranda must be stopped.
The lady then returned to meet Katrina at the door, holding the baby in her hand.
“I’m sorry…. You said you were here because of Maggie’s gifts?” She recalled Katrina’s statement.
“What for?”
The lady then watched Katrina’s body language and hinted immediately. “Sorry for all the questions, but if you really want to find Maggie, you’ll answer them because I’m your best shot at finding her, but if you feel I’m wasting your time, you can just hurry along and find someone else to help you find her.
Taking a deep breath, patience Katrina, patience, remember how far we’ve come, she told herself. Don’t ruin your only chance now.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I need Maggie’s gifts because I want to stop someone. An evil person, she’s come into the life of the man I love and bewitched him. She made him trust and marry her, something he’d never do in his right mind, and I know she did it all because she wants his wealth and possessions, now she’s taken him away from me. I want to expose her for the witch that she is, and I want her to be punished and disgraced for all her crimes.”
“Hmmm… that’s a strong accusation… This lady, how sure are you that she is what you accuse her to be? How sure are you that she is a witch?”
“I know she is, because I know my master better than anyone; he’d never shown any one such mercy before! He’d never spared a prisoner; he’d never cancelled an execution not to talk of getting married to the one he was supposed to kill. He’d never! But he did all that! Because of her, he did all that!!!”
The lady nodded her head understandingly. “I can feel your pain dear, come inside.”
“Thank you,” Katrina gasped as she entered the house, inching towards the sofa that the lady directed her to sit, it felt like a heavy load had just left her laps as she rested her legs. After coming out of the small room from where she laid the sleeping baby, Maggie joined her to sit.
“I understand dear, it can be very painful when the person you love is taken from you just like that.”
“No, you don’t! You don’t understand! It’s the worst feeling in the world! The worst!” Katrina cried.
“Maybe I don’t, but that’s why I’m willing to help you. I haven’t used my gifts in years, but for your sake I will try.”
“Maggie? You? You’re…. you’re Maggie!”
Maggie nodded, “yes I am.”
Then what was it with all the acts as if you weren’t…?? The words nearly slipped off Katrina’s mouth before she caught them. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you Maggie,” she voiced instead.
“Thank you. What’s your name?”
“It’s Katrina.”
“Hmmm…. Katrina, such a beautiful name, I must say, it’s been a long time I’ve seen a silver wolf around here.”
She didn’t see that coming, “I’m… I’m…” oh no, what to say? What to say???